The problem raised by Yang Maoyi does exist. After all, some restaurants are really delicious, and some customers will go there several times in a month.

An Liang responded with a smile,"According to your thinking, if you think a restaurant is delicious and you go there several times a month, would you be willing to give this restaurant a bad review?"

Yang Maoyi denied,"No."

"Therefore, in order to avoid negative reviews, we specifically limit that the same account and the same restaurant can only be reviewed once within 30 days."An Liang explained

"I suggest that users' ratings also refer to your rating standards, so that the majority of users can help you fill in the gaps in advance and find some restaurants that are just fake."An Liang added.

Yang Maoyi listened to An Liang's narration. She thought about it for a moment before responding,"Your Majesty, your suggestion is very good, but how do we attract users to evaluate different restaurants? An

Liang laughed loudly,"When you usually eat, you probably don't use ugly dumplings or niche comments, right?" Yang

Maoyi responded affirmatively,"Well, I usually don't use ugly groups or niche reviews. I find places myself.""

Yang Maoyi used to be a gourmet store-finding anchor. Of course she would find gourmet stores by herself.

"In fact, many people use Chou Tuan and niche reviews to choose restaurants, especially when traveling abroad, or when it is difficult to choose, or even when they are local, if they want to eat a certain kind of food but are not familiar with the surrounding restaurants , then it is natural to use them for screening."An Liang explained.

Yang Maoyi nodded.

"But here’s the problem. Whether it’s ugly groups or niche reviews, their user reviews are all biased to a certain extent. They screen reviews more intensively, and all kinds of positive reviews may be fake."An Liang explained

"If our Fox Fairy Food Review launches a user evaluation mechanism, the biggest attraction will be real evaluations. We allow users to truly evaluate a restaurant, unless the user's evaluation is really inappropriate, such as the words ginseng and rooster, and inappropriate Only reviews that comply with legal requirements will be appropriately blocked."An Liang explained

"In addition, we can also select user comments that have serious evaluations, set this type of comments as elite comments, and reward certain points. When the points reach a certain level, they can also be redeemed for gifts."An Liang added.

Yang Maoyi quickly went through the plan An Liang mentioned in her mind. She felt that this plan was very reliable and transferred the biggest contradiction to ordinary customers.

If Yang Maoyi was allowed to take the initiative to expose an unpalatable restaurant, Then this restaurant must be dissatisfied with Yang Maoyi and Hu Xian's food review.

However, if it is reviewed by ordinary customers, can it still target ordinary customers?

The restaurant has no idea who is reviewing it!..................................................................

Some sensitive content has been blocked..................................................................

An Liang sent a message to Tianji Shensuan No. 4, including the new functions and requirements for Fox Fairy Food Review, and asked Tianji Shensuan No. 4 to lead the team to solve the problem.

This problem is completely a piece of cake for the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator!


The next day, Saturday.

At around seven o'clock in the morning, both Yang Maoyi and An Liang were sleeping.

However, the brand-new Huxian food review website has been launched, and a dual-application app for Android and Apple has been launched to make it easier for users to use.

Tianfu Normal University.

In the third building of the girls' dormitory, in dormitory 303, Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin were not in the dormitory. They went home after school yesterday. Only Xu Nuo and Kang Yujia were in the dormitory.

Xu Nuo woke up early. She was the only obese person in the dormitory. She insisted on having breakfast. After all, she was someone who could wake up hungry in the morning.

Xu Nuo is a fan of Fox Fairy’s food reviews. As a foodie, what’s wrong with reading food reviews?

On the way to the school cafeteria, Xu Nuo opened the Fox Fairy Food Review website. She found that the Fox Fairy Food Review website had been updated, and there was a mobile app with update instructions.

Xu Nuo first read the update instructions. The main thing is that the update instructions are placed on the homepage of the website, so you don't have to read them if you don't want to.

In less than three minutes, Xu Nuo read the update instructions for Fox Fairy Food Review. She couldn't help but cheer, because as An Liang analyzed, users need a platform to make their voices heard.

Some catering companies have cheated customers, but customers have no voice at all in ugly groups and niche reviews. Therefore, Huxian Food Review immediately attracted a large number of users after it said it allowed users to give real reviews.

Xu Nuo quickly downloaded the Fox Fairy Food Review mobile app, then registered an account, and then searched for [Shanxi Buffet Barbecue]. She had been fooled by this restaurant before, and she was ready to expose this restaurant.

‘Sure enough there is! 'Xu Nuo discovered that [Shanxi Buffet Barbecue] was indeed on the list of applications for Fox Fairy Food Review. She immediately clicked on the sub-page of Shanxi Buffet Barbecue. She wanted to give a big negative review!

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