Xu Nuo's idea was very simple. She had been tricked by Xishan Buffet Barbecue once, so she naturally wanted to give Xishan Buffet Barbecue a big bad review.

But when she clicked on the review, Xu Nuo discovered that she needed to authenticate the catering receipt and payment record to confirm that it was a real customer review and not a malicious negative review.

This kind of obstacle setting not only did not make Xu Nuo dissatisfied, but also felt very satisfied, because only customers who actually consume can evaluate, and the evaluation will be more authentic.

After all, customers have to spend money, so the reviews will definitely be more authentic.

Xu Nuo decided to go to Xishan Buffet Barbecue again at noon. Although he knew that Xishan Barbecue Buffet was very deceptive, in order to give it a big bad review in the Fox Fairy Food Review, Xu Nuo decided to go again.

In addition to Xu Nuo, there are many other situations similar to Xu Nuo across the country.

In the past, when I relied on Chou Tuan and niche reviews for recommendations and encountered a bad experience, I probably could only complain, because posting negative reviews on Chou Tuan and niche reviews would basically fail.

But now that Fox Fairy Food Review allows real reviews, a large number of serious users will naturally teach those restaurants a lesson.

It's nearly eleven o'clock in the morning.

An Liang and Yang Maoyi woke up together. An Liang went to wash up first, while Yang Maoyi lazily huddled in the bed and took her phone over to check.

Du Ruonan, the founder of Zeng Nanruo Photography Studio, sent a lot of messages to Yang Maoyi

‘Du Ruonan: Mr. Yang, the Fox Fairy food review website has been revised?’

‘Du Ruonan: The Fox Fairy Food Review App is very useful! Whether it is the Android version or the Apple version, we have tested it’

‘Du Ruonan: Mr. Yang, should we accept advertisements on the Fox Fairy Food Review App?’

‘Du Ruonan: I have received information from some catering companies and they have expressed their willingness to place advertisements’

‘Du Ruonan: Mr. Yang, how many people have registered for the Fox Fairy Food Review App?’

‘Du Ruonan: Is Mr. Yang still awake? '

Yang Maoyi looked at Du Ruonan's messages, especially the last one, and her face turned a little red.

‘Yang Maoyi: We don’t accept advertising, we only do reviews, and they are non-profit and fair reviews.’

‘Yang Maoyi: My boyfriend is back’

‘Du Ruonan: I understand, I understand!’

‘Du Ruonan: What is the change this time? Is it too sudden?’

‘Yang Maoyi: My boyfriend arranged it. It was decided at close to one o'clock yesterday morning. I didn't expect their staff to get it done in one night, so I didn't have time to tell you. '

Du Ruonan is currently appointed by Yang Maoyi as the general manager of Fox Fairy Food Review, responsible for all matters. Logically speaking, this website revision should really be discussed with Du Ruonan in advance.

However, just like the message Yang Maoyi sent, she never expected that the people at Anliang would revamp the website of Fox Fairy Food Review in one night, and also build the mobile app together.

‘Yang Maoyi: Wait a minute. Let me ask my boyfriend how many registrations there are.’

‘Du Ruonan: Okay. Yang

Maoyi put down her phone, and she raised her voice and called An Liang in the bathroom,"Your Majesty, please ask me later how many registered users there are for Fox Fairy Food Review."

An Liang just finished rinsing his mouth, and he walked out of the bathroom and responded. ,"Let me ask first, go wash up quickly and think about what we will eat for lunch."

"Uh-huh!"Yang Maoyi got up obediently.

An Liang picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table. He checked the message and found that the No. 4 Tianji God had already sent the message.

‘No. 4: Website upgrade completed! '

The first message was sent at around two o'clock in the morning

‘No. 4: The mobile app is processed, the Android version will be launched directly, and the Apple version will be launched with corporate signature. We will apply for official launch in the future. '

This message was sent at close to five o'clock in the morning.

‘No. 4: Six hours after the mobile app was launched, the number of double-end registrations exceeded 2.93 million’

‘No. 4: Boss, this app has good development prospects. Can we handle the operation? '

Anliang sends a message immediately

‘No. 0: Operations and maintenance are all handled by you. You arrange a separate group, and I will hand over the contact information of this group to others.’

‘No. 4: Received. '

A few minutes later, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan sent the contact information to An Liang, including the contact number, instant messaging software, etc. An Liang was going to send these contact information to Yang Maoyi.

Yang Maoyi summoned An Liang again in the bathroom,"Your Majesty, did you get the answer?"

An Liang responded affirmatively,"Yes, it has only been online for six hours, and the number of registered people has exceeded 2.93 million. It's a big hit!"

"great!"Yang Maoyi responded happily.

In less than ten minutes, Yang Maoyi simply put on light makeup. She picked up her mobile phone and sent a message to Du Ruonan, sending the number of registrants.

An Liang said on the side,"About Fox Fairy Food I will leave the operation and maintenance of the evaluation app software to others, and I will send you the corresponding contact information. If you encounter any problems, you can just contact them directly.

Yang Maoyi responded obediently,"Yeah!""

"Have you decided where we are going to have lunch? An Liang asked casually.

Yang Maoyi showed a smile,"Your Majesty, I have an idea!""


Update time: September 24, 2021 00:06:08, good night.

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