
Yang Maoyi took the initiative to express her thoughts, and she added,"Your Majesty, how about we try out a restaurant that applied for evaluation at noon?"

"What restaurant?"An Liang asked back.

"A Shengqing-style private restaurant named [Tuhuo] is located in Beiyu District."Yang Maoyi replied.

Yang Maoyi continued to add,"This private restaurant is a real private restaurant. It is located in a residential area. I have read their profile."

"It’s okay if the name is Earth Fire! Then let's try it."An Liang responded

【Tuhuo] is a Shengqing dialect, which is probably old-fashioned and also means silly.

"Uh-huh! Yang Maoyi nodded happily.

The two went out and took the elevator to the underground garage. Yang Maoyi took the initiative and said,"Your Majesty, I'll drive!""

"OK"An Liang agreed.

Yang Maoyi naturally chose the Porsche 718 Boxster GTS instead of the Mercedes-Benz GLC-AMG63. Within the scope of Shengqing, she prefers to drive the Porsche 718 because this car has flexible control and is quite adaptable to the congested and complex road conditions in Shengqing.

Shortcomings Half an hour later, Yang Maoyi drove to an old residential area. She drove around in a circle, and finally could only park the car on the side of the branch road.

An Liang said jokingly,"According to such parking conditions, in terms of traffic, Can I only give 6 points, or 7 points?"

Facing An Liang's teasing, Yang Maoyi responded coquettishly,"The transportation is actually quite convenient, but the parking is not convenient. I can barely give it a 6.5 point."

An Liang nodded noncommittally. He held Yang Maoyi's hand and motioned to the little vixen to lead the way.

Yang Maoyi walked in front. She looked at the numbers on the surrounding residential buildings, and then the leader said,"This way."

Nearly three minutes later, Yang Maoyi took An Liang to the downstairs of a residential building. On the window on the first floor, they finally saw the signboard of [Tuhuo].

The two walked into Tuhuo Private Restaurant, which is located in There are three bedrooms and one living room on the first floor. There are three tables in the living room and all three bedrooms have their doors open. Only two of the bedrooms are dining rooms and the other bedroom is a storage room. A middle- aged man who looked to be in his forties took the initiative. Say hello,"Hello, welcome, do you have a reservation?" An Liang asked back,"

Can I dine without a reservation?""

The middle-aged man scratched his head,"If it was five years ago, it shouldn't be possible, but now it's OK."

"five years ago?"An Liang was surprised.

The middle-aged man said without any concealment,"In the past, we mainly entertained the court, but then the court banned it, and the business slowed down a bit."

I see!

"What are your family’s specialties?" An Liang had already taken a look around. There was no menu on the wall, and there were no recipes on the table.

The middle-aged man responded,"We don't have a menu. We mainly cook based on what ingredients are available. Today we have eel. , native frogs, native crucian carp, and some seasonal vegetables. The middle-aged man continued,"Our meat dishes are all priced at 200 yuan per catty, and all vegetarian dishes are 50 yuan each. Egg soup is considered vegetarian.""

An Liang raised his eyebrows. The price is a bit expensive!

It's not that An Liang thinks the price is expensive. The price of 200 yuan per catty is nothing to An Liang, but for most gourmets, this price of vegetables is... In fact, it’s a bit expensive.

Yang Maoyi asked doubtfully,"Wild frogs are not allowed, right? The middle-aged man shook his head,"It's not wild, it's artificially cultivated in our hometown village. Eels, frogs, and crucian carp are all cultivated in our hometown, but they are all cultivated in the wild environment, so they taste better.""

Listening to this explanation, Yang Maoyi nodded slightly.

An Liang asked additionally,"Is there any choice in the approach?"

"You can make it according to the customer's instructions. For example, we can make frogs dry-roasted, spicy and boiled, or hot peppers."The middle-aged man responded

"Is there anyone who has booked the private room?"An Liang asked

"There is only one left, but the minimum price for a private room is one thousand yuan."The middle-aged man is a bit straightforward, including when he mentioned the price before. He is obviously slightly lower in emotional intelligence.

"No problem. An Liang responded.

The middle-aged man smiled and said,"The box on the left is empty. What do you want to eat?"

An Liang looked at Yang Maoyi,"What do you want to eat?" Yang

Maoyi asked a more professional question,"What is the approximate net weight of your eels, frogs, and crucian carps?""

The so-called net weight actually refers to how much of the food is left after processing.

Take a frog as an example. When weighing, the frog is still alive, and then needs to be peeled, decapitated, and eviscerated. After all these processes, the net weight is the final result.

Yang Maoyi was once the host of a food tour after all. Of course she knew these things, so she asked to estimate how many things she and An Liang should order. The middle-aged man said honestly He said,"Our eel is processed deeply and all the fine bones are removed, so we can only get about four or two or five pounds per pound.""

"The same goes for frogs, which can only produce about half a kilo per kilo."The middle-aged man continued,"There are more crucian carps, and you can get more than seven taels per pound. Yang

Maoyi did a quick calculation in her mind, looked at An Liang and said,"Your Majesty, let's order two kilograms of three kinds of meat dishes each, and then pair them with two vegetarian dishes. What do you think?""

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