According to Yang Maoyi’s selection, two kilograms of eels are less than one kilogram after processing, and two kilograms of frogs are only one kilogram after processing, and frogs still have bones. Only crucian carp has slightly more, but crucian carp also has heads, fish bones, spines, etc..

All in all, it’s probably less than three kilograms of meat.

"no problem!"An Liang nodded.

The middle-aged man asked at the side,"What about the taste?

Yang Maoyi asked,"What does the boss recommend?" The middle-aged man thought about it for a moment before responding,"Our crucian carp is all local crucian carp. Each one is relatively small. There are about six or seven fish in two pounds. I recommend boiled crucian carp.""

Yang Maoyi nodded.

"Do you want the frogs to be grilled dry and the eels to be stir-fried with pickled peppers?"The middle-aged man asked.

An Liang responded affirmatively,"No problem.

Yang Maoyi added,"Are your vegetarian dishes also grown in your hometown?""

"Um!"The middle-aged man responded,"All the vegetables in our hometown village are provided to us."

"Are there any tomatoes?"Yang Maoyi asked

"some."The middle-aged man responded

"Then I want a tomato salad. Yang Maoyi clicked,"Are there any preserved eggs?""

"Yes, we have preserved eggs made from eggs and preserved eggs made from quail eggs. All of them are made by our village and are not bought from outside."The middle-aged man explained

"Then have a roasted pepper preserved egg, or quail eggs."Yang Maoyi added

"OK The middle-aged man responded,"Our preserved eggs are also considered vegetarian.""

An Liang is too lazy to complain. Preserved eggs can be regarded as vegetarian dishes. It sounds very conscientious, but if the price of vegetarian dishes is 50 yuan, then what conscience is there? An

Liang and Yang Maoyi came to the box on the left. This box is an ordinary bedroom remodel. of...


No transformation!

The walls are made of white putty, the floor is made of cement, not even ceramic tiles, and the table is an ordinary square wooden table, which looks very ordinary.

An Liang lowered his voice and joked,"How many points would you give for such a dining environment?"

Yang Maoyi had already looked at the situation in the private room. She also lowered her voice,"I can only give 6 points, barely passing.""

"What about service?"An Liang asked again.

Yang Maoyi complained,"Do they have services?"

There are no waiters in Tuhuo private restaurants!

At least An Liang and Yang Maoyi didn't see it.

Almost half an hour later, a middle-aged woman came in carrying a white porcelain basin. She took the initiative to introduce,"This is boiled crucian carp. Please use it slowly and call if you need anything."

So is this middle-aged woman a waiter or the boss's wife?

"OK, thanks."An Liang responded.

After the middle-aged woman exited the box, An Liang and Yang Maoyi first looked at the appearance of the boiled crucian carp. Generally speaking, it was very good. The soup in the white porcelain basin was translucent and clear, the chili peppers were red, and the peppercorns were fresh.

Smell it. The smell is also very fresh, without any dull feeling. It is obviously not a secondary processed oil.

"How much does it score in terms of appearance? An Liang asked smoothly.

Yang Maoyi responded,"I can give you at least 8 points!""

"It looks very comfortable and very appetizing, and there is no fraud in the condiments. Yang Maoyi added.

An Liang gestured,"Try the taste.""

"Uh-huh!"Yang Maoyi picked up a small crucian carp and put it on the dinner plate. She first observed the integrity of the crucian carp.

The integrity of the crucian carp on the dinner plate was very high. Except for the obvious cut on the back, there was basically no other Wound.

From the appearance point of view, it looks very good!

Yang Maoyi took a little more fish belly meat to taste. The texture of the fish belly meat is a bit like fatty meat. If it is not processed well, there may be a fishy smell.

But Yang Maoyi did not taste it. The fishy smell was obviously due to the skillful cooking techniques of the Tuhuo private restaurant.

Yang Maoyi tasted the back meat and fish steak again. Both the back meat and the fish steak were cooked just right, and there was no overcooked wood. There was no raw smell due to lack of cooking.

Yang Maoyi quickly tasted other parts, including the tender meat near the fish tail. The fishy smell in this part was not easy to deal with, but there was still no fishy smell. It took less than two minutes. At that time, Yang Maoyi finished eating a small crucian carp. She first cleaned the oil stains on her lips, and then commented,"It tastes pretty good!"

"Whether it's the texture of the fish itself, or the flavor of the soup base, especially the aroma of chili peppers revealed in the red oil, and the numbing sensation brought by Sichuan peppercorns, everything is just right."Yang Maoyi said with praise.

In fact, Yang Maoyi did not need to praise, An Liang also affirmed the taste of this boiled crucian carp, because the life winner system gave a delicious reward


‘Congratulations to the host for tasting the unforgettable boiled crucian carp and winning a random lottery gift pack. '

An Liang casually ordered to open the random lottery gift bag.

The upper limit of the random lottery gift package is very high, but the lower limit is also very scary

‘Congratulations to the host for opening the random lottery gift package and receiving a box of 3 pieces of Ultimate Experience 001. '

Sure enough, the lower limit is very low!

Fortunately, An Liang no longer cares about the rewards of random lottery gift packs.

To experience Mechanism 001, let's experience 001 to the extreme. When you go back to school, throw it to the dogs. It happens to be a pack of three, one for each dog. They can use it anyway. etc....

It seems that Ma Long is single?

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