Mike's plummeting career situation, coupled with his drinking, filled Mike's heart with dark impulses for revenge.

After Mike had a plan in mind, he immediately contacted the driver through the driver app.

However, Mike never thought that his mobile phone had been monitored.

After An Liang set Mike as a dangerous target, the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator had already started taking action. With the assistance of Qin Tianxiang, the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator screened out Mike's mobile phone through the mobile network base station.

Any data message sent by Mike's mobile phone can be intercepted and cracked by No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation.

When Mike was looking for a driver through the driver app, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan intercepted the information and fed back false information, allowing the security personnel of Renyi Security Company to replace the real driver.

This kind of operation avoids injuring innocent people and allows for greater operating space. The only trouble is that the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation requires a lot of technical operations.

Fortunately, the computing power resources currently controlled by No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation are enough, and conventional conditions can no longer stop No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation from advancing in the Internet.


More than an hour later, at around eight o'clock in the evening, An Liang and Li Xiyan finished their meal. An Liang took a special look at the box where Mike was. The guy was still drinking.

An Liang did not drink. He still drove himself and planned to send Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing back to school. Naturally, he and Li Xiyan were going to Yangyun Aman Hotel.

An Liang likes the peace and quiet of Aman Yangyun.

When An Liang drove off, Mike immediately ordered the driver to follow him. In order to avoid the driver's suspicion, Mike even added a thousand yuan tip.

However, the driver Mike hired was clearly a security guard from Renyi Safety Company, okay?

The security personnel of Renyi Security Company pretended to be chauffeurs and followed An Liang in Mike's Mercedes-Benz S450L to Fudan University and then to the Yangyun Aman Hotel.

Outside the Yangyun Aman Hotel, the security personnel of Renyi Security Company posing as drivers asked,"Sir, where are we going now?"

Mike sorted through the intelligence obtained so far, and he could confirm that Li Xiyan and the other three were Fu Although he could not be sure which college or grade they were in, Li Xiyan was a student at Dan University. The three of them were very beautiful, and he believed he could find them.

As long as he has this piece of information, he can implement the follow-up plan and then force An Liang to show up.

"Let's go back."Mike responded and set up the navigation address on his mobile phone.

The security personnel of Renyi Safety Company, posing as drivers, immediately drove according to the navigation. Mike lived in Lujiazui, and his previous annual salary reached more than 3 million Xia Guoyuan's height, so there is no problem renting in Lujiazui.

About an hour later, the security personnel of Renyi Security Company followed Mike’s instructions and parked the car in parking space A104 of the underground garage of Zunwang Community, but the security personnel of Renyi Security Company deliberately Parked the car a little crooked

"Sir, we have reached our destination. If there is nothing else, I will leave first."The security personnel of Renyi Security Company explained, then got out of the car, took out the electric scooter from the trunk and left.

Mike got out of the passenger car, glanced at the parked car, and cursed to himself,"The technology is really bad, can this be stopped?"

After finishing speaking, Mike came to the driver's seat. He restarted the car and moved the vehicle a little. Then he did not get out of the car immediately.

Mike liked to sit in the car for a while, and many people should have this habit.

Mike sat In the car, he was thinking about today's events and future revenge actions. However, Mike did not notice that in the trunk of the car, a pool of water-like substance was rapidly evaporating!

That was the security personnel of Renyi Security Company posing as drivers before leaving. The carbon monoxide liquid released.

The driver of Renyi Safety Company parked the car a little crookedly, which was a trap for Mike to re-park and correct the position.

Once Mike re-parked the car and rested in the car for a while, he would Because of carbon monoxide poisoning.

If Mike really died due to carbon monoxide poisoning, combined with the current environment of the underground garage, the starting situation of the vehicle, and the state of Mike resting in the car, it would really be a tragic accident!

Similar news every time More or less every year, there are reports of people dying from carbon monoxide poisoning because they were resting in the car without turning off the engine. If there is one more accident report this year, it shouldn’t be a problem, right?

In the Mercedes-Benz S450L, liquid carbon monoxide was found in the car. The evaporation rate was extremely fast, and the concentration of carbon monoxide in the car increased rapidly, leaving Mike with a lack of oxygen supply, further causing him to become drowsy.

However, Mike had drank a lot before, and he did not realize that the current situation was dangerous. Instead, he directly clicked the memory seat shortcut button and lowered the seat to rest for a while.

However, he couldn't wake up from his sleep!


Update time: October 29, 2021 00:02:48, good night.

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