In the parking space A104 of the underground garage of Zunwang Community where Mike Roy rented, in the Mercedes-Benz S450L, Mike had fallen asleep due to carbon monoxide poisoning.

Almost two hours later, the security patrol officers of Zunwang Community discovered something unusual in the A104 parking space. The middle-aged security officer walked to the A104 parking space and observed the situation inside the car.

When the security guard found Mike sleeping in the car, he knocked on the window to try and wake Mike up.

However, no matter how the security personnel called, there was no response from Mike.

After all, Mike had died of carbon monoxide poisoning!

Seeing that Mike could not wake up from sleeping in the car, the security staff picked up the intercom and reported the situation to the security manager. The security manager first checked the records in the security monitoring system and determined that the Mercedes-Benz in parking lot A104 had been parked here more than two hours ago..

More than two hours had passed, and since the car owner could not be woken up, in order to avoid an accident, the security manager decided to notify the patrol to handle the matter.

After the Lujiazui Patrol Station received a report from the security gate manager of Zunwang Community, Guo Zhisheng, the captain of the second team on duty, led team member Yu Mingyang to check the situation.

The two drove quickly to the underground garage of Zunwang Community. The security personnel of Zunwang Community were already waiting at the door of the garage and took them to parking space A104.

Guo Zhisheng and Yu Mingyang came to the side of the Mercedes-Benz S450L to check the situation. They used flashlights to shine through the car window on Mike who was sleeping.

Under the illumination of the flashlight, Mike still made no movement.

Guo Zhisheng's heart thumped,"There is a problem!"

Yu Mingyang agreed,"I originally thought it was because the sound insulation effect of the Mercedes-Benz was too good, but now it seems there is indeed a problem!"

"Get the door open first!"Guo Zhisheng ordered.

Yu Mingyang directly used the window breaker to shatter the driver's seat window glass, and then opened the door. He got into the car and reached out to talk about Mike's breathing. Then he came out and stood up straight, shaking his head.

"No more energy! Yu Mingyang said distressedly.

Yu Mingyang had only joined the patrol department for less than three years, and this was the first time he encountered a dead person.

Guo Zhisheng ignored Yu Mingyang. He directly contacted the patrol station and reported the current situation, and then Apply for a forensic on-site examination.

While An Liang and Li Xiyan were participating in a league game at Yangyun Aman, the underground garage of Zunwang Community was busy.

While waiting for the forensic doctor to arrive, Guo Zhisheng first asked the reporter, that is, Wang Baojia, manager of the security department of Zunwang Community

"Manager Wang, we need the safety monitoring records of the underground garage in your community. In addition, when did you discover the problem and how did you discover the problem. Guo Zhisheng asked.

Wang Baojia responded,"We checked the security monitoring records before reporting the crime. We also copied them and can hand them over to you right away.""

"As for the specific circumstances in which the problem was discovered,..."Wang Baojia looked at the patrolling security officer Tian Jiahong,"Old Tian, ​​please tell me the specific situation."

Tian Jiahong was the security patrol officer who found something unusual in the A104 parking space. He said a little nervously,"Comrade patrol, I used to patrol the garage regularly. When I arrived, I found that the Mercedes-Benz A104 was still on fire, so I went over to check the situation."

Tian Jiahong continued,"If the owner forgets to turn off the engine, we will contact the owner and ask him to come over and turn off the engine; if the owner is asleep inside, If there is a problem, we will remind the car owner to go home and sleep."

Tian Jiahong added,"We have learned during training before that in a sealed environment such as an underground garage, if you light a fire and sleep in the car, there may be Carbon monoxide poisoning."

Wang Baojia seconded,"We have organized studies before and trained on some common problems. Similar situations have been discovered before. In the past, a car owner fell asleep in the car, and we helped save him. Coming back"

"When did you discover the problem?"Guo Zhisheng asked.

Tian Jiahong responded,"It should be around twelve o'clock. Our prescribed patrol post time is twelve o'clock in the middle of the night. I came out a little early. I originally wanted to go back for a while, but I found out problem.

Wang Baojia added on the side,"Our stipulation is to patrol every three hours.""

Yu Mingyang took a notebook and recorded the situation.

Guo Zhisheng asked some more about Mike, but Mike was just a tenant. He only found out that Mike lived in Room 1704, Building 2, and had lived there for nearly four years.

"We want to see the surveillance records. Guo Zhisheng suggested.

Wang Baojia responded affirmatively,"No problem, let's go to the monitoring room.""

Guo Zhisheng left Yu Mingyang at the scene, and he followed Wang Bao's family to the monitoring room. On the way, he asked casually,"Manager Wang said that he had seen the security monitoring records before. If you analyze it from your perspective, what do you think? Is there any problem?"

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