Faced with Guo Zhisheng's inquiry, Wang Baojia thought for a moment before responding,"Inspector Guo, we have seen the security monitoring records before reporting the crime, but we did not find any problems."

Wang Baojia continued,"The other party called When the driver parked the car, he might have parked at a slight angle, so the car owner got in the car again and moved, but then the car owner did not get out of the car. I guess the other person drank and rested in the car, right?"

Guo Zhisheng did not follow. Making a conclusion, he asked the key point,"Did the security surveillance system capture the driver's situation?"

"Yes, it was captured on video. The driver looked normal. He did not hide from the surveillance system. He left on an electric scooter openly. Our surveillance system also captured the other person's face."Wang Baojia explained.

Guo Zhisheng secretly felt a little regretful. It seems that this is not a clue.

Because if there is a problem with the driver, he should avoid the security monitoring system, and it is impossible for the security monitoring system to capture his face.

Since he was caught by the security monitoring system If the front face is photographed, it means that there is a high probability that the driver will have no problem. After all

, if the front face is photographed, it is very simple to find the person involved.

Besides, they can also use the driver app to find the corresponding driver during patrol. Personnel, if there is really a problem with the driver, is it not a fish in a jar?

Zunwang Community Security Monitoring Room.

Guo Zhisheng checked the security monitoring records. From the moment Mike's Mercedes-Benz S450L entered the underground garage, Guo Zhiyang saw that the driver was indeed a little confused when parking. Slanted.

This is a doubtful point, but it is normal.

After all, not everyone pursues perfect parking, and besides, it is just a substitute driver, and it is not his own car, right?

In the security monitoring record, Guo Zhiyang saw Mike from the deputy driver The driver came to the driver's seat and restarted the Mercedes-Benz, then moved the parking space and never got off.

This situation was just as Wang Baojia guessed. After Mike moved the car again, he did not get out of the car again. It was most likely that he pressed the button himself. I moved the seat adjustment button and then fell asleep in the car

‘So it's most likely an accident? 'Guo Zhisheng thought secretly.

More than half an hour later, forensic personnel arrived at the scene. After some examination, the forensic personnel initially determined that Mike died of carbon monoxide poisoning.

However, because Guo Zhisheng and Yu Mingyang's window-breaking operation destroyed the scene, forensic personnel were unable to determine the carbon monoxide concentration in the Mercedes-Benz.

However, based on the situation at the scene, forensic personnel initially determined that carbon monoxide poisoning was the cause.

A deeper analysis requires an autopsy of the deceased, but given that the deceased was an overseas national, there are still a lot of troublesome things to deal with, including finding out the identity and nationality of the deceased, notifying the embassy of the corresponding country, and further investigating the cause of death.

If it is determined to be an accident, everyone is happy.

If it wasn’t an accident, it would be difficult to deal with!

But these problems have nothing to do with An Liang. An Liang and Li Xiyan have fallen asleep. The two played two double row league games and slept soundly.

The next day.

Li Xiyan woke up at 7:35 in the morning. She said anxiously,"Oh no, no, no, we're going to be late."

An Liang responded with a smile,"Don't worry, I'll take you there later.""

"If you send me there, there will be a traffic jam!"Li Xiyan hummed.

An Liang smiled and said nothing,"Hurry up and wash up, we will set off earlier."

Fortunately, Li Xiyan doesn't like makeup, which saves a lot of time.

An Liang washed up faster. After washing quickly, he also ordered the room service to prepare breakfast.

Less than ten minutes later, Li Xiyan finished washing, and An Liang greeted,"Baby, I ordered you breakfast, sandwiches and milk"

"Grab some food for the road and let's set off quickly."Li Xiyan didn't want to waste time.

An Liang responded with a smile,"Don't worry, we have enough time."

Li Xiyan rolled her eyes at An Liang, but did not persist. She and An Liang had a quick breakfast, and then pulled An Liang and set off to the parking lot.

An Liang pulled Li Xiyan to the courtyard of the Yangyun Aman Hotel.

In the courtyard, a luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle with matte black paint was parked on the ground. Although An Liang once felt that it was not a good thing for Li Xiyan to come into contact with the flying motorcycle, An Liang was tortured by the traffic in Shanghai.

For example, during the morning rush hour, the road journey from Amanyangyun to Fudan University is only close to 50 kilometers, but it takes close to two hours.

This is simply outrageous!

However, the straight-line distance between the two is only just over 30 kilometers. , if you use the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle, according to its maximum speed of 260 kilometers per hour, it will only take less than seven minutes.

Even if the speed is reduced, plus the take-off and landing time, it will only take ten minutes.

"It’s actually a flying motorcycle!"Li Xiyan's eyes lit up. When he was in Shengqing before, An Liang used a flying motorcycle to take Li Xiyan to browse the night scene and get a bird's eye view of Shengqing.

"I want to learn this! Li Xiyan added.

An Liang's face darkened, and he complained,"You haven't even learned how to drive, so you still want to learn this?""

"I'll take you to school first. When did you learn to drive? After you get your driver's license, we can discuss learning to drive a flying motorcycle."Anliang sets the rules

"oh! Li Xiyan was a little disappointed,"It's really hard to learn to drive!""

"Actually, it's really simple!"An Liang couldn't help but respond. As for the difficulty in learning to drive, should it be Li Xiyan's problem?

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