Zhao Wanxi is right!

If Amanyangyun Hotel introduces a customized version of the flying motorcycle, it will definitely bring a very good transportation experience to customers according to the traffic congestion in Shanghai.

For example, if you go from Shanghai Modu International Airport to Amanyangyun Hotel, although Amanyangyun Hotel provides a Rolls-Royce Phantom transfer service, if you encounter a traffic jam, it is normal to spend two hours on the road.

Even if there is no traffic jam, it will take close to an hour, right?

But if you use a flying motorcycle, even if you follow the road route, it will only take half an hour.

With such efficient transportation efficiency, coupled with the flying mode of transportation, both in terms of actual experience and sense of ceremony, everything is packed, okay?

So once Aman Yangyun Hotel customizes the flying motorcycle and actually puts it into use, won’t the topic explode?

Wouldn’t other hotels, especially luxury hotels that compete with Aman Hotels, follow suit and customize them?

This is a proper involution, okay?

‘Zhao Wanxi: I roughly calculated that if Aman Yangyun Hotel orders four hotel versions of the third-generation flying motorcycles, the order volume will exceed 100 for just Aman Hotels under the Aman Group around the world!’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Once the involution of luxury hotels starts, the order volume of luxury hotels around the world may exceed 2,000’

‘Zhao Wanxi: In addition to the hotel industry, executives from large commercial companies are also our potential customers.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Executive-class cars of executives of large commercial companies also suffer from traffic jams. Especially in some overseas cities, traffic jams are particularly serious. Executives of large commercial companies even use helicopters to commute.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: If we develop a four-seater version of the flying motorcycle and promote it through the hotel industry, we may seize a large share of the global high-end business market.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: After all, our flying motorcycle will have a natural advantage when facing cars. '

An Liang looked at the message sent by Zhao Wanxi, and he couldn't help but give Zhao Wanxi a like. This Zhao Wanxi is indeed very smart.

As Zhao Wanxi said, if Dream Graphene Technology Group develops a four-seat flying motorcycle in the future, it can indeed seize the high-end business market.

For example, the executives of the large commercial companies in the Imperial City are tortured by the traffic in the Imperial City every day. If there is a four-seater version of the flying motorcycle to choose from, do they still have to worry about sales?

‘An Liang: That makes sense!’

‘An Liang: Let’s first ask about the technical difficulty. I think it shouldn’t be difficult.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: I also think it should not be difficult. It is nothing more than secondary design based on the long-lasting stable version.’

‘An Liang: Let’s ask the flying motorcycle project team. '

The leader of the flying motorcycle project team in the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is named Li Wen. An Liang used the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation to establish a chat group for the exclusive confidential communication software developed by the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, and then brought Li Wen in. , and also pulled Zhao Wanxi in.

‘An Liang: @李伟: Mr. Li, we have a question that we need to ask your opinion on.’

‘Li Wen: Hello Mr. An, Hello Mr. Zhao’

‘Li Wen: Do you have any questions?’

‘An Liang: [Yangyun AmanX third-generation flying motorcycle cooperation plan】’

‘An Liang: Look at this cooperation plan, look at the other party’s needs, and then talk about the difficulty of implementation from a technical level.’

‘Li Wen: Please wait a moment. I will look at the plan right away. '

In less than two minutes, Li Wen replied to the message

‘Li Wen: According to the requirements of Aman Yangyun Hotel, whether it is four passenger seats or a storage compartment that can accommodate at least three 28-inch suitcases, there is actually no technical difficulty in all of them.’

‘Li Wen: We can build a four-seater version of the flying motorcycle based on the long-range stable flight platform’

‘Anliang: What about cost?’

‘Li Wen: If it is the ordinary version of the acrylic windshield, the cost increase is very limited. The cost increase for the two seats and the windshield can be controlled within 20,000 yuan.’

‘Li Wen: The main reason is to redesign the seat layout, which requires a new structure, which increases some costs. Otherwise, the material cost is only 5,000 yuan at most.’

‘Li Wen: But if ALON aluminum nitride transparent ceramic is used as a windshield, the cost will increase horribly. '

ALON aluminum nitride transparent ceramics are bulletproof and as transparent as ordinary glass, but the only drawback is the high cost!

‘An Liang: How much will the cost increase if ALON aluminum nitride transparent ceramics are used? '

The luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle driven by An Liang is all made of ALON aluminum nitride transparent ceramic material to create a windproof cover, which has excellent bulletproof performance.

It’s a pity that the cost is too high!

However, good things must be expensive, what's wrong with this?

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