The reason why the top version of the third-generation flying motorcycle chooses ALON aluminum nitride transparent ceramic material is simple, because ALON aluminum nitride transparent ceramic material far exceeds bulletproof glass in terms of bulletproof performance.

The Bald Eagle country's military once conducted a test. The Bald Eagle country's military used an anti-aircraft machine gun with 12.7*99 mm bullets to attack bulletproof glass and ALON aluminum nitride transparent ceramic materials for comparison.

Among them, the bulletproof glass is 9 cm thick, and the ALON aluminum nitride transparent ceramic material is only 4 cm thick.

In the case of a close range attack of 100 meters, the anti-aircraft machine gun easily penetrated the 9 cm thick bulletproof glass, causing fatal damage to the test dummy.

However, the ALON aluminum nitride transparent ceramic material with a thickness of 4 cm has no penetration at all, and the attacked side of the ALON aluminum nitride transparent ceramic material completely blocks the kinetic energy of the 12.7*99 mm bullet of the anti-aircraft machine gun, without affecting the other side. In the event of any explosion, the dummy was not harmed.

Therefore, the third-generation flying motorcycle chose ALON aluminum nitride transparent ceramic material as the material of the windshield, so as to completely and comprehensively resist sudden attacks.

The only problem is that it’s expensive!

Faced with An Liang's question about cost, Li Wen immediately gave the answer.

‘Li Wen: It will probably increase by more than 6 million’

‘Li Wen: The current cost of ALON aluminum nitride transparent ceramics for the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle is as high as 3 million. If it is a four-seater version of the flying motorcycle, more ALON aluminum nitride transparent ceramics will be used, at least twice as much. area, so the cost price will skyrocket’

‘Li Wen: Secondly, the amount of Kevlar bulletproof material used in the fuselage will also increase, but compared to ALON aluminum nitride transparent ceramics, the increased material cost is relatively small.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: The ALON aluminum nitride transparent ceramic version of the four-seater flying motorcycle is treated as top-level customization, and the acrylic ordinary version is provided for the Yangyun Aman Hotel.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: The location selection of Aman hotels is very scientific. There are basically no safety issues, and there is no need for bulletproof flying motorcycles. '

Zhao Wanxi is right!

Under normal circumstances, the locations where Aman hotels are established have no problems with the public security environment.

After all, Aman Group is not a fool. How could it open a high-end luxury hotel in a dangerous place?

‘An Liang: You should immediately work on the four-seater version of the flying motorcycle and strive to develop it as soon as possible.’

‘An Liang: In addition, you will make a BOM list and add the R&D costs into it. At the same time, you will give a suggested retail price.’

‘Li Wen: Okay’

‘Li Wen: We will complete it as soon as possible. '

After the two parties ended the exchange, Zhao Wanxi sent a message to An Liang

‘Zhao Wanxi: Is there any trouble in the Magic City?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: If you have trouble, our family has some power over there and should be able to help you solve it. '

An Liang knew that Zhao Wanxi was talking about carbon monoxide poisoning, and a touch of warmth rose in his heart. Even though he knew it was Zhao Wanxi who was comforting people, this Zhao Wanxi was so good at talking.

‘An Liang: I’m doing well in Shanghai, and I haven’t encountered any trouble at all.’

‘An Liang: I’ll go to the Imperial Capital in a few days and I’ll treat you to dinner then.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Okay’

‘Zhao Wanxi: My grandfather is talking about peach wine again. He wants to invite you to visit and ask you to bring some peach wine.’

‘An Liang: It’s no problem to come to eat at home’

‘An Liang: But the peach wine is really gone. I will produce more next year. '

An Liang and Zhao Wanxi chatted for a while before ending the exchange. He sent a group message to his friends in the Imperial Capital.

‘An Liang: @Everyone: Brothers, do you still have your peach wine?’

‘Li Cunyuan:?’

‘Yun Haiyang: What the hell?’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Is Brother Liang going to give us Maotao wine?’

‘An Liang: I was betrayed by Brother Haiyang. Just now Zhao Wanxi’s grandfather asked me for Maotao wine again.’

‘Li Cunyuan: My grandfather was also betrayed by Brother Hai. My grandfather was robbed of a jar of peach wine by Mr. Zhao.’

‘Qian Xiaogang: My grandfather was also robbed, and it was Mr. Zhao who did it.’

‘An Liang: @云海海: Brother Haiyang, how should you compensate us?’

‘Li Cunyuan: Sit back and wait for Brother Haiyang to compensate you’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Waiting patiently’

‘Yun Haiyang: Sorry, it’s not me, I’m Xiaoyu’

‘An Liang: I trust your shoes!’

‘Li Cunyuan: What a bad excuse!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Shall I contact Xiaoyu immediately?’

‘Cloud Ocean:...’

‘Yun Haiyang: Brothers, please let me go. My grandfather wanted to show off to Mr. Zhao. There is nothing I can do about it.’

‘An Liang: Brother Haiyang is so miserable!’

‘Li Cunyuan: I suddenly feel that what Brother Liang said before makes sense. Brother Haiyang is so unlucky and Xiaoyu is so lucky. If Brother Haiyang and Xiaoyu are together, will his luck be better?’

‘Qian Xiaogang: It seems to make sense?’

‘Yun Haiyang: Then I will accept it?’

‘An Liang: I accepted the suggestion!’

‘Li Cunyuan: Seconded!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Leaving Africa and joining the European Union is just around the corner! '

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