An Liang saw through Huang Guoxiang's little trick!

Huang Guoxiang was thick-skinned and didn't care about these things at all. He abruptly changed the topic.

‘Huang Guoxiang: Regarding your previous proposal to completely suspend the pork import business with Bald Eagle Country and Maple Leaf Country, we have already started the plan.’

‘An Liang: How do you plan to deal with it?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Of course it is the old method. Take down the qualified company and hand it over to you. Can you solve it?’

‘An Liang: Should you be the one to solve it? '

Companies with this type of qualifications often have intricate networks of relationships

‘Huang Guoxiang: There is something wrong with your understanding’

‘Huang Guoxiang: There are only two types of similar companies’

‘Huang Guoxiang: One kind will turn into your accomplice, and the other kind is choosing the wrong direction of development.’

‘An Liang: I understand! '

An Liang did understand what Huang Guoxiang meant. What Huang Guoxiang meant was that those companies with qualifications would either choose to follow the direction set by An Liang or suffer a direct tragedy.

‘An Liang: Since it is normal business behavior, we believe that the Bald Eagle Country should have no objections.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Economics and international trade experts have analyzed that even if this incident attracts the attention of Bald Eagle Country, you will most likely take the blame directly.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Your relationship with Princess Lenore of the Spanish Peninsula is actually not a secret. There are even some gossips in your weekly email exchanges in the Spanish Peninsula.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Under this premise, if Spain is allowed to eat the Bald Eagle Country's share of pork imports, and your Crown Import and Export Trading Company is active in it, do you think the Bald Eagle Country will not suspect that you are responsible for it? Making trouble?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: So you take the blame for this!’

‘An Liang:...’

It seems like this is really the case!

Huang Guoxiang's analysis was correct. According to the relationship between Anliang and Lenore, if the Western Hemisphere was allowed to eat the Bald Eagle Country's pork export share, Anliang would definitely take the blame.

The Pot Throwing King overturned this time!

An Liang silently thought about the gains and losses. It seemed that even if he took the blame this time, the Bald Eagle Country could not do anything to him. After all, it was a formal business method. Can he still buy and sell by force?

What’s the problem with Xia’s pork importers and exporters choosing to import pork from the Western Hemisphere instead of the Bald Eagle Country? completely fine!

‘An Liang: I was thinking, if I have to go to Bald Eagle Country in the future, what kind of grand ceremony will they use to welcome me there?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: If I were you, I would never go there!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: They are famous for their lack of martial ethics. If you go there, even if they don’t reward you with a missile, they will give you a bracelet after you land.’

‘An Liang: It smells bad!’

‘An Liang: You are right, the best solution is not to go at all’

‘An Liang: Let’s not talk about it for now. Let me watch Lei Tianlong’s live broadcast. I want to see how bad the local situation on Weiming Island is.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: It’s really a bit bad, you have to be mentally prepared’

‘An Liang: Don’t worry! I can handle it! '

The exchange between An Liang and Huang Guoxiang ended, he reopened the live broadcast room of [Weiming Island Live], Lei Tianlong's live broadcast is still going on

"Audience friends, I will go live outdoors right away, but when doing the outdoor live broadcast, in order to protect my own safety, I will use a hidden camera to live broadcast."Lei Tianlong explained.

Huang Guoxiang provided Lei Tianlong with a hidden camera. Like a button, it can be hidden in the collar of his clothes.

"Finally, I call on the capable audience friends to feed the anchor. To put it bluntly, the anchor is really miserable."Lei Tianlong said in appeal.

An Liang thought for a moment and then rewarded him with a top-notch gift from Peer Video, 'Yali Shanda'. This gift is equivalent to the treasure chest on the Tiger Tooth Platform and is worth 5,000 Xia Guoyuan.

"Thank you Boss Huang for the reward of Yali Shanda. Thank you boss. I wish you a fortune!"Lei Tianlong said gratefully.

The nickname of An Liang's ID account in Peer Video is indeed called 'Boss Huang', mainly to pay tribute to Huang Guoxiang.

After Lei Tianlong thanked An Liang, he continued,"In order to protect the anchor's Privacy, the anchor should temporarily turn off the camera to avoid exposing the anchor's home address"

"During this time, the anchor will chat with everyone about the basic situation of Weiming Island."Lei Tianlong added, and then turned off the camera.

About half an hour later, Lei Tianlong reopened the camera. The footage came from the hidden camera on the collar, and Lei Tianlong's voice continued to be heard.

"Audience friends, we are about to start an outdoor live broadcast. I have turned on the hidden camera, and when there are people around, the anchor will not read the comments and will not reply to your questions. Please forgive me."Lei Tianlong still chooses to protect himself wisely.

"As a special reminder, the anchor is in Baobei City. Let me first take you to see how exaggerated the prices in our Weimingbei City are."Lei Tianlong continued.

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