Weimingbei City, Central District.

Lei Tianlong wore a hidden camera and walked to a Lawson convenience store. He pretended to be an ordinary customer and checked the products in the convenience store. At the same time, he let the hidden camera record the prices, allowing the audience to see the exaggerated prices of Weiming Island.

An ordinary sandwich in a Luosen convenience store would cost only seven or eight yuan in mainland Xia, but at this moment in Weiming Island, its price tag has reached 100 yuan, equivalent to For Xia Guoyuan, the price is probably a little more than 23 yuan.

This price is poisonous!

It's almost three times the price!

Lei Tianlong came to the milk and yogurt area next to it. He pretended to choose milk and yogurt, but was actually taking pictures of the prices.

Although the milk and yogurt brands in Weiming Island are somewhat different from those in the mainland, an ordinary bottle of 250 ml pure milk is priced at 80 Weiming yuan, which is equivalent to about 18.6 yuan in Xia Guoyuan. Is such a high price reasonable?

Totally unreasonable!

In mainland China, even high-end organic pure milk costs 8 yuan if it is only 250 ml.

Lei Tianlong walked to the instant noodles area again. In the instant noodles area, Lei Tianlong looked around and found that no one was there. He said quietly and quickly,"Let's take a look at the price of instant noodles. This price is the most intuitive for us. We have the same brands as you over there, but we are still the place of origin of the brands, and you will know by comparing the prices."

Lei Tianlong immediately used a hidden camera to record the price of instant noodles.

The sales price of Yitong brand barreled instant noodles in Xiaguo is about 3.5 yuan to 5 yuan. If you use online shopping, the price can be as low as 3 yuan per barrel.

However, at the Luosen convenience store on Weiming Island, the price of barreled instant noodles of the same Yitong brand reached 70 Weiming yuan, which is almost 16 Xia Guoyuan.

The same brand, the same barreled instant noodles, and even Weimingdao is the headquarters of Yitong convenience, but the price of Yitong instant noodles in Weimingdao is so expensive.

Audiences in the live broadcast room sent comments one after another

‘Friendly science: 70 Weiming Yuan = 16 + Xia Guoyuan’

‘Damn it?’

‘Is this price too harsh?’

‘The price of a bucket of instant noodles exceeds 16 yuan. Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality?’

‘I suddenly began to agree with what the anchor said before, Weiming Island is like hell now’

‘Weimingdao's own brand is actually sold at a high price at home?’

‘What is the reason why the prices in Weiming Island have not come down yet?’

‘Thank you! People are in the magic city! Let me tell you something secretly. Our shipping company in Shanghai has blocked the route to Weiming Island for several months and has no intention of unblocking it.’

‘Thank you! We are at the Gusu Yitong Instant Noodles Factory. According to the gossip inside the factory, our convenience noodles cannot be shipped at all. There is no shipping company to accept the order, and it is even impossible to complete customs clearance.’

‘Prices on Weiming Island are so high, can ordinary people on Weiming Island still survive?’

‘I have a relative who works in IT on Weiming Island, and his monthly salary is 100,000 Weiming Yuan, which is equivalent to about 23,000 Xia Guoyuan. I heard from him that this monthly salary is a bit difficult in Weiming Island. '

While the audience was sending comments, Lei Tianlong walked out of the Lawson convenience store. He was holding a bucket of instant noodles and took out his mobile phone to check the comments in the live broadcast room.

"The price of a bucket of instant noodles is 70 yuan, which is about 16 yuan over here. What do you think of this price?"Lei Tianlong asked

"Anyway, this price is outrageous to us. It used to be 15 to 20 yuan, but now it’s three times more."Lei Tianlong added and complained.

"As for the lives of ordinary people you asked about, I just said that the current Weiming Island is like hell. Ordinary people can only maintain food and clothing, and even some poor people are starting to have difficulty even having food and clothing."Lei Tianlong added.

An Liang frowned slightly, is there even a problem with food and clothing?

"The rise in prices in Weiming Island was caused by many factors. Initially, rubber raw materials were blocked, which led to the suspension of production in the rubber industry in Weiming Island and the price of rubber products continued to rise."Lei Tianlong said analytically.

"When the price increase of rubber products led to the increase in the price of other commodities, there were rumors that a certain shipping company was blocking the route to our Weiming Island, and then more and more shipping companies joined the blockade team. I heard that those shipping companies A maritime alliance has been formed."Lei Tianlong pointed out the shipping alliance.

An Liang doesn't care about the exposure of the shipping alliance. In fact, in the eyes of caring people, the shipping alliance is not a secret at all.

"This shipping alliance has blocked our Weiming Island from multiple dimensions. In the past two months, according to my understanding, the shipping alliance has blocked almost all goods coming from the Xia Kingdom. We, the people of Weiming Island, hope that the imperial court will investigate the shipping. alliance."Lei Tianlong continued.

Lei Tianlong did investigate some situations. He exposed these issues through live broadcast channels, hoping to attract attention, but he underestimated the quality of the audience....

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