Unnamed Island.

In a confidential conference room, Lin Sihong found his seat and sat down. He glanced around other colleagues with his peripheral vision and found that everyone was sitting upright and the atmosphere was a bit tense.

In less than five minutes, the first lady walked into the conference room

"Send the document to everyone."The first lady ordered.

After the document was sent, Lin Sihong quickly looked through the document.

The name of the document was [About Tyrande's tariff adjustment plan for some imported goods from Weiming Island]. In the document, Tailand Rand adjusted a large number of tariffs on Weiming Island's goods exported to Thailand and even banned the export of some goods to Thailand.

Lin Sihong is the director of economics. He is very clear that after such tariff adjustments, the goods from Weiming Island will not be exported to Thailand. Rand lost its competitiveness, which was equivalent to severely damaging the vitality of Weiming Island.

Almost five minutes later, the first lady looked at Lin Sihong and said,"Si Lin, do you have any opinion on this tariff adjustment plan?"

"Someone is targeting us behind the scenes!" Lin Sihong said bluntly.

Lin Sihong continued to add,"We all know that the mastermind behind the Shipping Alliance also has a very powerful force in Tyrande. I suspect that it is this mastermind who is promoting things against us."

"What's the solution?"The first lady asked.

Lin Sihong just smiled bitterly.

What else can be done?

There is no way at all!

Dai Qiang, the head of the Security Special Warfare Department, answered,"Perhaps we can investigate the situation secretly and then act according to the situation."

The so-called playing by ear is to use unconventional means to solve problems.

Dai Qiang's character is a bit strong. Once he encounters something, he likes to play by ear.

"I object!"Xiong Jianwu directly expressed his opposition.

Xiong Jianwu is the adviser to the First Lady. His character is more calm. He knows very well what Dai Qiang means.

"What does Consultant Bear mean? Dai Qiang looked at Xiong Jianwu.

Xiong Jianwu responded,"Director Dai, who do you think the man behind the scenes is?""

"I believe you have investigated the mastermind behind the scenes. The power he holds is not simple. The other party uses methods within the rules to attack us. If we want to use methods outside the rules to fight back, can you guarantee the safety of others?"Xiong Jianwu asked

"Let me remind you first that the other party encountered an armed attack when they were in Europa, but the other party easily solved the problem and even uprooted the organization that planned the attack afterwards, thus eradicating the roots."Xiong Jianwu explained

"Secondly, the opponent's control over Tyrande is very high. If...I mean, if we use methods outside the rules against the man behind the scenes, and the opponent uses Tyrande's power to fight back, can we stop him?"Xiong Jianwu asked back.

Lin Sihong thought silently in his heart that according to the number of desperadoes on Tyrande's side, it is estimated that Weiming Island will be difficult to stop.

After all, when it comes to desperate efforts, the people on Tyrande's side are professionals!

Dai Qiang argued forcefully,"If we strike first and deal with the mastermind in advance, everything will be fine. After all, once the mastermind is solved, the whole group will be leaderless, right?"

"What if it can't be solved? Xiong Jianwu asked back

"Even if we are lucky enough to succeed, we may still face another situation. The forces left behind by the mastermind behind the scenes will focus on retaliating against us, thereby gaining prestige, and then competing for the position left by the mastermind behind the scenes."Xiong Jianwu continued.

Such a situation is not impossible!

Dai Qiang did not speak.

This meeting also ended in vain, because in the face of Tyrande's provocation, Weiming Island seemed to be unable to find any way to counterattack. After all, Weiming Island The advantageous industrial chain is of no importance to Tyrande.

For example, Weiming Island’s most advanced semiconductor chip foundry business is the most advanced in the world.

However, does Tyrande need semiconductor chip foundry? ?

Tyrande is too backward and does not need relevant top-level technical support at all.

As for the blockade of high-tech products, Tyrande is also not afraid of Weiming Island, because Tyrande can import it from Xia Kingdom.

All we can say is Tyrande The sudden backstab made Weiming Island even worse.


Xia Kingdom, the magical capital.

When there was a meeting on Weiming Island, Anliang's face was slightly startled, because his danger premonition ability sent an alert to Anliang.

‘Do you actually have such an idea? 'An Liang couldn't help but smile.

This world is at least superficially civilized.

On the surface, everyone must at least follow the rules.

Because there is a problem of balance of terror.

After all, most of the time, if one party uses power outside the rules, the other party will definitely use power outside the rules.

Just like nuclear weapons, if both sides can destroy each other, then a balance of terror will be maintained, and everyone will use conventional force to solve the problem.

However, now Weiming Island's Security Special Warfare Department actually wants to use forces outside the rules to deal with Anliang first?

An's conscience was filled with sneers!

Let alone An Liang's ability to foresee danger, even if An Liang did not have the ability to foresee danger, Weiming Island's Security Special Warfare Department would not be able to succeed.

Because Renyi Security Company's protection of Anliang is very complete, there is no opportunity to take advantage of it!

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