Renyi Security Company's protective measures for Anliang are in place, with multiple layers of security protection measures from the inside out.

The innermost layer of defense is the core defense layer composed of exposed members of the Renyi Security Company led by the Suzaku Team. This defense layer is close to Anliang and is ready to provide final protection to Anliang at any time.

The second inner layer is the protection performed by Renyi Security Company members who may be exposed according to unexposed standards.

The third level is the confidential operations performed by the confidential personnel of Renyi Security Company. Since it is a covert operation, they are usually equipped with defensive equipment.

The outermost layer is technical defense means.

No. 4 Tianji Shensuan developed a human facial feature recognition program and a human behavioral feature recognition program. Both of them will analyze the abnormal behaviors of other people around Anliang.

This range can reach as far as five kilometers away from Anliang.

Within a radius of five kilometers, the human facial feature recognition program and the human behavioral feature recognition program will jointly analyze safety hazards.

For example, a human facial recognition program will identify the identity information of all people photographed in the area to further analyze the threat based on the identity information.

If target A is an ordinary person, the human facial feature recognition program will mark it as a"low threat target", and the human behavioral feature recognition program will further analyze target A's information.

The technical support for further analysis comes from the daily life trajectory of target A.

The human behavior feature recognition program will retrieve the daily life trajectory of target A to analyze whether the current location of target A matches the daily life trajectory information.

If a person who has lived in Beiyu District for a long time does not go to Dukou District once a year, but suddenly appears in Dukou District and appears around Anliang, then the risk will be marked according to the distance from Anliang.

If Target A's life trajectory is basically consistent with his daily life trajectory, it will be marked as a"non-threatening target".

Unless Target A behaves abnormally again, such as getting closer to An Liang, following An Liang, or even secretly observing An Liang, it will definitely be marked as a"threat target" again by the human behavioral characteristics recognition program.

If the human facial feature recognition program determines that target A is a criminal or even a wanted person, he will be directly marked as a"threat target" and will be subject to intensive surveillance.

In addition, the human facial feature recognition program will not only mobilize criminal information, but also medical information, because in the setting of No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation, those targets who are terminally ill are also high-risk targets.

Because the method of using terminally ill personnel to perform fatal missions is not a new method. There are many such operations in overseas areas, so terminally ill personnel will also be marked as [threat targets].

Even if there is no criminal record or similar medical record of terminal illness, the human behavioral characteristics recognition program will conduct a second comprehensive review. Any situation close to Anliang will be repeatedly analyzed and threatened by the human behavior characteristics recognition program.

Especially when targets carrying unrecognizable items suddenly approach Anliang, the human behavior characteristic recognition program will notify the security personnel of Renyi Security Company and let the security personnel stop them.

So don't think that An Liang lives like an ordinary person, but in fact there are many security defense means around him. It is basically impossible to assassinate An Liang.

However, even if Anliang has complete security defense means around him, such defense means are limited to Anliang alone. Anliang's girlfriend, parents and other people he cares about do not have such perfect security defense means for the time being, only basic defense arrangements..

In order to avoid unexpected situations, and the danger premonition ability has given danger reminders, Anliang certainly cannot let it go.

What An Liang likes to do most is to nip danger before it starts.

Since the director of Weiming Island's Security Special Warfare Department, whom he had never met before, wanted to deal with him in a way outside the rules, then don't blame An Liang for taking a preemptive strike.

As for the aftermath?

An Liang has already prepared a plan to throw away the pot, and is also preparing to kill two birds with one stone.

‘Number Zero: Activate the branch organization on Weiming Island’

‘Suzaku Six: Okay’

‘No. 0: Let Neon's branch organization get a batch of equipment and send it to Weiming Island. I need to implement a plan on Weiming Island. '

An Liang quickly described the matter of dealing with Dai Qiang, the director of the Security Special Operations Department, and asked for an unexpected situation to be made. If an accident could not be made, then neon weapons would be used to solve the problem.

If neon weapons were used, even if there was an investigation afterwards, the finger of blame would still be pointed at neon.

Even if we knew it was a trap, we could at least waste some of our investigation time on Weiming Island.

‘Suzaku Six: We strive to complete it as soon as possible’

‘Zero: The sooner the better’

‘Suzaku Six: I understand. '

After An Liang ordered Qin Tianxiang, he immediately contacted No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation. This time, the operation to kill the Director of Security Special Warfare of Weiming Island required No. 4 to assist, so as to throw the blame away....

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