The next day, 6:30 in the morning; Weiming Island.

Dai Qiang simply washed up and got ready to go out for a run. This is Dai Qiang's habit. He likes to run three kilometers in the morning for exercise. This habit has lasted for more than ten years. Unless there is extreme weather or special circumstances, he will run in the morning.

Renyi Security Company naturally investigated this information.

When Dai Qiang started his morning run from home, the branch organization of Renyi Security Company in Weiming Island began to take action.

"The goal has been set."After seeing Dai Qiang set off, a disguised morning exercise staff reported in a low voice through a wireless headset,

"Got it, keep lurking."The instructions of the commander Osprey were transmitted back to the wireless headset.

"receive."Report by the security personnel of Renyi Security Company disguised as morning exercise personnel

"Sand fox, please note that the target is moving towards the predetermined location." Osprey, the commander responsible for central dispatching, reminded

"receive."The person codenamed Shahu responded.

"Harrier, deal with the security monitoring system after ten seconds!"The commander issued another order

"receive."The person code-named Falcon responded and started a ten-second countdown.

When the ten-second countdown ended, Falcon eliminated the relevant safety monitoring system, causing it to malfunction. The morning jogging route Dai Qiang chose has complete safety monitoring System, he is not a fool, so he will naturally choose a safer route.

But at this moment, the security monitoring system on Dai Qiang’s morning jogging route, as well as the surrounding security monitoring systems, were completely solved by personnel code-named Falcon Eagle at the same time.

"Sand Fox, the target will be within your range in one minute."The commander reminded

"receive." Shahu responded

"Dujuan, please note that if Operation Sand Fox fails, you will immediately implement the second plan."The commander added

"receive."A female voice came.

On Dai Qiang's morning jogging route, he ran as usual, and sometimes greeted vendors on the roadside.

Dai Qiang, who was doing his morning jog, looked at several people who were walking on the road ahead. He saw the repairmen working on the telephone poles, and he didn't pay much attention to it. He just avoided the roadblocks under construction.

Similar repairs were not uncommon, and he didn't pay special attention to it.

However , When Dai Qiang bypassed the roadblock, an accident suddenly happened. The wires that were being repaired suddenly exploded with sparks and fell towards Dai Qiang. Not one or two wires, but seven or eight wires fell together.

Dai Qiang He only heard the crackle of electric sparks. He had no time to react. He just looked up and found a large number of wires flashing with sparks falling down.

Those wires flashing with sparks caught Dai Qiang and made him twitch. The passers-by around him screamed in surprise, but no one came forward to rescue.

Because everyone knows the danger!

In the case of electric shock, if you go to the rescue without preparation, you will definitely get caught, and you will just follow along. electric shock

"Call an ambulance!"

"Report the crime quickly!"

"Contact the doctor!"

The shouts of various passers-by came one after another.

In the panic of passers-by, the Shahu who was working on the electric pole left quietly, as if he had never appeared.

When the Shahu left, Dai Qiang had stopped twitching. His limbs were carbonized.

On the street two hundred meters away from the incident, Shahu had changed into a reflective vest for construction. He was carrying a backpack, wearing a plaid shirt and jeans, like a programmer Member, he left calmly.

"The mission is accomplished, the goal is over."Shahu reported

"receive."The command center responded

"The operation is over and everyone evacuates in an orderly manner."The command center ordered.

The personnel who participated in the security special operations department immediately retreated and blended into the sea of ​​people without causing any splash.

Nearly half an hour later, the commander confirmed that all operational personnel had evacuated safely. Send a message to No. 4 Tianji Shensuan

‘Osprey: Your Excellency No. 4, we have completed [Operation Grass Cutting]】’

‘Osprey: [Target Death Picture]’

‘Osprey: We can wait for local news reports on Weiming Island for the follow-up situation’

‘Number 4: Well done!’

‘No. 4: The relevant bonuses will be distributed soon. BOSS has made a special statement that this operation will give you a bonus of 20 million!’

‘No. 4: 20 million Xia Guoyuan!’

‘No. 4: All will be distributed in a reasonable manner, please check carefully.’

‘Osprey: Thank you BOSS, thank you Mr. No. 4’

‘No. 4: Remain in dormant latent state’

‘Osprey: Got it. '

After the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation ended his communication with Osprey, he personally entered the Internet world of Weiming Island and searched for relevant news about Dai Qiang.

As Osprey said, there is already information about Dai Qiang's death on the Weiming Island Internet, and some people even pointed out Dai Qiang's identity.

Tianji Divine Calculator No. 4 was checking the information on Weiming Island's Internet. He smiled, and then quickly took a screenshot so that he could easily report the results of the operation to An Liang.

The director of the security special operations of a mere unnamed island actually wants to target An Liang?

I can only say that the idea is naive!


Update time: November 4, 2021 00:03:17, good night.

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