At nearly eight o'clock in the morning, An Liang sent Li Xiyan to Fudan University. He pretended to be a student of Fudan University and slipped into the library.

An Liang is particularly skilled at pretending to be a student from another school!

For example, through his proficient piano skills, he could pretend to be a piano student at the National Conservatory of Music. Although he was discovered once, it was very smooth at Fudan University. After all, he was just entering the library.

In the library of Fudan University, An Liang had just found a seat by the window and sat down when he received the message from No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation.

‘No. 4: [Electric shock accident: shocking!]’

‘No. 4: [The Minister of Security of the imperial court is suspected of having an electric shock accident!]’

‘Number 4: [Irony! If the Minister of Security cannot guarantee his own safety, how can he ensure the safety of Weiming Island?]’

‘No. 4: BOSS, the grass-cutting operation was successful, and the local media on Weiming Island has begun large-scale reports.’

‘Zero: Well done!’

‘No. 0: Have the relevant bonuses been distributed?’

‘No. 4: Yes, according to the BOSS's instructions, a total of 20 million Xia Guoyuan has been distributed.’

‘Zero: Was the second step of action executed successfully?’

‘No. 4: Successfully completed’

‘No. 4: After our screening, we selected Guo Shuyi, the second assistant of the target office. This person’s financial situation was problematic. We forged email communication records, opened an overseas account in his name, and stored it in it. $ 1,000,000’

‘Zero: So we have double insurance!’

‘Number 4: Yes. '

The so-called double insurance means that even if there is something wrong with the accident on Weiming Island, further investigation will lead to the discovery of Guo Shuyi's situation.

Guo Shuyi received US$1 million in his overseas account, and there are also email exchange records. Although the email exchange records have been deleted, network technology experts can still recover some clues.

Under such circumstances, even if the finger is pointed at Anliang in the end, it will not have any impact on Anliang, but will add a touch of mystery to Anliang.

Because according to this logic, An Liang actually planted an insider at the local court of Weiming Island in advance, so An Liang was able to know that Dai Qiang made a proposal against An Liang outside the rules at the internal meeting of Weiming Island.

It was precisely because he knew about Dai Qiang's proposal that An Liang used forces outside the rules to target Dai Qiang. Then An Liang's methods would not be criticized, because An Liang still acted according to the rules.

After all, it was Dai Qiang who suggested using forces outside the rules to target An Liang. What's wrong with An Liang's choice to counterattack?

This unproblematic logic reveals a huge problem.

That's how many insiders Anliang has?

Other masterminds who are planning to use forces outside the rules to target An Liang will have some scruples and restraint to avoid something like Dai Qiang happening again.

An Liang had just finished communicating with No. 4 Tianji Shensuan when he received a message from Huang Guoxiang

‘Huang Guoxiang: [Link: Dai Qiang, Director of Weiming Island Security Special Operations, was electrocuted in an accident】’

‘Huang Guoxiang: What do you think of this matter?’

‘An Liang:?’

‘An Liang: Of course you use your eyes to see it!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: How much do you know about Dai Qiang?’

‘An Liang: I need to know?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: This guy is a tough opponent and we dislike him very much’

‘Huang Guoxiang: This person has hawkish ideas. He likes to use tough methods to target his enemies. This time you are putting pressure on Weiming Island through the Shipping Alliance and Tyrande, which may make him unhappy.’

‘An Liang: So his accidental death, isn't it a better thing?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: It is indeed better’

‘Huang Guoxiang: But are you sure he died accidentally?’

‘An Liang: What do you mean?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Pretending to be confused while pretending to understand?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: [Picture: Dai Qiang proposed to solve the problem through power outside the rules]’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Yesterday, our insiders came back with the news. We originally planned to send it to you today, but your efficiency was a little too high, right?’

‘An Liang: I don’t quite understand what you mean’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Keep pretending!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Our experts have analyzed the answer. You must have insiders in the local court on Weiming Island. You must know that Dai Qiang proposed to use forces outside the rules to target you, so you took a preemptive strike, right?’

‘An Liang: Do you think too highly of me?’

‘An Liang: How can I have inside and outside forces on Weiming Island?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: I don’t think highly of you at all!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: In fact, I have always underestimated you. Renyi Security Company is developing very fast all over the world. If I had not known in advance that Renyi Security Company was yours, I would have suspected that it was new information on the development of Bald Eagle Country. mechanism’

‘An Liang: Lao Huang, you want me to take the blame again?’

‘An Liang: If you want me to take the blame, just tell me directly. Anyway, I don’t take the blame for one or two things. I’m used to taking the blame.’

‘Huang Guoxiang:...’

Anliang is used to taking the blame?

Huang Guoxiang wants to complain, because An Liang is the king of blame, okay?

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