In fact, both An Liang and Huang Guoxiang are the ones who blame the blame. It's just that An Liang always makes calculations in his mind but not intentionally. He calculated Huang Guoxiang one step in advance, which made Huang Guoxiang take more blame.

‘Huang Guoxiang: Regarding Dai Qiang, we dislike him very much’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Regarding Dai Qiang’s accident, we can only say that you did a great job!’

‘An Liang: It’s not me, I didn’t, don’t talk nonsense! '

Anliang must give quality three consecutive denials.

Some things can only be understood and cannot be expressed in words

‘An Liang: Lao Huang, you have been exposed. You actually have an insider in the Weiming Island local court!’

‘An Liang: How about lending it to me?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: What do you want to do?’

‘An Liang: What do you think?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: No borrowing!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: You must have insiders over there. Whatever you want to do, you can handle it yourself. It is impossible for me to lend you our insiders.’

‘An Liang: boring’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Your method this time is very clever!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: That Dai Qiang was unruly. You solved the opponent in advance and showed a very strong attitude. Such an attitude will make other people treat questions about you with caution.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: In future competitions, if you choose the method within the rules, there is a high probability that others will only choose the method within the rules to fight.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: This time you shocked those unruly guys in advance. I can only say that your methods are really clever!’

‘An Liang: Am I so powerful? '

In fact Huang Guoxiang is right!

An Liang is indeed so powerful.

An Liang's action against Dai Qiang perfectly nipped the danger in its bud. Not only Dai Qiang's threat, but also the unruly guys hiding in the shadows were all shocked by An Liang's action.

This is killing two birds with one stone!

An Liang nipped a lot of threats before they even started!

‘Huang Guoxiang: Although you don’t admit it, I know that you must be behind the scenes this time.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: All I can say is a great job!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: There is another thing I want to discuss with you.’

‘An Liang: What's the matter?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: About graphene batteries’

‘Huang Guoxiang: I will send you a document, we need your help’

‘Huang Guoxiang: [Operation Prometheus]'

An Liang looked at this piece of information about [Operation Prometheus].

This action was initiated and organized by the Bald Eagle Nation, with multiple countries participating in it. The ultimate goal was to steal the graphene battery technology of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

At present, graphene battery technology is constantly impacting the dominance of traditional lithium-ion batteries.

In the field of consumer electronics, top products are seeking to use graphene batteries.

Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has opened limited areas of cooperation, allowing some top consumer electronics products to have the opportunity to launch graphene battery versions.

Especially the mobile phone market.

In the mobile phone market, if it is not equipped with a graphene battery, it is no longer worthy of being called a flagship phone.

After all, graphene batteries do have great advantages over lithium-ion batteries. Whether it is durability, energy density, charging speed, temperature control, etc., they all beat lithium-ion batteries in an instant.

In the consumer field, graphene battery technology only seizes the high-end market to gain greater benefits.

But in the field of weapons, graphene batteries play an even greater role!

In order to prevent the Xia Kingdom from forming a monopoly in the weapons field through graphene batteries, the Bald Eagle Kingdom teamed up with multiple countries to formulate Operation Prometheus, hoping to steal graphene battery technology from the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group through this operation.

‘An Liang: Aren’t you able to solve this kind of thing yourself?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: We can only deal with people entering from our Xia Kingdom’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Our Xia Kingdom’s border defense capabilities are very powerful. It is impossible for those people to enter Xia Kingdom with equipment.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: According to our investigation, this time the Prometheus operation plan starts with Tyrande, and then uses Tyrande as a springboard to enter the Xia Kingdom’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Only through Tyrande can they have the opportunity to bring various advanced equipment into Xia Kingdom’

‘An Liang:? ? ?’

‘An Liang: Pick the soft persimmon?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: If we compare Xia Guo and Tyrande, Tyrande is indeed a soft persimmon.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: But we believe you can solve them’

‘An Liang: It’s useless for you to believe me. Can we talk about some basic logic?’

‘An Liang: Since it is an operation to steal graphene battery technology, all participants must be the elite of the elite, and must also be the most advanced in terms of equipment.’

‘An Liang: In this situation, how do you want us to fight? '

Huang Guoxiang did not refute.

Because what An Liang said is right.

Now that the Bald Eagle Country has united many countries to steal graphene battery technology, the top elites will inevitably be involved. Although the members of Renyi Security Company are very powerful, Anliang has no idea of ​​pride.

‘Huang Guoxiang: How can you fight against them? '

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