Zhang Zijin and Zhao Wanxi have known each other for many years, and their relationship has always been very good.

Zhang Zijin is very aware of how proud Zhao Wanxi's character is, but now has Zhao Wanxi actually changed her persistence?

Zhao Wanxi smiled self-deprecatingly,"Sister Zijin, do you think why I changed?"

Zhang Zijin was silent.

"There's something magical about that guy, he always attracts people around him."Zhao Wanxi showed a smile.

Zhang Zijin saw the light in Zhao Wanxi's eyes, and she knew that Zhao Wanxi had completely fallen.

"Does your family know?"Zhang Zijin asked slightly worriedly.

With Zhao Wanxi's family background, he shouldn't accept a situation like An Liang's, right?

After all, Zhongshu Ling Zhao Xingguo is also very well-behaved!

Zhao Wanxi responded,"Except for my grandfather. Except, everyone else knows"

"Your brother also knows?"Zhang Zijin was surprised.

Zhao Wanxi responded with a smile,"Sister Zijin probably doesn't know that guy saved my sister-in-law and my niece, right?"

Zhao Wanxi told the story of the plane crash.

"Although my brother was dissatisfied with this situation, due to the previous air crash, my brother could only hold his nose and admit it."Zhao Wanxi said with a smile.

"What should you do with your grandfather?"Zhang Zijin was curious.

"I remember that Grandpa Zhao’s thinking is very traditional. Grandpa Zhao will definitely not like your situation."Zhang Zijin was worried about Zhao Wanxi.

Zhao Wanxi responded calmly,"My grandfather doesn't know."

"My grandfather had a very good impression of him." Zhao Wanxi added,"My plan is to delay it for the time being and not tell my grandfather the truth. If it can be delayed forever, then it will be delayed forever."

Zhang Zijin understood what Zhao Wanxi meant. Mr. Zhao Zhuangkang is already 80 years old this year, so delaying it first is the best way.

Zhao Wanxi changed the topic,"Sister Zijin, after so many years, you haven't come out yet. ?

Zhang Zijin rolled his eyes at Zhao Wanxi,"Are you angry with me on purpose?"

Zhao Wanxi smiled and begged for mercy,"I was just joking!""

Zhang Zijin sighed,"My current situation is very complicated. First of all, I am 30 years old this year and I am married for the second time. Although everyone knows some of the circumstances, in name I am married for the second time."

"According to my family's situation, I can't just find an ordinary person. After all, some things are really complicated."Zhang Zijin sighed.

Zhao Wanxi said apologetically,"I'm sorry, Sister Zijin, I..."

Zhang Zijin interrupted Zhao Wanxi,"It's okay."

"Wanxi, actually I envy you."Zhang Zijin's eyes showed a look of yearning,"You can decide your future yourself, you can pursue the happiness you want, even in that person's situation, you can pursue it regardless of everything."

Zhao Wanxi was silent. She didn't know how to comfort Zhang Zijin.

"Okay, okay, let’s not talk about these sad topics, let’s talk about your person."Zhang Zijin brought the topic to An Liang.

Zhao Wanxi blushed immediately,"He doesn't have anything to say. Anyway, everyone knows his situation, that is, he is a playboy!"

"But it is such a playboy who captures your heart, so I am curious, what kind of magic power does he have? Zhang Zijin asked with a smile.

Zhao Wanxi showed a bad smile,"Sister Zijin, you can get in touch with him more and feel his magic power.""

"I just said that that guy has a kind of magic power. He can always attract people around him. If Sister Zijin gets in touch with him more, I believe I can feel it too!" Zhao Wanxi added.

Zhang Zijin rolled his eyes at Zhao Wanxi again. Just as she was about to speak, she saw four flying motorcycles flying over in the sky.

"Your One has come!"Zhang Zijin reminded,"His flying motorcycle seems a bit special."

Zhao Wanxi responded affirmatively,"Two of the flying motorcycles are from the military, and the pilots are from the military and the National Security Investigation Bureau to protect the safety of that guy."

"Equipped with military technology?"Zhang Zijin was surprised

"Um! Zhao Wanxi responded affirmatively,"That guy has a very good view of the overall situation, and his safety is very important.""

While Zhao Wanxi and Zhang Zijin were communicating, four deluxe third-generation flying motorcycles landed on the ground.

An Liang got off the deluxe third-generation flying motorcycle, and he took the initiative to walk towards Zhao Wanxi and Zhang Zijin

"Sister Zijin, good afternoon. An Liang first greeted Zhang Zijin.

Zhang Zijin responded calmly and generously,"Good afternoon. Are you going back soon?" An

Liang teased with a smile,"This guy made a surprise attack. I'm preparing a door-to-door gift, so I have to wait for a while. I also want to visit your Animal Planet Protection Home.""

"Door-to-door gift? Zhang Zijin was curious,"What gifts have you prepared?" Zhao

Wanxi also asked,"Is it Maotao wine?" Zhang

Zijin said jokingly,"If it's peach wine, I'd like some too. My dad also likes it." Zhao

Wanxi responded generously,"No problem, we'll give you some.""

"No peach wine. An Liang said helplessly,"There is very little peach wine this year. Currently, only my dad has a little bit, but I can't cheat it either.""

"Don't worry, I have other gifts prepared."An Liang added

"What gift is that?"Zhang Zijin was full of curiosity.


Update time: November 7, 2021 00:02:23, good night!

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