Zhang Zijin was indeed very curious about what gifts An Liang had prepared.

Because in Zhang Zijin's view, ordinary gifts are meaningless, both to Zhao Wanxi's family and to An Liang.

"you guess? An Liang asked back.

Zhao Wanxi guessed first,"Peach gum?" An

Liang just smiled, neither affirming nor denying.

Zhang Zijin said half seriously and half jokingly,"President, the exchange limit for peach gum in the club is too small. Can I apply for a higher amount?" An

Liang looked at Zhang Zijin in confusion,"Sister Zijin, the four of you are honorary members, and the exchange volume per month is as high as 15 bottles. Isn't this a lot?""

Zhao Wanxi responded on behalf of Zhang Zijin,"Sister Zijin is a bit miserable. She can only get three bottles at most a month, and the rest are all taken away by the elders of the family."

Zhang Zijin said with a sigh,"Even if there are only three bottles left and I still have to be beaten by my best friend, will the club still accept people? Can I recommend people to join the club? Zhao

Wanxi responded on behalf of An Liang,"He must agree, but others must not agree, because the benefits of formal members are very good, and everyone now tacitly rejects the addition of formal members.""

Although the Tianshang Baiyujing Club has a formal recommendation plan for recruiting new members, there was insufficient voting every time, and a large number of formal members chose to abstain, which resulted in the failure of the new members.

As Zhao Wanxi said, the official members of the Tianshang Baiyujing Club The treatment is very good. If there is one more official member, then one more person will share the benefits. How can others be willing?

In addition, voting is anonymous, and no one knows who voted for it.

So every time a new member is admitted, Except for the formal members who recommended new members and Wu Zhengfeng of Shengqing who voted in favor, everyone else basically abstained.

An Liang said jokingly,"Wanxi is right, if Sister Zijin wants to recommend formal members , I estimate that abstentions account for the majority. As long as the votes in favor do not exceed 80%, you will not be able to become a formal member."

Zhao Wanxi answered,"In fact, you can also choose to become a peripheral member. Our club's treatment of peripheral members is constantly improving. After all, everyone is unwilling to accept new formal members, so we have increased the treatment of peripheral members."

Zhao Wanxi added,"For example, in terms of the quota for redeeming Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum, the original quota for peripheral members was half of that of full members, and the decimal points were reduced."

"The quota for formal members is five bottles, and the quota for peripheral members is 2.5 bottles, which is reduced to 2 bottles after the decimal point is reduced."Zhao Wanxi introduced the situation

"However, now it has been changed to a decimal point plus one format. Even if it is 2.01, we have increased the quota to 3 bottles."Zhao Wanxi gave an example

"However, in terms of exchange contribution, peripheral members still maintain a price of 120%." Zhao Wanxi added.

Zhang Zijin caught the loophole and asked,"If this is the case, can I arrange ten peripheral members, and then have 30 bottles of exchange quota every month? An

Liang responded with a smile,"Even if we ignore the existence of the external member review mechanism, the problem of contribution alone cannot be solved.""

Zhao Wanxi explained in conjunction with An Liang,"Sister Zijin probably hasn't paid attention to the issue of transferring contributions. Our club's app has introduced that 20% of the transfer fee will be deducted for transferring contributions."

"For example, if Sister Zijin transfers her contribution to an outside member, and transfers 100 points, only 80 points will be received. Based on the price of the outside member’s exchange for Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum, which is 120 points of contribution, Sister Zijin needs Transfer 150 contribution points." Zhao Wanxi added.

Zhang Zijin did some mental calculation,"That's equivalent to a 50% higher price, right?"

"Yes."An Liang affirmed,"So even if the external member review mechanism is ignored, the contribution cannot be obtained as desired."

Zhang Zijin agreed,"It is indeed difficult to obtain the club's contribution."

In fact, Zhang Zijin's contribution is still a lot, close to 7 million, but transferring the contribution to peripheral members to exchange for the club's special products would cause too much loss, and Zhang Zijin would not be able to part with it.

The contribution of Bai Yujing Club in the sky is famous. Hard to get.

After An Liang and Zhang Zijin chatted about the Bai Yujing Club in the Sky, they visited the Animal Planet Protection Home under the leadership of Zhang Zijin.

Near half past eleven, An Liang received a voice communication from Li Yang.

An Liang swiped the screen to answer. ,"What's up?"

"Sorry, BOSS, I sent you a message and you didn't reply, so I called you."Li Yang said quickly,"For the specific situation, please check the information on your mobile phone."

An Liang immediately checked the message sent by Li Yang. He replied casually and put away the phone.

"Wanxi, it’s almost half past eleven, shall we go back first? An Liang suggested.

Zhao Wanxi agreed firmly,"Well, I told grandpa that we will arrive around twelve o'clock."

At this point, Zhao Wanxi said invitingly,"Sister Zijin, will you come with me?" Zhang

Zijin refused directly,"I won't go. There are still some things that need to be dealt with here.""

"Well, let's go now. Goodbye."Zhao Wanxi responded.

Zhang Zijin waved his hand,"Goodbye."

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