Shuanglong Village outside Xiliudao, the imperial capital.

An Liang took Zhao Wanxi back to the place where the flying motorcycle was parked. Zhao Wanxi naturally followed An Liang on the flying motorcycle. An Liang sat in front and Zhao Wanxi sat behind An Liang. She naturally hugged An Liang's waist. And stick it to An Liang's back.

Although the weather in the imperial capital has cooled down in October, Zhao Wanxi's figure is very good, and he can still feel the soft touch

"What gift did you prepare?"Zhao Wanxi asked.

An Liang sighed secretly. Through Zhao Wanxi's actions, he knew that Zhao Wanxi really liked him, otherwise he would not have made such an intimate gesture.

After all, if you don't like someone, The body will instinctively reject it, and vice versa

"You'll find out later, I've already arranged for someone to send it over."An Liang did not reveal the answer.

It only takes about a quarter of an hour to return from Shuanglong Village outside West Sixth Avenue to Zhao Wanxi's courtyard house on West Second Avenue.

An Liang also set the destination and let the flight control system drive intelligently, because In the West 2nd Road area, flying motorcycles are strictly restricted to driving along the highway, and the maximum flying height is only ten meters.

In view of this situation, An Liang prefers to let the flight control system drive intelligently.

Anyway, the biggest advantage of flying motorcycles in the city It’s to avoid traffic jams, and it’s not to have fun driving a flying motorcycle.

If you want to have fun, you can go outside the six lanes of the Imperial Capital. There are a lot of places where you can fly freely outside the six lanes, and you can have as much fun as you want.

A quarter of an hour later, In the intelligent driving mode of the flight control system, the luxurious third-generation flying motorcycle equipped with ALON aluminum nitride transparent ceramics landed in front of Zhao Wanxi's house.

Four security personnel from Renyi Security Company and two Zhao Wanxi The security personnel at Xi's home were already waiting at the door.

When the deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle landed and An Liang and Zhao Wanxi came down, Li Yang came over carrying a silver-white suitcase.

"Mr. An, everything is ready."Li Yang explained.

An Liang took the silver-white suitcase, and he weighed it. It didn't weigh much.

Zhao Wanxi held An Liang's left arm. She looked at the silver-white suitcase and asked jokingly,"I always feel that This gift is weird. How can you put a gift in a silver-white suitcase?"

The image of the silver-white suitcase is too classic, and it is full of images of shady transactions in various movies and TV dramas.

An Liang responded with a smile,"Don't worry, I'm sure Grandpa Zhao will like this gift, and your dad will also like it."

"Let me tell you first, my grandfather called my dad and my brother back. I didn’t know about this in advance. My sister-in-law just sent me a message to remind me." Zhao Wanxi said a little apologetically.

An Liang replied calmly,"It doesn't matter, I've seen it before."

"Shall we go in?"Zhao Wanxi breathed a sigh of relief secretly.

"Walk!"An Liang took the initiative to walk into the courtyard.

When he crossed the courtyard gate, Zhao Wanxi still held An Liang's left arm, thus indicating their relationship.

In the courtyard, Zhao Zhuangkang was training three wolf dogs.

When An Liang and Zhao Wanxi left After coming in, Zhao Zhuangkang naturally saw Zhao Wanxi holding An Liang's left arm. He laughed heartily and said,"Boy An, you are finally here!""

An Liang said hello,"Good afternoon, Grandpa Zhao, your mental state seems to be very good."

"I've been really energetic lately."Zhao Zhuangkang responded affirmatively

"These dogs look great too, I love them!"An Liang said with praise.

Zhao Zhuangkang looked at An Liang warily,"They are all my treasures, don't make any decisions. Zhao Yijian, where did you die? Hurry up and send Dahu and the others to the farm outside."

Zhao Yijian is the security guard of Mr. Zhao Zhuangkang. He immediately came over and led the three wolf dogs away.

Zhao Wanxi said with a smile,"Those three wolf dogs are grandpa's heart and soul, you don't have to like them."

"Anything else will do!" Zhao Zhuangkang said generously.

An Liang looked at the koi pond in the courtyard again. This koi pond has hidden secrets. It not only has a circulating filtration system, but also a heating and cooling device. Even in winter, these koi can Spend the winter safely.

Zhao Zhuangkang immediately said in confusion,"Koi are ornamental fish, they are really not delicious!"

Listening to the speech of an old kid like Zhao Zhuangkang, both An Liang and Zhao Wanxi burst into laughter.

As the two laughed, Zhao Xingguo and Zhao Dongliang also came to the courtyard together.

Zhao Xingguo took the initiative to say hello," Xiaoan, welcome!"

Zhao Dongliang's eyes were a little complicated. He knew An Liang's situation very well, but he also knew that his sister really liked An Liang. An Liang responded politely,"Uncle Zhao, Brother Dongliang, good afternoon."

Zhao Dongliang nodded,"Good afternoon."

"By the way, I prepared a gift, and I hope Grandpa Zhao likes it."An Liang handed over the silver-white suitcase in his hand.

Zhao Dongliang looked at the silver-white suitcase and grinned. Because giving a gift in a silver-white suitcase, An Liang couldn't figure it out?

"The password is 888888."An Liang added.

"There is even a password!"Zhao Zhuangkang took the silver-white suitcase and placed it directly on the leisure stone table in the courtyard, ready to open it.

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