Facing Dai Zhengbo's response, An Liang breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he asked inquiringly,"Since the Bald Eagle Kingdom has not discovered the matter of thousand-year-old Astragalus, why don't you take action?"

Dai Zhengbo showed an embarrassed expression," Although the Bald Eagle Nation does not know the reason why we secretly observed Corea, the Bald Eagle Nation believes that we have a conspiracy."

"nonsense!"An Liang complained.

Xia's Earth Observation Optical Satellite is secretly observing Corea. There must be a conspiracy!

Could it be that he has a secret crush on Corea?

"Now our Earth observation optical satellites have withdrawn from Corea, but the Bald Eagle Nation's Earth observation optical satellites are online. The Bald Eagle Nation has mobilized four Earth observation optical satellites to keep an eye on Corea anytime and anywhere."Dai Zhengbo explained with a wry smile.

An Liang understood what the Bald Eagle Country meant.

The Bald Eagle Country really didn't know why Xia Country's Earth Observation Optical Satellite secretly observed Corea, but the Bald Eagle Country knew that Xia Country must have some conspiracy, so Arrange for Earth observation optical satellites to wait and see.

As for Corea, do you have any opinions?


Corea's opinion is not important!

Corea's outer space technology is relatively backward. When facing outer space technology, Corea Asia has no right to speak at all. Whether it is the Earth observation optical satellite of the Xia Kingdom or the Earth observation optical satellite of the Bald Eagle Kingdom, just look at Corea if you want to see it.

Not convinced?

Not convinced Hold it in!

After all, Corea does not have satellite killer weapons!

Huang Guoxiang continued,"The current situation is that we are being stared at by the Bald Eagle Kingdom, whether it is within our Xia Kingdom or on the Corea side, we They were all being watched by the Bald Eagle Kingdom and they didn't dare to make any move. An

Liang nodded understandingly,"Yes, once you have any abnormal behavior, the Bald Eagle Kingdom will pay attention to you and follow you to discover the Thousand-Year Astragalus, right?""

"It is also for this reason that you did not monopolize the thousand-year-old Astragalus."An Liang added.

Huang Guoxiang smiled bitterly.

"But I have a question!"An Liang looked at Huang Guoxiang

"what is the problem? Huang Guoxiang asked back

"How did you determine that Neicangshan has thousand-year-old astragalus?"An Liang asked.

Huang Guoxiang was silent.

An Liang looked at the silent Huang Guoxiang, and he took the initiative to guess,"There are only two ways."

"First, you used a secret-level Earth observation optical satellite to obtain very clear ground conditions, and even directly photographed the thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus."Anliang explained.

When we were operating in Mount Fuji before, we determined the thousand-year-old Astragalus through remote cameras.

"Second, you have a field worker who identified the thousand-year-old astragalus on the ground in Corea, but because of identity issues, he could not bring the thousand-year-old astragalus back, right? An Liang listed two possibilities.

Huang Guoxiang did not admit it, but he also did not deny it. He just responded,"We cannot be 100% sure that it is a thousand-year-old astragalus, but the possibility of a thousand-year-old astragalus is very high.""

"We know that your layout in Corea is very early and you have a huge power in Corea, so we need your help."Huang Guoxiang looked at An Liang

"What do you think of our cooperation in this operation? Huang Guoxiang asked.

An Liang nodded,"Of course no problem!""

"I believe you know that I just gave 130 pieces of Millennium Astragalus to Zhao Wanxi, so I definitely hope to get more Millennium Astragalus."An Liang added with a smile.

"but! An Liang said with a twist,"We put villains first and then gentlemen. How will the benefits be distributed in this operation?""

"We discovered the thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus, and we also determined its location, so we open it at 80-20! Huang Guoxiang opened his mouth wide.

An Liang refused without hesitation,"What a beautiful idea!""

"Although it is true that you discovered the Thousand-Year Astragalus this time, you are now being targeted by the Bald Eagle Kingdom. It is impossible for you to act, let alone get the Thousand-Year Astragalus!"An Liang retorted.

"Seven or three open? Huang Guoxiang tested.

An Liang refused again,"Old Huang, I am more sincere than you. I will tell you the bottom line directly. We will split it in half. You will provide intelligence and we will perform field missions.""

Huang Guoxiang thought about it.

An Liang continued to add,"Correa owns the Bald Eagle Country's military base. I believe you understand how great an advantage they have. There is no chance for you to act."

What An Liang said is true!

Huang Guoxiang sighed,"If it's divided in half, it's divided in half, but I hope the operation can succeed. After all, it's not easy to find a thousand-year-old astragalus."

"rest assured!"An Liang responded with a smile.

"Your arrangements in Corea are indeed very profound! Huang Guoxiang sighed.

An Liang still did not admit it, but said calmly,"Let's make preparations first. When we are ready, you can give us the specific information.""

"OK"Huang Guoxiang did not refuse. He understood An Liang's subtext.

An Liang did not ask for information in advance to avoid accidents.

If Huang Guoxiang handed over the information to An Liang, problems would arise on the Millennium Huangqi side. Who should be responsible? What about?

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