Both An Liang and Huang Guoxiang understood the serious consequences of intelligence leakage. In order to avoid such a situation, An Liang did not request the information in advance.

"When do you plan to take action?" Huang Guoxiang asked

"When we notify you, we need to make preparations first."An Liang did not act in a hurry.

Because An Liang knew that Bald Eagle Country is not simple!

Bald Eagle Country is a very complicated country.

On the surface, Bald Eagle Country seems to be a paper tiger. It just looks scary, but in fact it is not that big. Threat.

However, after a closer look, you will find that it is just a fooling method of the powerful groups in the Bald Eagle Country.

The essence of the Bald Eagle Country is actually a country controlled by the Concern Organization, but the Concern Organization of the Bald Eagle State is more hidden. Okay.

An Liang has seen through the nature of the Bald Eagle Country, so he will be extremely cautious.

Especially when it comes to issues like the Millennium Astragalus, the Bald Eagle Country will definitely be very concerned about it, because the Concern organizations that are in power behind the scenes need the Millennium Astragalus.

"OK!"Huang Guoxiang agreedWith.

Huang Guoxiang also knew that this operation was not easy. He was not in a hurry, he just needed to wait patiently.

"Now that the business is done, let’s talk about trivial matters."Huang Guoxiang said casually

"What trivial things?"An Liang asked back.

"About you pretending to be us. Huang Guoxiang complained,"I found that you like to pretend to be us. Is this too much?" An Liang taunted directly,"

I found out that you are really thick-skinned!""

"Regarding the impersonation thing, didn’t you start it first? An Liang said with a hum,"Especially in the Tyrande area, can your field staff just use our identities?""

"In addition to Tyrande, whether it is Southeast Asia or Europa, we have discovered that your field personnel are using our identities."An Liang complained.

Huang Guoxiang smiled but said nothing.

"Damn it! An Liang suddenly realized it, and then complained helplessly,"Old Huang, you have so many tricks!""

"So you can still deny what happened to Renyi Security Company?"Huang Guoxiang teased.

Huang Guoxiang didn't really want to accuse the person of impersonating his identity, but was trying to fish through this matter. An Liang accidentally followed the topic.

An Liang spread his hands,"Is it possible that your field staff Aren't you pretending to be someone from our Anxin Investment Company to get discounts on travel and accommodation?"

"As expected of you! Huang Guoxiang joked,"Even at this time, you can still confuse right and wrong.""

"Could it be that I made a mistake?"An Liang pretended to be shocked.

Huang Guoxiang did not dwell on this topic. He said casually,"I heard that this time the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is openly recruiting agents for the Guardian prosthetic framework. I guess you want to lie, right? Bar?"

"We Dream Future Graphene Technologies Group’s goodwill is excellent!"An Liang snorted.

Huang Guoxiang responded,"I only care about whether there will be dividends this time?"

"Are you short of money? An Liang asked back.

Huang Guoxiang nodded affirmatively,"It's almost the end of the year. Try to make more money and get a good bonus at the end of the year.""

"You know, living in the imperial capital is not easy."Huang Guoxiang said with emotion,"The risk factor of our National Security Investigation Bureau's work is relatively high, but the year-end bonus is basically the lowest among our brother units. I hope it will change this year. An

Liang put away his joking attitude and nodded affirmatively,"You heard it right. After this agent recruitment meeting, there will indeed be dividends.""

"Your National Security Investigation Bureau has 9% equity, and the final profit distribution is also calculated based on 9%. An Liang responded.

Huang Guoxiang smiled and said,"I wish you success immediately!""

"It should be a blessing to us!"An Liang responded

"Yes, yes, we are also shareholders of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group."Huang Guoxiang laughed. It was close to eleven o'clock in the morning.

An Liang left from the National Security Investigation Bureau, and he sent a message to Zhao Wanxi

‘An Liang: Do you have time at noon?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Of course, will you come over for dinner?’

‘An Liang: Forget it, I'm shy, you know’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Are you still shy?’

‘An Liang: The agent recruitment meeting for the Guardian Prosthetic Frame will be held this afternoon. Where should we go for lunch?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: No problem’

‘Zhao Wanxi: I'm at home. Are you coming to pick me up?’

‘An Liang: OK!’

‘An Liang: The flying motorcycle I drive will arrive in about seven minutes.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Well, I'll be waiting for you outside the door in five minutes. '

The estimated travel time of the flying motorcycle is very accurate, because the flying motorcycle does not have to wait in traffic jams or traffic lights. The minutes estimated by the flight control system are just a few minutes.

Seven minutes later, the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle landed in the alley outside Zhao Wanxi's courtyard. The ALON aluminum nitride transparent ceramic wind guide was opened, and An Liang waved to Zhao Wanxi.

Zhao Wanxi came over with a happy face. She naturally straddled An Liang behind her, then hugged An Liang's waist and pressed against An Liang's back,"Let's go, there is a private restaurant over there that has delicious food.""

"Um!"An Liang started the deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle and handed over the driving task to the flight control system.

While flying on the road, An Liang asked inquiringly,"Has the company decided to participate in the Guardian Prosthetic Frame Agent Recruitment Conference this time?"


Update time: November 13, 2021 00:02:10, good night.

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