In the corridor outside the door of piano room No. 9, An Liang led Chen Siyu away.

Mu Xinmei tragically discovered that originally she and Chen Siyu took turns playing for half an hour, but now after Chen Siyu left, she had to play alone for an hour and a half. This was simply too difficult!

Outside the piano room, An Liang took Chen Siyu and said proactively,"Our club has a party tonight, and I'm going to take you and Shuangshuang to attend."

Chen Siyu asked in confusion,"What about Sister Wanxi?"

"She is also a member of the club, so naturally she wants to participate."An Liang responded.

Chen Siyu was silent for a few seconds before he added,"Aren't you going to invite Qianqian this time? An

Liang thought about it for a moment, then responded,"I leave the decision to you, you decide whether to invite her or not.""

In fact, there has been no substantial progress between An Liang and Song Qian.

"Then invite Qianqian!"Chen Siyu said happily. She held An Liang's arm and said coquettishly,"Actually, Qianqian is quite good. Shuangshuang and I both like Qianqian, and Sister Wanxi does not reject Qianqian."

An Liang recalled Song Qian. There was really nothing wrong with the lively and hearty Song Qian, especially after she regained her past personality and did not deliberately please An Liang, but An Liang liked her even more.

Although Song Qian's appearance score is only at the level of one in a thousand, not as high as one in a thousand, but the level of one in a thousand is also very high, and she is definitely at the level of a school beauty. Unfortunately, there are too many beauties with the level of one in a thousand around Anliang. That's all, that's why Song Qian's light was covered up

"In this case, let’s invite it!"An Liang responded

"Master An, it is best if you send a message to Qianqian, she is at the school."Chen Siyu reminded her.

An Liang did not refuse,"Well, I'll send her a message."

After An Liang responded to Chen Siyu, he immediately sent a message to Song Qian

‘Anliang: Where are you?’

‘Song Qian:?’

‘Song Qian: [Location information: Imperial National Conservatory of Music]’

‘Song Qian: What's the matter?’

‘An Liang: Our Heavenly Bai Yujing Club is having a party tonight. Do you want to go with us?’

‘Song Qian: Is it really possible?’

‘An Liang: Why not?’

‘Song Qian: Okay, okay, wait for me, I’ll clean up’

‘Song Qian: Where is the meeting place?’

‘An Liang: I'm at school. I'm going to pick up Siyu. Shuangshuang is on her way.’

‘An Liang: It's just an ordinary party. You don't have to clean up. We'll wait for you in the parking lot.’

‘Song Qian: Oh!’

‘Song Qian: Okay, wait for me. I’ll come over after changing my clothes.’

‘An Liang: OK! '

After An Liang and Song Qian sent messages, he sent another message to Ning Ruoshuang

‘An Liang: Shuangshuang, have you set off?’

‘Ning Ruoshuang: Coming over, it will take about five minutes.’

‘Ning Ruoshuang: Do you want to drink milk tea?’

‘An Liang: I won’t drink anymore. Ask Siyu and Song Qian’

‘Ning Ruoshuang: Okay. '

Ning Ruoshuang immediately sent a message to the group formed by the three of them and An Liang.

‘Ning Ruoshuang: @陈思宇: @松青: I’m in the back alley, do you want some milk tea?’

‘Chen Siyu: I want the Cheerilee Grand Slam’

‘Song Qian: Milk jasmine tea’

‘An Liang:?’

‘An Liang: Is there a new milk tea shop opened in the back alley?’

‘Chen Siyu: Of course!’

‘An Liang: Does it taste good?’

‘Ning Ruoshuang: You can try what we ordered after we meet later. '

More than five minutes later, Song Qian arrived at the parking lot first. She was wearing a goose-yellow sweatshirt and light gray sweatpants. She looked quite student-style.

"Has Shuangshuang not come yet? Song Qian had a happy expression on her face after arriving, and then asked Ning Ruoshuang.

Chen Siyu responded casually,"Maybe the milk tea shop is busy, so we need to wait."

An Liang answered curiously,"Let's go take a look in the back alley.""

Chen Siyu glanced at Song Qian, and she said in agreement,"Okay!"

An Liang held Chen Siyu's hand, and Song Qian also held Chen Siyu's hand, and the three of them walked towards the back door of the National Conservatory of Music.

After a while, the three of them came to the back alley, with Chen Siyu leading the way.

An Liang found that Chen Siyu was walking towards the direction of the dry pot fish shop. The Little Izu milk tea shop that An Liang gave to Song Qian is diagonally opposite the Ganguo Fish and Grocery Store.

Could it be that Song Qian reformed the milk tea shop?

This idea was quickly confirmed!

The original store sign of the Little Izu Milk Tea Shop has been changed It disappeared without a trace, replaced by a cherry blossom pink store sign, and the store name also changed, from 'Little Izu' to 'QueenTea'.

An Liang looked at Song Qian,"What's going on?"

Song Qian responded slightly reservedly,"After you gave the Little Izu Milk Tea Shop to me, I conducted a careful inspection of the Little Izu Milk Tea Shop and finally decided to transform and upgrade the Little Izu Milk Tea Shop."

"Xiao Izu Milk Tea Shop originally specialized in mid-to-low-end products. Although its sales volume and reputation are quite good, there is a certain gap between it and the milk tea shop in my mind, so it needs to be changed."Song Qian added.

The average order price of Xiao Izu milk tea shop in the past was about 14 yuan. This price is indeed quite cheap in the era of 2020.

After all, the order price of the first-tier milk tea brands has exceeded 40 yuan!

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