In the back alley of the National Conservatory of Music, in front of the original Little Izu Milk Tea Shop.

Song Qian continued to introduce the brand upgrade,"I have done market research before. In addition to our National Conservatory of Music and National Dance Academy, there are more than ten universities around the back alley. There is definitely no problem in terms of consumption power."

"In view of this situation, I decided to upgrade the brand of Xiaoizu Milk Tea Shop to QueenTea."Song Qian concluded

"Milk tea queen? An Liang teased.

Song Qian denied,"The moral of our brand is: every girl who drinks our milk tea is an exquisite queen!""

"What is the average order price? An Liang was curious.

Chen Siyu answered,"It's quite expensive!" The Cherry Grand Slam I just chose costs 168 yuan a cup"

"The milk jasmine tea I chose also costs 68 yuan a cup."Song Qian followed the quotation

"Yo ho!"An Liang was a little surprised.

Because for milk tea shops, whether it is 68 yuan for a cup of milk tea or 168 yuan for a cup of fruit tea, the price is outrageous, far exceeding the pricing of the first-tier milk tea shops.

At present, milk tea The price of fruit tea in the first echelon of the store is basically in the range of 30-40 yuan, but the price of QueenTea's fruit tea is over 100 yuan?

"Is there any cheaper fruit tea? An Liang asked.

Song Qian shook her head,"No." QueenTea only makes high-end products. Currently we only have four types of fruit teas, including cherry, golden pillow durian, sunshine rose grape, and white jade strawberry."

"You can take a look at our QueenTea applet."Song Qian pointed to the QR code at the entrance of the store and signaled An Liang to scan the QR code.

An Liang scanned the QR code and checked QueenTea's ordering applet.

Currently, QueenTea only has two series of milk teas, namely fruit Tea and milk tea.

Milk tea contains different tea aromas, such as jasmine, rose, green tea, etc. The price of this series is 68 yuan, without any additional ingredients, just milk and tea. The second one is Song Qian just now The high-end fruit series mentioned only have four varieties.

Baixue Strawberry Love and Sunny Sunshine are both 128 yuan a cup, Cherry Grand Slam is 168 yuan a cup, and Durian Golden Pillow Dream is priced at a high of 198 yuan.

No way. Needless to say, the price is indeed very expensive!

However, even with such a high price, An Liang still saw the prompt message on the mini program

‘There are currently 14 orders and a total of 25 drinks are being made. It is expected to wait 15 minutes for placing the order....’

"Business is actually so good? An Liang asked in surprise.

Song Qian smiled,"After the brand upgrade, our business is indeed very good, mainly because there are many universities around and there are many potential customers with spending power."

An Liang pointed out the true nature of the joke,"It hurts the male classmates' wallets!""

Chen Siyu laughed along with her. She felt that An Liang was right in saying"Yes, yes, yes. On the wall of our school, some people complained about QueenTea, indicating that the price is too unfriendly."

Song Qian responded,"The main reason is that the cost of raw materials is too high. Taking Golden Pillow Durian as an example, we only choose fresh Golden Pillow Durian of A-grade quality, and the purchase price has reached a high of 25 yuan per pound."

"The meat yield rate of A-grade Golden Pillow durian is basically around 35%, which means that the net pulp cost of Golden Pillow Durian is close to 72 yuan per pound."Song Qian added

"For each cup of Durian Golden Pillow Dream, the amount of pure durian pulp we require is one kilogram. Even if the core is removed, it is at least seven taels. Coupled with our carefully selected tea base, the comprehensive cost of raw materials is close to 80 yuan.!"Song Qian listed the costs.

"In addition to human resource costs, operating costs, and guaranteed benefits, this price can only be said to be reasonable, not too outrageous."Song Qian said frankly.

An Liang nodded slightly. According to what Song Qian said, the price is indeed not outrageous.

"Master An, we at QueenTea now rely on word of mouth, and most of our customers are repeat customers!"Song Qian added.

After Song Qian finished speaking, Ning Ruoshuang walked out of the store carrying three cups of milk tea. She saw Anliang and the others at a glance.

Ning Ruoshuang handed the milk jasmine tea to Song Qian, and then handed the car to The Lizi Grand Slam was handed to Chen Siyu, and she chose Bai Xue Strawberry Love

"Master An, would you like to try it first?"Chen Siyu handed his cherry Grand Slam to An Liang.

An Liang took a sip and discovered the mystery!

There is a mystery in this cup of Cherry Grand Slam. The cherry meat was not completely crushed, because it was completely After crushing, it is easy to form a foam that cannot be broken down.

The cherry pulp in Cherry Slam is in pieces, and they can be sucked up through a straw. This is obviously not a coincidence.

"This cup of cherries is a bit interesting! An Liang looked at Song Qian,"How did you deal with Che Lizi?""


Update time: November 15, 2021 00:02:56, good night.

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