Outside Xiliudao, Yunshan lives.

Most of the members of the Heavenly Bai Yujing Club have arrived, and quite a few members of the Heavenly Bai Yujing Club have brought 'plug-ins'.

The so-called 'plug-ins' are not official members of the Bai Yujing Club in the sky.

Take Lin Yili, for example, he brought his sister Lin Yunsi.

Lin Yunsi is one of the most beautiful women in the world, with a body score of 94. She is also quite famous in the entire imperial capital, so everyone naturally welcomes her arrival.

In addition to Lin Yunsi, Lin Yili also brought several friends from the imperial capital circle. They were peripheral members of Lin Yili's development. This time they were brought here to see the world.

Most of the official members of Tiantian Bai Yujing Club have brought"plug-ins", and even Li Cunyuan is no exception.

Li Cunyuan has a lot of brothers and sisters in his family. He is beaten by his brothers and sisters every day. At this club gathering, his brothers and sisters naturally want to come and play.

Qian Xiaogang's relationship with his family is relatively bad. Although he did not bring his two brothers over, he did bring Xia Sihan and Huang Beilei over, and he was enjoying the happiness of hugging each other.

Zhao Wanxi had arrived early, and Zhang Zijin happened to be at the Animal Star Protection Home on Xiliu Road, so he stopped by to take a look.

Zhao Wanxi and Zhang Zijin were sitting in the corner. Others did not disturb them out of curiosity. After all, their homes were on the first floor of the Imperial Capital Circle.

"Wanxi, do you think he will bring other girlfriends here?"Zhang Zijin teased.

Zhao Wanxi rolled her eyes at Zhang Zijin,"I will definitely do it!"

"Um? Zhang Zijin was confused,"You are also here today. He..."

"Do you think he would do some superficial work?"Zhao Wanxi asked back

"Um."Zhang Zijin nodded affirmatively.

"That's because you don't understand him." Zhao Wanxi responded,"I know him. He is not that kind of person. In fact, I don't want him to be that kind of person. If he abandons Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang to please me today, what will happen in the future? Won't you abandon me again for other women?"

Zhang Zijin was startled.

"Shall we make a bet?"Zhao Wanxi looked at Zhang Zijin

"How to bet?"Zhang Zijin asked

"If An Liang comes alone, I will donate 10 million to the Animal Star Protection Home; if An Liang brings Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang, how about Sister Zijin donate 10 million to my Warm Care Charity Foundation?"Zhao Wanxi suggested.

The Warm Care Charitable Foundation is a foundation that mainly cares for orphans and the elderly. It was initiated and operated by Zhao Wanxi. It is mainly donated by Zhao Wanxi's family.

Zhang Zijin nodded,"No problem!"

It's only 10 million, neither Zhao Wanxi nor Zhang Zijin cared about it.

After all, this time the Guardian Prosthetic Framework Agent Recruitment Meeting held by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, they shared a large amount of profits. , they don’t care about 10 million funds, they just want to add a small bonus

"Sister Zijin, you will definitely lose!"Zhao Wanxi said with a smile.

Zhang Zijin did not refute,"We will wait for the result."

This result did not keep them waiting for too long. After they made the bet, An Liang drove to Yunshan Residence in just seven or eight minutes, and then got out of the car with Chen Siyu and the others.

When An Liang and the others walked into the hall, Zhao Wan Xi naturally saw Chen Siyu, Ning Ruoshuang, and Song Qian beside An Liang, and she said quickly,"Sister Zijin, I told you, you will lose!"

Zhang Zijin was silent. She lowered her voice and said quickly,"You really don't care?"

"I care, but I care about him more. Zhao Wanxi responded with a smile,"I'll go say hello to them first.""

Zhao Wanxi stood up and walked towards An Liang.

Chen Siyu, Ning Ruoshuang, and Song Qian all looked at Zhao Wanxi who was walking over. The three of them were a little nervous because they were no longer the cute little newcomers they once were. They all knew that Zhao Wanxi Xi's identity

"Siyu, Shuangshuang, Qianqian, good evening, and welcome to our club party."Zhao Wanxi smiled and took the initiative to say hello to Chen Siyu and the others.

Chen Siyu and the others were relieved. Zhao Wanxi expressed her kindness and they put down their worries.

An Liang looked around and said casually,"We Are there so many people in the club?"

In the lobby of Yunshanju Club, Anliang felt that there were at least a hundred people, right?

"We all have brothers, sisters and friends, and our club is well-known, so some friends want to come and open their eyes."Zhao Wanxi responded

"Well, Li Cunyuan has more than ten brothers and sisters here, and he has a headache now!" Zhao Wanxi teased.

An Liang glanced in the direction of Li Cunyuan. He was stopping a girl from drinking. The girl looked to be in her teens. She should be his sister?

"Where's Brother Ocean?"An Liang is ready to watch the excitement.

"He should be surrounded by Xiaoyu and Li Qian, but they heard that his former running friend had sneaked in. Xiaoyu and Li Qian were a little unhappy. Zhao Wanxi said with a smile.

An Liang laughed,"Brother Haiyang is so unlucky?""

Chen Siyu answered on the side,"Isn't Brother Haiyang always an unlucky guy?"

"Yeah! An Liang seconded,"Brother Haiyang is indeed quite unlucky!""

"How about we go take a look?"An Liang suggested

"OK!"Chen Siyu just watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal.

Zhao Wanxi didn't refute,"Let's go look for it in the backyard. It should be in the backyard."

Ning Ruoshuang and Song Qian naturally had no objection, so Zhao Wanxi led the way and everyone went to the backyard to watch the excitement.

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