The backyard of Yunshanju Clubhouse.

After Anliang and his party entered the backyard, they discovered Yun Haiyang and the others.

According to An Liang's expectation, Yun Haiyang should be being blasted by Hu Xiaoyu and Li Qian, but it turned out that the three of them were drinking wine, laughing and chatting.

This is not right!

Could it be that Yun Haiyang turned over?

"Brother Ocean!"An Liang greeted loudly.

Yun Haiyang was startled. After realizing it was An Liang, Yun Haiyang responded with a vomit,"Fuck, Brother Liang, you scared me to death!"

"You haven't done anything wrong, so what are you afraid of?"An Liang teased

"Why did you hide in the backyard?" An Liang winked at Yun Haiyang.

Hu Xiaoyu responded with a snort,"It's not like this scumbag Yun Haiyang is messing around with women outside. Someone just came to the door. The backyard should be cleaner."

Li Qian complained in agreement,"Yun Haiyang has so many dark histories!"

"What exactly is going on?"An Liang is really curious.

Zhao Wanxi and Chen Siyu are also curious about what specific situation caused Hu Xiaoyu and Li Qian to just complain but not to be angry.

Yun Haiyang protested in a low voice,"Ahem , can you save some face for me? What happened in the past is in the past. I feel embarrassed to say it."

"Then I'm even more interested! An Liang laughed and teased.

Hu Xiaoyu said directly,"You scumbag, you have the guts to do things, but don't have the guts to admit it?" Li Qian agreed,"

That's right, he is really a scumbag!""

"Brother Haiyang, tell me quickly! An Liang urged.

Yun Haiyang coughed dryly,"Cough!" You know, Brother Liang, I used to...Um...a little...A little bit...Anyway, life is pretty hard."

Before meeting An Liang, Yun Haiyang's life was indeed quite difficult, especially in terms of economic conditions. It was simply miserable.

"so what? An Liang asked.

Hu Xiaoyu urged on the side,"If you don't say it, I will?""

"No, no, no, I’ll say it myself!"Yun Haiyang sighed,"A long time ago, I dated a girlfriend. At that time, when I was with her, my conditions were not very good, so she spent a lot of money."

An Liang instantly understood what Yun Haiyang meant. In the past, Yun Haiyang was the number one iron cock in the imperial capital, and he was also the king of sex. He should have spent his ex-girlfriend's money.

"Later, the relationship broke down and we broke up peacefully. Now that she knows that I have good conditions and wants to come back, how can I be willing? Yun Haiyang said righteously.

"Faced with my refusal, the other party requested compensation for loss of youth. In order to avoid trouble, and since I am a very soft-hearted person, I finally gave the other party two million. Yun Haiyang sighed.

An Liang said jokingly,"I don't believe it!"

Zhao Wanxi agreed,"I don't believe it either!"

Hu Xiaoyu rolled his eyes at Yun Haiyang,"Whoever believes this is a fool!" As you all know, when he was in junior high school, he cheated me out of 100 yuan and didn't pay it back for a whole year!"

"That's borrowed!"Yun Haiyang was helpless.

Li Qian was finishing his blows on the side,"Speaking of which, he still owes me 300 yuan, and he hasn't paid it back yet."

"Um? ? ?"An Liang looked at Yun Haiyang in surprise.

"Ah!"Zhao Wanxi also looked at Yun Haiyang teasingly.

Chen Siyu, Ning Ruoshuang, and Song Qian all looked at Yun Haiyang strangely. They didn't understand the Imperial Capital Circle and thought that the young and old in the Imperial Capital Circle shouldn't be so embarrassed.

Yun Haiyang's face darkened,"How can you slander me when there is no IOU, no transfer record, and no evidence?"

"No wonder you asked for cash when you had already planned not to pay back the money!"Li Qian hummed.

An Liang had to give Yun Haiyang a thumbs up.

There is something about this Yun Haiyang!

He actually knew how to avoid evidence, so he was prepared to not repay the debt.

Chen Siyu answered on the side,"Hai Haiyang Brother, aren’t you ready to pay it back now?"

"I can't admit anything without evidence!"Yun Haiyang refused directly.

If he insists on it, the authenticity of this matter cannot be determined.

If the money is really paid, doesn't it prove that the money is owed?

So Yun Haiyang just refuses to pay!

"Don’t expect Brother Yang to pay back the money. After all, Brother Yang joined the skateboarding community before...."An Liang was only halfway through when he was stopped by Yun Haiyang.

"Brother Liang, don’t do this! Yun Haiyang had a bitter expression on his face.

Once Yun Haiyang joined a group of skateboard enthusiasts. He tricked other female members into buying him skateboards, knee pads, helmets and other equipment. He was simply a fighter among scumbags.

This kind of black man Yun Haiyang naturally wanted to hide the history.

An Liang also gave face and did not say directly,"Let's go, Brother Haiyang, let's go to the lobby to have a drink with them." Yun

Haiyang said in agreement,"Okay.""

Everyone went back to the hall. On the way back, Anliang lowered his voice and asked,"What's going on? Yun

Haiyang was a little confused,"What's going on?""

"What's going on with you, Xiaoyu, and Li Qian now?"An Liang asked with a bit of gossip.

"Thanks to you, I feel there is hope again!"Yun Haiyang chuckled.

"What the hell?"An Liang was confused.

"Zhao Wanxi compromised. She is a benchmark in the imperial capital circle, and her family has acquiesced in the matter between you and her, so I think there is hope!" Yun Haiyang said in response.

An Liang chuckled,"I gave you 130 tablets of thousand-year-old astragalus."

"..."Yun Haiyang is autistic!


Update time: November 16, 2021 00:05:50, good night.

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