In fact, An Liang and Zhao Wanxi were able to be together in the end. It was not the 130 pieces of thousand-year-old astragalus that played a decisive role. The 130 pieces of thousand-year-old astragalus just played a step-by-step role.

The real reason is that Zhao Wanxi compromised herself!

Although 130 pieces of thousand-year-old astragalus are precious enough, for Zhao Wanxi's family, they are just the icing on the cake, and are not enough to make Zhao Wanxi's family compromise and sacrifice Zhao Wanxi's happiness.

The essential reason is Zhao Wanxi's own choice. Zhao Wanxi chose Anliang herself. In addition, with 130 pieces of thousand-year-old astragalus as a step, Zhao Wanxi's family acquiesced in this matter.

If Yun Haiyang wants to learn from An Liang...

All right!

Yun Haiyang cannot afford to learn!

130 pieces of thousand-year-old astragalus are simply not something that Yun Haiyang can obtain. Even if Yun Haiyang can mobilize more than 50 billion in funds, no one will sell 130 pieces of thousand-year-old astragalus at one time.

Yunshanju Clubhouse, lobby.

After An Liang came back, he found that there seemed to be more people in the hall?

"Xiaoyu, please ask, how many people came today?"An Liang said to Hu Xiaoyu casually.

Hu Xiaoyu is the little housekeeper of the Bai Yujing Club in the sky. She can get 1,000 contribution points as a reward every month. These matters naturally need to be handled by Hu Xiaoyu.

In fact, Bai Yujing in the sky will Many people in the club have their eyes on Hu Xiaoyu's position, but no one has mentioned it.

"Wait a moment, let me ask about the situation." Hu Xiaoyu responded.

A few minutes later, Hu Xiaoyu reported to Anliang,"Except for us, there are currently 227 people here. We used WeChat to count face-to-face group building."

"So many people came!"An Liang sighed.

An Liang was lamenting the influence of Tiantian Bai Yujing Club in the imperial capital circle.

"Since so many friends are here today, our club cannot be stingy. I suggest we organize some activities and add a little bonus!"An Liang suggested.

Hu Xiaoyu immediately became excited,"What kind of activity, what kind of prize?"

As a native koi fish, Hu Xiaoyu has a lot of luck. If it is a luck-type event, Hu Xiaoyu is ready to kill!

Qian Xiaogang happened to come over, and he complained,"Brother Liang, I can Please, stop doing any luck-based activities, otherwise we will be pushed to the ground and beaten and kicked by Xiaoyu again!

Li Cunyuan seconded,"Yes, I'm scared of being beaten by small fish every time!""

Lin Yili also came over from the next table. He quickly seconded,"Please, do some activities that rely on strength, give us a chance! An

Liang suggested jokingly,"Then we can do some powerful activities. We can roll the dice ourselves and the winner will be promoted until the final winner is determined. How about that?""

"..."No one could complain.

Roll the dice?

When facing Hu Xiaoyu, didn't you just throw yourself into a trap?

Yun Haiyang gave a friendly reminder on the side,"Brother Liang, let me remind you that when you were not in the imperial capital, we went to the bar before, and Xiaoyu won 29 rounds of dice in a row, and the bar's marketing and atmosphere team all drank and vomited!"

"..."An Liang looked at Hu Xiaoyu speechlessly.

Hu Xiaoyu had an innocent expression on her face. Was there something wrong with her good luck?

Zhao Wanxi answered on the side,"Actually, it's okay to win 29 rounds in a row, because the probability of winning or losing in each round of rolling dice is 50%. No matter how many games are won in a row, the winning rate will not decrease.

" That’s right!

This is a basic cognitive logic trap.

For example, if the result of throwing a dice is an odd number or an even number, if after seven consecutive odd numbers, some people always think that the eighth time the probability of an even number is higher, after all, seven odd numbers have been produced.

However, the real result is that the dice are thrown in the eighth round, and the probability of odd and even numbers is still 50-50.

Therefore, Hu Xiaoyu won 29 rounds of dice in a row, and only in 29 rounds, he was lucky enough to get a 50% probability of victory in each round.

It’s not that the first one has a probability of one-half, the second one has a one-quarter probability, and the third one has a one-eighth probability. This algorithm is a cognitive error!

"Brother Liang, I think throwing dice is good!"Hu Xiaoyu recommended rolling the dice.

An Liang waved his hand and said,"This time we will add a few rules!"

"First, let’s talk about the all-you-can-eat competition. As of now, all people on site can register. After registration, we will open the temporary event channel of the club app and randomly select opponents for the all-you-can-eat competition."An Liang explained

"In order to increase the fun, randomly matched opponents need to determine the outcome by throwing dice. The winner will advance, but the winner needs to drink a beer. The loser will compete in the loser group. If he fails again, he will be eliminated. If he is in the loser group, he will be eliminated. If the group wins, they can be resurrected and enter the winner group."An Liang added details.

"The winner group also has elimination rules. During the competition, it is forbidden to go to the bathroom. If you have to go to the bathroom, it will be counted as a failure."An Liang added

"The second is the case of vomiting. If you vomit on the spot, it will also be counted as a failure."An Liang listed another rule.

"Those who went to the bathroom and vomited on the spot will be eliminated directly and will no longer join the loser group."An Liang stipulates

"This competition takes into account both strength and luck, so it should be fine, right? An Liang asked.

Hu Xiaoyu immediately asked,"How big is the cup?""

Because the winner needs to drink a glass of wine to advance, the size of the wine glass is the key issue!

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