Through today's gathering, the relationship between Song Qian and An Liang has indeed taken a further step.

For example, in order to measure Song Qian's weight, An Liang lovingly picked her up and put her on his lap to feel her weight.

In addition, during the weighted push-up challenge event, Song Qian sat on An Liang's back, which was also a quite intimate contact.

It's nearly one o'clock in the morning.

An Liang and Chen Siyu returned to Yunjing International Apartment. When they were in the elevator, An Liang took the initiative and said,"Qianqian, it's too late. You will stay here today."

Song Qian's face suddenly turned red.

An Liang knew at a glance that she was thinking wrong. He said jokingly,"Don't think too much. It's too late today. I promised Teacher Sun that Siyu can't be late tomorrow, so you guys rest in 8806 while I go to 8805 opposite." Rest."

Song Qian breathed a sigh of relief, but felt a little disappointed in her heart.

An Liang looked at Chen Siyu and added,"Go to bed quickly and remember not to be late tomorrow, lest Teacher Sun blame me again.""

"Know it!"Chen Siyu responded with a smile on his face. If she was really late, then An Liang would definitely take the blame. Thinking about it, it feels pretty good!

In room 8806, Chen Siyu looked at Song Qian doubtfully," Qianqian, today’s opportunity is very good, what do you do?..."

Ning Ruoshuang seconded the idea,"Today's opportunity is indeed very good."

Song Qian blushed and responded,"I...I don't want to embarrass him"

"In fact, Master An also likes you. I can feel it. If he didn't like you, he would definitely not play with you."Chen Siyu explained

"For example, in the club, Lin Yili's sister Lin Yunsi was also interested in Master An, but Master An ignored her at all."Chen Siyu added.

Lin Yunsi was indeed interested in An Liang, but An Liang didn't respond at all and even pretended not to know at all.

"I'll do my best!"Song Qian said encouragingly for herself.

In room 8805, after An Liang simply washed up, he lay on the sofa and checked the information on his phone.

‘Huang Guoxiang: Are you ready?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: There is something wrong with Corea's situation’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Our field personnel have returned some news that Corea and the Bald Eagle Nation are launching some kind of joint operation.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: I'm worried about an accident over there’

‘An Liang: Don't worry!’

‘An Liang: Our preparations are in progress’

‘An Liang: Corea is too small. If we are not fully prepared, we will definitely be discovered by the Bald Eagle Country.’

‘An Liang: In order to ensure the success rate of the operation, we must be careful and careful!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: You are not kind!’

‘An Liang:?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: I really want to participate in your club’s party, especially the weighted push-up challenge. I think I can easily get the first place.’

‘An Liang: You are about to turn fifty. Where do you get your confidence?’

‘An Liang: Is it true that you just care about money and don't follow the king's laws?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Do you underestimate me?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: I have also served as a field staff before!’

‘An Liang: Before?’

‘An Liang: How long ago?’

‘An Liang: Ten years? Twenty years? Or thirty years ago?’

‘An Liang: To be honest, even if we carry the weight and you don't, I don't think you can win. The old man needs to be a little bit better! '

Huang Guoxiang and An Liang did not continue to quarrel over this matter, and they returned to Corea's matter.

‘Huang Guoxiang: How long will your preparations take?’

‘An Liang: It still takes some time’

‘An Liang: Our operation this time is to fight against the Corea court and the Bald Eagle Kingdom's military in Corea itself. Things are not that simple.’

‘An Liang: As I said just now, Corea is too small. The Earth Observation Optical Satellite of Bald Eagle Country can easily cover the entire territory of Corea. If we act without sufficient preparation, we will definitely fail. '

Huang Guoxiang understood what An Liang meant, and he also knew the value of thousand-year-old Astragalus, so he did not continue to urge

‘Huang Guoxiang: Try to be foolproof!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: I suspect that Corea and the Bald Eagle Kingdom should have discovered clues. They may also be looking for the Millennium Astragalus.’

‘An Liang: It is indeed possible’

‘An Liang: Let’s make two preparations. If we complete the preliminary plan, we will naturally compete for the Millennium Astragalus.’

‘An Liang: If we are too late, we will destroy it!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Are you serious?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Are you willing?’

‘An Liang: What's the reluctance to give up?’

‘An Liang: Since we can’t get it, then destroy it to prevent Coria and the Bald Eagle Country from getting it. Isn’t this a normal choice?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: You are cruel!’

‘An Liang: If a person is not ruthless, he cannot stand firm!’

‘An Liang: Your operators over there should be able to destroy it, right? '

An Liang is indeed not kidding!

If Corea and the Bald Eagle Kingdom also discover the Millennium Astragalus and trace the Neicang Temple, Anliang is indeed prepared to destroy the Thousand-Year Astragalus.

Since you can't get it?

Then simply destroy it!

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