Facing the inquiry message sent by An Liang, Huang Guoxiang secretly sighed and gave a positive reply.

‘Huang Guoxiang: The field personnel we arranged there can indeed destroy it, but...’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Unless it is absolutely necessary, let’s fight for it, right?’

‘An Liang: Nonsense!’

‘An Liang: I know the value of a thousand-year-old Astragalus better than you do’

‘An Liang: If there is a chance to get it, we will definitely fight for it! '

As soon as An Liang finished sending the message, the Winner of Life system issued a prompt


‘Special Mission: Three Kingdoms Struggle for Hegemony!’

‘Mission content: Xia Kingdom, Corea, and Bald Eagle, the three countries compete for the thousand-year-old astragalus located in Cangshan, Corea. Ask the host to take chestnuts from the fire, and finally obtain the thousand-year-old astragalus.’

‘Mission rewards: Will be determined based on the completion of the Three Kingdoms. '

Can you still trigger a mission?

An Liang was shocked!

Even if there is no mission, An Liang will try his best to snatch the thousand-year-old astragalus.

Although Anliang possesses Golden Tai Sui, the value of Millennium Astragalus to him has dropped significantly, but the strategic value of Millennium Astragalus is still very high.

‘An Liang: Lao Huang, I will continue to deal with the preparation work.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Okay, if there is any new progress, please contact us anytime.’

‘An Liang: No problem. '

After the exchange between An Liang and Huang Guoxiang, he immediately sent a message to No. 4 Tianji Shensuan

‘Zero: How are the preparations for Corea going?’

‘No. 4: Basically almost complete’

‘No. 4: We chose Corea’s power grid system, aviation system, wireless communication network system, and Sansang’s internal network as targets’

‘No. 4: Once the operation begins, we will first attack the opponent's wireless communication network system and strive to paralyze the opponent's wireless communication network system as soon as possible.’

‘Zero: Are you sure?’

‘Number 4: Very confident!’

‘No. 4: Corea’s mobile network is very advanced, and the speed of the mobile network ranks first in the world. This is Corea’s advantage, but it is also Corea’s disadvantage.’

‘No. 4: Our previous layout in Corea has already taken control of some of the mobile network base station equipment there.’

‘No. 4: As soon as the attack on Corea begins, we can use these mobile network base station equipment to release viruses and infect other base station equipment directly from within the mobile network.’

‘No. 4: According to our analysis and based on the advanced level of Corea's mobile network, the mobile network in Seoul City, the imperial capital of Corea, will fall within one minute, and the mobile network nationwide will fall within three minutes.’

‘No. 4: As long as Corea's mobile network falls, we can further target Corea's power grid system, and it is expected that the power supply in the Seoul area will be paralyzed within ten minutes.’

‘Zero: What about risk?’

‘Number 4: The risk is very small’

‘Number 4: Boss, do you remember the bad guys organization? '

Of course An Liang remembers the bad guy hacker organization. This hacker organization was established under An Liang's orders.

During the Yagu gold mine incident, An Liang subdued the world's top hacker Yuan Hao, and then ordered Yuan Hao to establish a bad hacker organization

‘Zero: Of course!’

‘No. 4: The bad guys organization is developing very fast. The current number of people has exceeded one hundred, and its strength has expanded to the second-tier level in the world.’

‘No. 4: In this operation against Corea, we ordered the bad guys to pretend to be the [Shogunate Black Samurai] organization in the neon area and launch an attack on Corea.’

‘Number 4: We will also pretend to be members of [Shogun Black Samurai] to confuse the public and let Corea investigate around Neon. Anyway, the two families are not good friends and have a feud.’

‘Number Zero: Good plan!’

‘Number 4: BOSS, regarding this operation against Corea, I suggest inviting the [Brave] organization of Europa. '

When targeting Neon, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan invited the Brave Organization from Europa, which is a world-class hacker organization and a bounty hacker organization.

An Liang remembered the situation of the Brave Organization, and he immediately responded

‘Zero: No problem!’

‘Number Zero: I’ll leave this matter to you.’

‘Number Zero: Speed ​​up. Under the premise of ensuring safety, the faster the better!’

‘No. 4: Give us one more night’

‘No. 4: We will definitely be able to handle it before 12 noon tomorrow, Xia Guo time.’

‘Number Zero: OK!’

‘Number Zero: Contact me immediately after you have taken care of it.’

‘Number 4: Got it. '

After No. 4 Tianji Shensuan replied to An Liang, An Liang did not continue to reply to the message because it was approaching two o'clock in the morning and he was going to rest first.


The next day.

Just after seven o'clock in the morning, Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang's alarm clocks rang. They got up together and then woke up Song Qian in the guest room.

Chen Siyu booked breakfast through the butler service app. After she washed up, she went to room 8805 opposite to prepare to call Anliang.

But when she found An Liang sleeping on the sofa, Chen Siyu quietly exited room 8805, because she guessed that An Liang had been busy with some work matters since he came back yesterday, and finally fell asleep on the sofa, right?

Under such circumstances, Chen Siyu naturally did not disturb An Liang.

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