Chen Siyu was considerate and did not disturb An Liang. She returned to room 8806 and briefly talked about the situation on the other side, and then the three of them had breakfast together and headed to school.

National Conservatory of Music, in piano room No. 9, Chen Siyu arrived before eight o'clock.

Sun Minzhi looked at Chen Siyu in surprise. She originally thought that Chen Siyu would be late again!

In fact, the morning practice time starts at 7:30, but Mu Xinmei and Chen Siyu practice alone for half an hour. If Mu Xinmei practices first, Chen Siyu can arrive before eight o'clock, so it is not considered late.

Chen Siyu sat down at the resting seat in the piano room No. 9, and then listened carefully to Mu Xinmei's playing. Mu Xinmei also made progress, but not as much as Chen Siyu.

At 8:30 in the morning, after Chen Siyu finished practicing for half an hour in the first round, she quietly sent a message to An Liang

‘Chen Siyu: Are you awake?’

‘Chen Siyu: I just ordered breakfast for you’

‘Chen Siyu: I am not late today. Teacher Sun is very satisfied. I will continue practicing the piano. '

When it was close to nine o'clock, An Liang woke up. He looked at the message sent by Chen Siyu, with a smile on his lips, and then replied to Chen Siyu's message.

‘An Liang: Just woke up, practice piano seriously. '

An Liang checked the butler service app of Yunjing International Apartment again, and notified Chen Siyu's breakfast on the butler service app.

After Anliang finished washing, the butler service from Yunjing International Apartment delivered breakfast.

An Liang was eating breakfast while sending a message to Zhao Wanxi

‘Anliang: Are you going to school today?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: I’m at home’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Are you busy today?’

‘An Liang: I’m going to visit Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. Do you want to go?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Yeah, I want to go!’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Are you coming to pick me up? '

Zhao Wanxi confessed her love to An Liang, and after An Liang accepted it, Zhao Wanxi naturally showed her love for An Liang, such as wishing to be with An Liang, acting coquettishly, asking An Liang to pick her up, etc.

Although Zhao Wanxi is very smart, Zhao Wanxi is also a girl, and she also hopes to be held in the palm of her boyfriend's hand

‘An Liang: OK!’

‘An Liang: I’ll come over on a flying motorcycle later.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Okay!’

‘An Liang: I’ll send you a message before I leave. I’ll see you later.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: See you later. '

Ten minutes later, An Liang sent a message to Zhao Wanxi, and then went to the flying motorcycle parking port on the rooftop of Yunjing International Apartment.

It only takes five minutes to go from Yunjing International Apartment to Zhao Wanxi's home, even if you fly along the highway.

In the alley outside Zhao Wanxi's house, the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle landed smoothly. After the ALON aluminum nitride transparent ceramic air guide was opened, Zhao Wanxi walked over quickly, and then straddled An Liang. He directly hugged An Liang's waist and pressed against An Liang's back.

"I miss you a little!"Zhao Wanxi said simple words of love.

An Liang responded with a smile,"We just separated last night, and you miss me now. Should I reasonably speculate on what you are hinting at me?"

Zhao Wanxi slapped An Liang on the back,"Huh! have a bee in one's bonnet!"

Anliang sets the destination through the flight control system and lets the flight control system drive intelligently. In the city, Anliang prefers to let the flight control system drive intelligently.

After all, the original purpose of developing flying motorcycles is to avoid traffic jams, and it is not for driving pleasure

"What were you doing today?"Zhao Wanxi asked casually

"I urged the multi-crew version of the flying motorcycle to make the flying motorcycle project team lazy, and stopped by Dark Core Technology Company to inspect it."An Liang explained

"Is investment still needed in dark core technology?"Zhao Wanxi is concerned.

Once Anliang solicited investment for the Dark Core Technology Company and planned to let the Imperial Capital Circle get a share of the pie. As a result, the Imperial Capital Circle had been deceived countless times by chip technology. Even after a long illness, the Imperial Capital Circle also knew about the chip. Because of the technical difficulty, Anliang declined the ticket.

Even now, Dark Core Technology has begun to produce some chips, such as the chips used in the lighthouse project, the chips used in the Guardian prosthetic frame, and even the chips used in flying motorcycles, all from Dark Core Technology Company.

But experts in the chip field are still not optimistic about the future of Dark Core Technology Company.

After all, Dark Core Technology cannot master the most advanced manufacturing processes.

Dark Core Technology’s existing products, whether for the lighthouse project or the Guardian prosthetics The most advanced frameworks and chips provided by flying motorcycles only use the 14-nanometer process.

However, the current process of top semiconductor manufacturing companies has been applied to the 5-nanometer level, and 7-nanometer technology has been reduced to second-tier technology. Not to mention 14-nanometer technology.

Although Intel is still stuck at 14-nanometer technology, there is a huge gap between 14-nanometer technology and 14-nanometer technology. The current 14-nanometer technology of Dark Core Technology is the simplest FinFET. This technology was initially applied in the 22nm era. Although it is still mainstream, it is already a backward technology.

The most advanced technology now is GAAFET technology, which is suitable for 5nm and more advanced processes.

However, the process of Dark Core Technology Company Whether it can break through to 7 nanometers is also a big question!


Update time: November 18, 2021 00:02:37, good night, the author will have to do nucleic acid again tomorrow, it is too difficult!

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