An Liang led Zhao Wanxi to visit Dark Core Technology Company, and then went to Han Zhenglong's office together.

Han Zhenglong's real name is Cui Zhenghao, from Sansang Company in Corea. He now becomes the management of Dark Core Technology Company incognito and is responsible for the production management of Dark Core Technology Company.

"Manager Han, what is the current progress of 7 nanometer technology?"An Liang asked with concern.

Although the most advanced process has reached the level of 5 nanometers, the 7 nanometer process is still very difficult for dark core technology.

Han Zhenglong sat opposite An Liang, and he said a little Respond apologetically,"Sorry, Mr. An, we are still overcoming difficulties."

"Tell me about the specific situation."An Liang asked

"The main problem is the performance of the DUV deep ultraviolet lithography machine. Han Zhenglong explained the situation,"Although DUV deep ultraviolet lithography machines can also upgrade the process to 7 nanometers, there are great technical difficulties."

"At present, we have overcome the technical difficulties in the manufacturing process. We can use DUV lithography machines to manufacture 7-nanometer products, but we cannot guarantee the yield rate."Hanzhenglong added

"If the graphics processor we produce for the Lighthouse project uses a 14-nanometer process, our yield rate will be as high as 93%."Hanzhenglong explanation

"At present, the ceiling of the semiconductor industry, the yield rate of Taiji TS.MC in the 14nm process is only 95%."Han Zhenglong added, demonstrating the strength of dark core technology through comparison.

"But at the 7-nanometer process node, our yield rate plummeted to less than 70%, which is far lower than Taichi's level."Han Zhenglong continued to explain

"We do not have an EUV extreme ultraviolet lithography machine, and there are natural backward factors in the manufacturing process, so we need more time to deal with the technical issues of the DUV lithography machine in the 7-nanometer process."Han Zheng Long summarized the reasons.

An Liang nodded slightly. This is the gap between production equipment, not Han Zheng Long's problem.

"Regarding the carbon-based chip plan, how is it going now?"An Liang asked again.

Han Zhenglong glanced at Zhao Wanxi, meaning to ask if he could talk about this topic in front of Zhao Wanxi.

"She is my girlfriend."An Liang naturally understood what Han Zhenglong meant,"I trust her very much. Han

Zhenglong did not hesitate any more. He introduced directly,"The carbon-based chip plan is progressing smoothly. We have conducted in-depth research with Wu Chunsheng, an expert from the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. At present, we have basically solved the problem of orderly arrangement of carbon nanotubes." The problem"

"Secondly, the talent exploration plan is also progressing smoothly. We have secretly contacted a number of experts in the field of carbon-based chips and are currently screening experts with real materials. We also plan to cooperate with multiple schools in production and research, and we provide R&D funds to the schools. , the school does research work for us."Han Zhenglong added.

Zhao Wanxi glanced at Han Zhenglong in surprise. Whether it is the talent exploration plan or the industry-research cooperation, it is very good for dark core technology.

An Liang nodded in approval and said,"Well done!"

"Mr. An, I have one more thing to report."Han Zhenglong showed a tangled look.

"whats the matter?"An Liang noticed Han Zhenglong's tangled look.

Han Zhenglong sighed,"I hope to introduce more DUV lithography machines. Although we are preparing to vigorously develop in the direction of carbon-based chips, I think we still need to Maintain investment in silicon-based chips"

"At present, we only have one DUV lithography machine, but the demand for chips from Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is increasing. In particular, their third phase production plant is under construction overtime and is expected to be put into production significantly ahead of schedule. We chip production cannot meet their needs."Hanzhenglong explained the situation

"So I want to introduce more DUV lithography machines."Han Zhenglong said to An Liang.

An Liang turned to look at Zhao Wanxi,"Can the third phase of the production plant over there be put into operation ahead of schedule?"

Zhao Wanxi nodded affirmatively,"Yes! The role of graphene batteries far exceeds the military's expectations, so the military is very concerned about the construction of the production plant of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group"

"At present, the military has arranged more than four times the manpower resources, and construction is carried out around the clock, so the construction period is expected to be greatly advanced."Zhao Wanxi explained the reason.

An Liang nodded slightly, indicating that he heard Zhao Wanxi's explanation. He looked at Han Zhenglong and said,"There is definitely no problem in buying a DUV lithography machine, but is Asmail willing to sell it to us?"

Although DUV lithography machines do not implement technical blockades and are far lower in price than EUV lithography machines, the Bald Eagle Congress will not interfere with Asmail's sale of DUV lithography machines to dark core technology. It is really a huge deal. Question.

After all, dark core technology companies have been in the spotlight in the semiconductor industry recently!

It is normal for the Bald Eagle Congress to be wary of dark core technology companies and even suppress dark core technology companies.

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