Dark Core Technology Company, the reception area in Hanzhenglong’s office.

Faced with An Liang's concerns, Han Zhenglong gave a very Xia Guo-style wry smile,"Mr. An's guess was right. Our purchase application was rejected by Asmail.""

"I have an acquaintance in Asmail, who told me inside information. Asmail is preparing to sell DUV lithography machines to us. After all, DUV lithography machines are not EUV lithography machines."Hanzhenglong explanation

"But the Bald Eagle Nation is obstructing this, asking Asmail to ban the sale of DUV lithography machines to us, and is secretly blocking us." Han Zhenglong added.

An Liang sighed,"It should be that our recent development speed is too fast, right?"

Han Zhenglong nodded.

The development of dark core technology has been very fast in recent times. Although ordinary people do not know the dark core technology company, in the field of semiconductors, dark core technology can be said to be in the limelight. Dark core technology independently represents Dream Future Graphite The semiconductor industry was quite shocked by the fact that Dark Core Technology Group provides chips for all its products.

However, because of this, the semiconductor industry unanimously denounced Dark Core Technology Company.

Because Dark Core Technology Company is a company of Xia Guo, but the silicon-based The most cutting-edge technology in the chip field is in Bald Eagle Country.

Now that dark core technology companies have shown such strong potential, isn't that asking for trouble?

Practitioners in the semiconductor industry have unanimously speculated when Bald Eagle Country will start to suppress dark core technology companies. As a result, the suppression has begun silently.

Zhao Wanxi frowned,"The DUV lithography machine is not within the scope of the technical blockade, right? An

Liang nodded,"DUV lithography machines are indeed not within the scope of the blockade, but our dark core technology has shown strong potential, and it is normal for the other party to deliberately target us."

Han Zhenglong seconded the opinion,"That's true." We are not shareholders of Asmail, so we naturally cannot influence Asmail’s decisions."

Asmail's important customers are all shareholders of Asmail.

Whether it is Taiji Electric, Sansang Company, Intel, etc., they are all shareholders of Asmail, so they can easily Song acquires EUV lithography machine quotas from Asmail

"Since Asmail cannot sell us DUV lithography machines, what can you do?"An Liang looked at Han Zhenglong.

Han Zhenglong hesitated for a moment before responding,"We can go around in a circle. DUV lithography machines are far less regulated than EUV lithography machines. If we are willing to buy them at a premium, others will definitely be willing to help us solve the problem."

"Do you have channels? An Liang asked.

Han Zhenglong nodded affirmatively,"I know a guy from Sansang Company has a way to solve the problem, but I can't contact him because my identity will be exposed.""

Han Zhenglong doesn't want to reveal his identity!

Han Zhenglong already likes his current life. He likes his life in Xia Kingdom and doesn't want his current life to be broken.

"Leave this matter to me. How many DUV lithography machines can the other party provide us?"An Liang asked

"I estimate that within 20 units, there will be no problems at all. That guy has a very high status in Sansang Company, but the price is definitely a big deal. Han Zhenglong said worriedly.

"How many DUV lithography machines do we need?"An Liang asked again.

Han Zhenglong thought about it for a moment before responding,"If Mr. An is not under financial pressure, I hope the more the better. We will need as many DUV lithography machines as that guy can get.."

Han Zhenglong added,"I'm worried that in the future, it will be more difficult to obtain DUV lithography machines."

"If Mr. An is under financial pressure, in order to ensure the chip supply of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, I hope to obtain at least 10 or more DUV lithography machines. Hanzhenglong explained.

The production capacity of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group’s third phase graphene factory is very large, and the production capacity may reach ten times, so Hanzhenglong hopes to obtain at least 10 or more DUV lithography machines.

"There is no problem with my funds. Give me the other party's information and I will contact them."Anliang agreed to purchase DUV lithography machines.

"Thank you, Mr. An."Han Zhenglong breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as there are more DUV lithography machines, he can also try to improve the 7-nanometer process technology through DUV lithography machines, thereby avoiding the problem of using the only DUV lithography machine to improve the process. An accident, which eventually led to a shutdown.

After Hanzhenglong handed over the identity of the person who provided the DUV lithography machine from Sansang Company to Anliang, Anliang took Zhao Wanxi away.

On the way to the internal parking lot, Zhao Wanxi sighed. He said,"The chip industry is indeed burning money. The introduction of 20 DUV lithography machines this time will cost at least 10 billion, right?

An Liang responded negatively,"I think it will be more expensive!""

The fact that Dark Core Technology Company was blocked by Bald Eagle Country Technology will definitely spread in the semiconductor industry. Under such circumstances, what's the problem with the other party asking for a high price? There are too few things like giving help when it's time

, and taking advantage of the situation is the mainstream!


Update time: November 21, 2021 00:01:56, good night.

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