In the small courtyard where Zhao Wanxi lived, after she took the initiative to tease An Liang, she added,"An Liang, I have a little suggestion about charging."

"Any suggestions?"An Liang asked

"For example, in the current situation, after we come back, we will land the flying motorcycle at the aviation parking space. If we need to charge it, will it be a bit troublesome?"Zhao Wanxi gave an example. An

Liang looked at Zhao Wanxi in confusion. He walked to the aviation parking space and unlocked the flying motorcycle's charging interface through his fingerprint. Then he took off the charging connector from the charging pile, and then Plug in the charging connector.

The whole process takes less than a minute!

After An Liang charged the flying motorcycle, he spread his hands towards Zhao Wanxi, meaning is this process troublesome?

It's not troublesome at all!

"Don't you find it troublesome?"Zhao Wanxi asked back

"..."An Liang looked at Zhao Wanxi speechlessly,"Is this troublesome?"

"I find it very troublesome, especially since the charging connector is very heavy." Zhao Wanxi explained.

An Liang was a little surprised, because the charging power of the flying motorcycle is very high, and the charging connector is naturally very large and quite heavy, which is indeed a bit unfriendly to women.

"It seems a bit. An Liang responded,"Do you have any ideas?""

"I suggest designing a set of automatic charging equipment, such as designing a robotic arm and equipping it with a lighthouse system. When the flying motorcycle lands at the aviation berth, the robotic arm can automatically communicate with the flight control system, and then use the image recognition technology of the lighthouse system to locate the position. Real space, finally realizing the automatic charging function when landing."Zhao Wanxi explained

"In addition, the flight control system can also automatically correct the parking direction of the flying motorcycle, allowing the flight control system to park one side of the charging interface near the charging robotic arm."Zhao Wanxi added

"This is a good suggestion!"An Liang said with praise.

In Dream Future Graphene Technology Group's aviation berthing port, the automatic charging service is to fly over with flying motorcycles, and the staff at the charging station are responsible for the follow-up operations.

If Zhao Wanxi's suggestion is followed, then automatic charging The service will go one step further, completely getting rid of manual services and further increasing work efficiency.

"Through this technology, we can even build a honeycomb charging station. When the flying motorcycle needs to be charged, the flight control system can automatically fly there, and then the charging robot arm can automatically charge it. When the charging is completed, it will automatically disconnect from the charging station and fly. The motorcycle returns automatically, and charging can be done at leisure, even at night when power consumption is low."An Liang added.

The biggest pain point of flying motorcycles at present is the charging problem.

Although flying motorcycles provide ultra-fast charging technology, the current power grid and charging stations do not provide ultra-fast charging services. In terms of the battery capacity of flying motorcycles, even if A charging pile with 60kW charging power will take more than three hours.

Such charging speed is too slow!

If Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and Dream Future Energy Group jointly established a honeycomb-type ultra-fast charging station and applied automatic charging Robotic arm technology directly solves the problem of charging pain points.

Zhao Wanxi's eyes lit up,"This is a good idea! If the customer who buys a flying motorcycle does not have a charging environment, then a fast charging station with automatic charging function is definitely a very good choice."

"The automatic charging robot arm can provide 24-hour uninterrupted service, and can use software to reasonably allocate time to maximize efficiency, which is something that cannot be done manually." Zhao Wanxi added

"Then leave this matter to you. You can instruct the group to develop it. Is that okay? An Liang looked at Zhao Wanxi.

Zhao Wanxi responded affirmatively,"Of course, no problem!" The automatic charging robot arm should be very simple. After all, the most complex real-space positioning technology can be handled by the lighthouse system."

"Okay, I'll contact the lithography machine seller of Sansang Group first, and you can contact the group to handle the automatic charging robot arm."An Liang responded

"Um!"Zhao Wanxi nodded.

In the tea room of Zhao Wanxi's home, An Liang contacted Li Zhengyi of Sansang Group through the anonymous communication network with the help of No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation.

This guy is the director of the purchasing department of Sansang Group, Han Zhenglong I knew him before and knew that he was doing some tricks in private.

An Liang contacted Li Zhengyi through an anonymous communication network. About a minute later, Li Zhengyi answered the call.

"Hello? Li Zhengyi greeted in English.

An Liang changed his voice with a voice changer and responded in English,"Hello, Mr. Li, I have a project worth more than one billion US dollars that I want to cooperate with you.""

An Liang went straight to the point.

Because An Liang knew very well that only by getting straight to the point could he have a chance to continue the conversation. After all, the two parties were not friends. He even contacted the other party through an anonymous communication network, so how could he possibly chat?

"Who are you?"Li Zhengyi asked directly.

"You can call me [middleman]】!"An Liang chose to hide his identity!

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