An Liang had no intention of revealing his identity.

An Liang knew very well that in this procurement work, Dark Core Technology Company was at an absolute disadvantage. In order to restore this disadvantage to a certain extent, An Liang chose to hide his identity.

For example, pretending to be a middleman!

Negotiate with Li Zhengyi as a middleman to restore the decline to a certain extent.

"middleman? Li Zhengyi hesitated,"What project?""

"Lithography! An Liang still responded straightforwardly.

Li Zhengyi refused without hesitation,"That's impossible!""

Li Zhengyi added,"No matter who you are, you should know that EUV lithography machines are strictly controlled items."

"What about DUV lithography machine?"An Liang responded calmly.

"What?"Li Zhengyi was stunned for a moment.

"Mr. Li, you heard me right, I am talking about DUV lithography machine, not EUV lithography machine."An Liang said again.

"Are you sure it's a DUV lithography machine?"Li Zhengyi cautiously confirmed

"Of course it is a DUV lithography machine."An Liang confirmed again.

"If it is a DUV lithography machine, then there is no problem. How can we cooperate? How many DUV lithography machines are needed in total? What is the status of the DUV lithography machines? What are the delivery and payment methods?"Li Zhengyi asked about the details of the cooperation.

Li Zhengyi did not ask about An Liang's identity again, because Li Zhengyi himself is also famous, and various people often come to him for cooperation. He does not care about An Liang's identity, he only cares about An Liang's cooperation.

Unless The cooperation has been negotiated, otherwise Li Zhengyi does not need to ask about the identity of the other party

"How many DUV lithography machines can Mr. Li mobilize? An Liang asked back,"We only need the latest generation and the next generation of DUV lithography machines, and they will be put into use for no more than three years.""

"Hold on. Li Zhengyi responded. He quickly looked up the information.

In less than three minutes, Li Zhengyi replied,"We have sufficient supply, but the price is a little higher. Can you accept it?""

"what price?"An Liang asked back.

"The official price of the latest model TWINSCANNXT:2000i is US$90 million, and the official price of TWINSCANNXT:1980Di is US$72 million. We will set different prices according to different delivery locations."Li Zhengyi explained.

This official price is very cheap!

Because the price of TWINSCANNXT:1980Di in Xia Guo is as high as 580 million Xia Guoyuan, which is equivalent to more than 90 million US dollars, even exceeding the price of TWINSCANNXT:2000i.

So this official price is very cheap.

"In which areas can you deliver? An Liang asked tentatively.

Li Zhengyi laughed,"We can deliver goods in the Bald Eagle Alliance area, the Europa Alliance area, and all over the world, except for a few areas blocked by the two major alliances.""

"Where is the delivery at your Corea?"An Liang tried again.

"If you deliver it to us at Corea, you only need to increase the price by 15%. However, we do not guarantee new machines, only machines that have been used for three years and are fault-free."Li Zhengyi explained

"What about the neon next door?"An Liang asked again

"If it is Neon, we can only deliver on the high seas outside Neon. How to enter Neon is your own business, and the price will increase by another ten percent."Li Zhengyi explained.

Although Neon is not a closed area, it is also an area to be vigilant.

"What about Tyrande?"An Liang listed another example.

Li Zhengyi was not impatient. As a reseller, he has a good temper. Otherwise, how could he have a good reputation in the industry?

"Tyrande, like Neon, also needs a 25% price increase, but we can get the goods into Tyrande itself. Li Zhengyi responded.

The official price is a premium of 25%. This price is within Anliang's acceptance range, because the official price in Xia State is more than a 25% premium.

Anliang's premium acceptance range In fact, it is very high. Even if the premium is 50%, Anliang can accept it.

"The price is a bit expensive. Mr. Li, let me tell you first. The buyer's purchase quantity is a bit large, not one or two units. In addition, I also need some profits."An Liang responded.

Although An Liang accepted the premium, he did not show it. After all, this is an unconventional transaction. If you easily agree to the other party's request for a premium, the other party is likely to change his mind temporarily.

Li Zhengyi asked,"How much do you want? ?"

"It only takes a mere five percent!"An Liang responded

"impossible! Li Zhengyi refused directly,"I know the rules of your middlemen. If you eat 5% from me, you will also eat 5% from the buyer, which is equivalent to eating 10% in total!""

"Also, you middlemen get the total price, not the official price. Li Zhengyi added.

Li Zhengyi listed the data and explained,"Take TWINSCANNXT:2000i as an example. Its official price is 90 million US dollars. Even if we purchase second-hand machines, the lowest price will not be less than 85 million US dollars.""

"Even if we increase the official price by 25%, that is 22.5 million U.S. dollars, plus the 5 million difference in the second-hand price we purchased, the theoretical profit on the book is 27.5 million U.S. dollars, but the transportation costs and various costs, our final profit No more than $15 million."Li Zhengyi added

"You middlemen can easily contact buyers and sellers, and you can get an agency fee of $11.25 million, right?"Li Zhengyi pointed out the mystery.

An Liang did not refute, he put forward conditions, it was to avoid Li Zhengyi continuing to open his mouth, or even refuse the transaction, not really for profit.

"How much does Mr. Li want to pay?"An Liang asked back.


Update time: November 22, 2021 00:02:40, good night.

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