The conflict of interests between An Liang and Li Zhengyi is not really for profit, but to ensure the smooth progress of the transaction.

Faced with An Liang’s inquiry, Li Zhengyi responded directly,"I hope that our sellers will be exempted from paying agency fees."

"That's against the rules."An Liang refused directly.

At this time, we must not give in!

If An Liang gives in and agrees not to charge agency fees, it will cause big problems.

"Then calculate it as 5% of the profit!"Li Zhengyi gave a new plan.

If according to Li Zhengyi's calculation method, 5% of the profit is less than one million U.S. dollars. After conversion, the intermediary fee is equivalent to dropping to less than 1%.

"That is also impossible. After a quick calculation, An Liang refused again,"Mr. Li, you have your rules, and we have ours.""

"We respect your rules, but we also hope you respect ours. An Liang added,"You are not the only one who can provide DUV lithography machines in the entire market.""

This is not a threat to Anliang.

If there is an accident in the cooperation between the two parties, Anliang can also find partners again in the dark web, but it will be more troublesome and full of more variables.

"We cannot accept a five percent agency fee. Li Zhengyi responded,"Two percent at most!""

"Mr. Li, we each make a concession and we only charge you 3% of the agency fee."An Liang explained,"I can tell you a buyer's secret. The buyer hopes to purchase DUV lithography machines on a large scale. The real transaction volume may exceed 2 billion US dollars, so we are not willing to give up this cooperation opportunity."

"Are you sure the turnover can exceed 2 billion US dollars?"Li Zhengyi asked immediately

"I am sure."An Liang answered affirmatively.

"If the transaction volume exceeds US$2 billion, we accept an agency fee of 3%, but if the transaction volume is less than US$2 billion, we only accept an agency fee of 2%."Li Zhengyi made a gambling request

"Can."An Liang agreed.

"Follow the rules?"Li Zhengyi probed

"certainly! An Liang agreed without hesitation,"But in order to avoid being charged another 0.5% guarantee fee, we suggest paying the money in one hand and delivering the goods in one hand. How about that?""

"Who are you?"Li Zhengyi finally asked the key question.

"Please check your emails."An Liang responded

"Later."Li Zhengyi immediately opened his external e-mail and checked the specific information.

In Li Zhengyi's mailbox, An Liang sent the information prepared by the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator, which was the vest of the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator on the dark web [ Greedy], a very famous intermediary vest.

After Li Zhengyi checked carefully, he finally responded,"It turns out to be the famous Greedy, we agree to your request. How many DUV lithography machines do the buyers want to buy? ?"

"Wait a minute, we still need to discuss the intermediary fee with the buyer. After we have discussed it, we will discuss the next step."An Liang explained

"No problem, we are waiting for news from Lord Greedy."Li Zhengyi responded.

An Liang ended the call directly.

After waiting to end the call, Zhao Wanxi made a gesture to ask if he could talk. After An Liang nodded, Zhao Wanxi said,"Did you talk?"

"It was basically agreed that by posing as a middleman to prevent the other party from opening its mouth, the price was only a 25% premium."An Liang didn't hide anything.

"That’s really good!"Zhao Wanxi responded in agreement.

"Have you made arrangements over there?"An Liang asked.

Zhao Wanxi affirmed,"The arrangements have been made. Just after I stated the requirements, the technical staff from the group affirmed that there is no technical difficulty and it can be completed in three days at most."

"It is a very simple technology. An Liang said in agreement.

Having said this, An Liang hesitated for a moment before continuing,"Wanxi, when purchasing a photolithography machine this time, where do you think we should choose for delivery?""

Zhao Wanxi understood what An Liang's question meant,"First of all, exclude our Xia country. If we choose Xia country as the delivery location, the other party will definitely not agree, and may even change his mind immediately."

This is a sure thing!

As we all know, Xia Guo is catching up in the chip field, and Bald Eagle is blocking Xia Guo. Once it is revealed that Xia Guo is a buyer, an accident is very likely to happen.

"Secondly, Tyrande should be excluded."Zhao Wanxi listed the second excluded target.

An Liang raised his eyebrows,"Tylande is suitable, right?"

Renyi Security Company is very powerful in Tyrande. If the DUV lithography machines are sent to Tyrande, Renyi Security Company can easily send them back to Xia Kingdom.

"Not suitable."Zhao Wanxi denied,"The affairs of your Renyi Security Company in Tyrande seem very hidden, but in fact everyone who should know knows it."

"If you choose Tyrande as the delivery location, it is very likely to cause accidents." Zhao Wanxi added.

An Liang suddenly realized that he was a bit blind.

Although Renyi Security Company's power in Tyrande has not been made public, others do not need specific evidence. After all, it is not a trial, so what evidence is needed?

"When choosing one between Corea and Neon, I think Neon is better, especially for delivery on the high seas. After delivery, we can directly take a detour back to Xia Kingdom or Tyrande."Zhao Wanxi explained

"Once the delivery is made, even if the other party discovers our true intention, the delivery has already been made." Zhao Wanxi added

"Well, that makes sense!"An Liang agreed.

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