Anliang's original planned delivery location was Tyrande, because Tyrande is the headquarters of Renyi Security Company. As long as it was in Tyrande, Anliang would have a home field advantage.

But after Zhao Wanxi's analysis, An Liang discovered that he was blind.

"How many lithography machines do you plan to introduce this time?"Zhao Wanxi asked

"I will bring in as much as the other party sells. I guess there will be no such opportunity in the future!"An Liang responded.

Zhao Wanxi nodded,"I guess so."

"Okay, let me first announce the investment in Dark Core Technology Company in the club and see how everyone reacts." An Liang explained.

Zhao Wanxi responded with a smile,"I guess most people won't invest!"

"The members of our club should finally invest a little money out of shame."Zhao Wanxi added:

In fact, An Liang doesn't care whether the members of the Bai Yujing Club in the sky are willing to invest, because with the winner system in life, the dark core technology will eventually succeed.

"Regarding the valuation of dark core technology, are you really prepared to refer to the valuation of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group?" Zhao Wanxi asked.

An Liang sighed,"The development potential of dark core technology is indeed very great."

"If that were the case, I guess no one would really invest."Zhao Wanxi responded straightforwardly.

"You don't want to either?"An Liang asked back.

"I do. Zhao Wanxi answered first, and then continued to add,"But it's useless if I want to. The future of dark core technology is too slim." An

Liang thought about it for a moment before responding,"To thank you for your support, I can give you 1% of your 30 billion equity. Are you still willing to join?""

Zhao Wanxi rolled her eyes at An Liang,"The current valuation of Taiji Electric, the leading company in the semiconductor industry, has just exceeded 4 trillion Xia Guoyuan. You are now going to value the dark core technology at 3 trillion. Are you really thinking about it? black?"

"you guess?"An Liang responded with a smile.

"snort!"Zhao Wanxi snorted softly,"I voted!"

"Is this also a vote?"An Liang looked at Zhao Wanxi in surprise.

"Voted! Zhao Wanxi replied again,"I believe you!""

"Fine! An Liang responded,"I will personally donate 1% of the shares to you in my own name. I will give it to you alone, not to your family.""

Anliang has a clear boundary between public and private.

Taking Dark Core Technology Company as an example, Zhao Wanxi used 30 billion of her family's funds to invest. Anliang was only willing to give 1% of the equity, but he could also donate 1% in his own name. The equity is given to Zhao Wanxi.

Public is public and private is private.

Public and private must be distinguished. Otherwise, there will be endless troubles.

If public and private cannot be distinguished, Anliang will not be able to handle the balance issue between his girlfriends.

"snort!"Zhao Wanxi snorted, but she snuggled up to An Liang tenderly,"Thank you."

"You're welcome."An Liang put his arms around Zhao Wanxi, and then sent a message to the confidential group of Tiantian Baiyujing Club.

‘An Liang: @Everyone: Please note that all official members will be informed that an important message will be released soon. Please pay close attention to all official members. '

Anliang sent this message three times

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Just wait!’

‘Li Cunyuan: I have a feeling something good will happen!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Do you believe that good things are about to happen?’

‘Cloud Ocean: Waiting’

‘Lin Yili: Peeking into the screen’

‘Ye Xiangyu: Waiting silently’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: #Online report applet#——1’

‘Li Cunyuan: #Online Number Reporting Mini Program#——2'

With the continuous execution of the online counting mini program, all official members of the Tianshang Bai Yujing Club participated in the counting, confirming that all members are online

‘System prompt: [Administrator speaking mode is on, only administrators are allowed to speak】’

‘An Liang: The main purpose of calling everyone together this time is to announce an investment opportunity.’

‘An Liang: This investment opportunity is somewhat controversial, so we will not allocate a quota and participate entirely on a voluntary basis.’

‘An Liang: In addition, the investment statistics this time are anonymous. Regardless of whether we invest or not, and how much money we invested, we remain anonymous throughout the process.’

‘An Liang: In the end, only I know whether to invest and the amount of investment.’

‘An Liang: So please don’t have any psychological burden. If you don’t want to participate in investment, then don’t participate.’

‘An Liang: This investment opportunity is [Dark Core Technology Company]. The asset valuation is 3 trillion Xia Guoyuan. The maximum investment is limited to 5% of the share. The minimum investment threshold is 300 million Xia Guoyuan, which is 0.01% of the equity.’

‘An Liang: @Everyone: As a final reminder, dark core technology has development potential, but there are also risks, so everyone should act within their capabilities.’

‘An Liang: #Anonymous Investment Registration Mini Program#’

‘System prompt: [The administrator has lifted the ban]'

An Liang lifted the ban, but the members of the club did not speak immediately because everyone was secretly considering whether to invest.

The valuation of dark core technology is calculated based on 3 trillion. This valuation is really too high!

Therefore, the club members need to consider it and discuss it with their families before making the final decision.

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