Small courtyard.

In the courtyard teahouse of Zhao Wanxi's home, she nestled in An Liang's arms,"If dark core technology will definitely succeed in the future and become the leader in the field of carbon-based chips, then the current investment will be very cost-effective, and not only It is the return of economic interests."

An Liang nodded slightly,"Economic interests are only the most basic interests. Once you become a shareholder of Dark Core Technology Company, you can have related cooperation after Dark Core Technology breaks through in the field of carbon-based chips in the future."

Zhao Wan Xi was very smart, and he immediately understood what An Liang meant,"It's like the relationship between Taiji Electric and Asmail, right?"

Taiji Electric is the major shareholder of Asmail, so Taiji Electric can obtain a large amount of EUV from Asmail Extreme UV lithography machine.

In the future, after Dark Core Technology Company makes a breakthrough in the field of carbon-based chips, as a shareholder of Dark Core Technology Company, it will be able to obtain the support of carbon-based chips, thus taking an advantage in the carbon-based chip industry.

More importantly, money is just a number, resources are more valuable

"An Liang, I suggest you draw up a supplementary agreement that requires the Li, Yun, and Qian families, as well as the Xiaoyu family, as well as the Dalin family and the Ye family, to hand over their voting rights to you."Zhao Wanxi suggested

"Six of them hold 30% of the equity. Once they support you, you gain absolute control." Zhao Wanxi added.

An Liang hesitated,"Isn't it too strong to sign a supplementary agreement?"

Zhao Wanxi shook her head,"This must be done!"

Zhao Wanxi continued to explain,"Although everyone is getting along harmoniously now, no one can guarantee whether there will be any accidents in the future. So I suggest setting rules in advance to avoid future changes."

"As for the four of us, if the six of them sign an agreement with you, the opinions of the four of us will not matter. After all, you already have absolute control." Zhao Wanxi added.

An Liang pondered for a moment before responding,"It's still not appropriate to sign an agreement. We can refer to listed companies and set up plans for different rights for the same shares in advance, and establish an AB share model internally."

"That's ok too."Zhao Wanxi responded

"Let me first explain the situation at the club."An Liang took out his mobile phone and began to explain the situation of setting up AB shares for Dark Core Technology Company in the confidential group of Tiantian Bai Yujing Club.


‘An Liang: @everyone: Brothers and sisters, are you poisonous?’

‘An Liang: I said it was a mere dark core technology company with a valuation of three trillion yuan, but you believed it and still dared to invest?’

‘An Liang: Let me report the situation. The total subscription amount is too much, reaching 56.15%.’

‘Hu Xiaoyu:!!!’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Brother Liang, what are you going to do?’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: First of all, let me state that our family will not withdraw its shares and we can invest money at any time to invest with peace of mind.’

‘Li Cunyuan: +1 for not withdrawing shares!’

‘Lin Yili: I finally seized the opportunity to get on the bus. It is impossible to withdraw my shares!’

‘Ye Xiangyu: Brother Liang, admit defeat this time!’

‘Yun Haiyang: Does Brother Liang think we won’t invest in the chip industry?’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Today or today, times have changed!’

‘Zhou Ronghua: Assets can only be subscribed for 1% of Piaoguo. Brother Liang, if you really want to take action, I suggest you take action against those big guys who have subscribed for 5%!’

‘Li Mingfei: I am only 1%. I am trembling and dare not speak.’

‘Pang Zhengfeng: Diving silently, always ready to pay money to ensure safety’

‘Xu Zhekai: Our family only has 0.05%, so it shouldn’t be cut, right?’

‘Luo Jin: 0.05% passed by, please let Xiao Xiami go!’

‘An Liang:...’

‘An Liang: This subscription requires real money. What's going on with you?’

‘An Liang: For example, if you subscribe for 5% of the shares, you will have to spend 150 billion in cash!’

‘An Liang: @everyone: I allow you to regret it!’

‘Li Cunyuan: Account number?’

‘Li Cunyuan: Invest with peace of mind? Or Anxin Bank?’

‘Li Cunyuan: I have the money, I can transfer it at any time!’

‘Yunhaiyang: Transfer money at any time!’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Our family has already prepared funds and can transfer money anytime and anywhere.’

‘An Liang: [Speechless]’

‘An Liang: You really don’t want to consider it?’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: [Video of throwing dice】’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: I just threw the dice three times. If it is an odd number, I will reduce the investment amount. If it is an even number, I will maintain the investment amount.’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: You see, the three throws of the dice are all even numbers, and all are six points. Needless to say, I am lucky, right?’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Come with me!’

‘Li Cunyuan: Steady, steady!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: @云海海: I also think it’s stable, what do you think?’

‘Yun Haiyang: I see with my eyes!’

‘Lin Yili: Xiaoyu, the eternal god!’

‘Ye Xiangyu: I've already rushed!’

‘Zhao Wanxi: @安梁: The conspiracy failed!’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Actually, he wants absolute controlling rights, but there are too many subscriptions. I suggest that we set up an internal AB share model so that he can obtain absolute controlling rights.’

‘Li Cunyuan: No problem, I agree!’

‘Li Cunyuan: Our family’s voting rights are entrusted to Brother Liang. '

Following Li Cunyuan's speech, a large number of club members seconded their opinions.

‘Zhao Wanxi: @安梁: Everyone has agreed. You can’t think of ways to reduce everyone’s shares, right?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Friendly reminder, everyone should hold on to their shares. Dark Core Technology is the next dream future graphene technology group!’

‘Xu Zhekai:!!!’

‘Xu Zhekai: I suffered a huge loss!’

‘Wu Zhengfeng: I would like to ask, can I increase my investment?’

‘Li Mingfei: I cried!’

‘Luo Jin:...’

‘Luo Jin: 0.05% is too little. Please refer to Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. We want more. '

Dream Future Graphene Technology Group previously allocated 0.24% of the equity to the members of the Sky Bai Yujing Club. Now when it comes to Dark Core Technology Company, the equity share has dropped to 0.05%.

This is indeed too little!

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