The relationship between An Liang and Zhao Wanxi spread throughout the imperial capital when An Liang presented 130 thousand-year-old Astragalus tablets to Zhao Wanxi's family.

Now Zhao Wanxi publicly stated in the club group that Dark Core Technology Company has extremely high value, and of course everyone believes it.

Under such circumstances, do you still want to withdraw your shares? dream!

‘An Liang: Since everyone agrees with the AB share model, the subscription quota this time has been determined! '

After An Liang's announcement, the confidential group of Tiantian Bai Yujing Club suddenly became filled with mourning, especially those whose subscription amount was too small. They once again missed a good opportunity.

‘An Liang: @Everyone: Please note that within three days, please transfer 5% of the total funds to subscribe for shares to Anxin Bank [Dark Core Technology Company Special Account】’

This time, the total amount of subscription funds reached 1,684.5 billion Xia Guoyuan, but the dark core technology currently does not require such a large amount of funds, so Anliang asked the members of the Bai Yujing Club in the sky to only pay 5% of the funds.

When Anliang announced that he only needed to pay 5% of the capital, those members of the club who had subscribed with a smaller number began to cry again.

This is equivalent to adding 20 times leverage to invest in a project that is guaranteed to make a profit, but they missed such an opportunity!

‘An Liang: An additional announcement is that Dark Core Technology will soon introduce a large number of DUV deep ultraviolet lithography machines to ensure the chip needs of the Dream Graphene Technology Group in the future. '

Without the support of Dark Core Technology Company, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group's monopoly on graphene batteries would have been 100% suppressed and blocked by Bald Eagle.

After all, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has a monopoly in the field of graphene, so how do you expect not to be suppressed?

Besides, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group should be the first to take action....

‘An Liang: Finally, thank you for your support of dark core technology’


Zhao Wanxi watched An Liang put down her mobile phone. She no longer paid attention to the information in the confidential group of Bai Yujing Club in the sky. She praised,"You are so cunning. You obviously want to set up an AB share model so that you will have absolute control, but on the surface But he showed an attitude of wanting to reduce other people's investment shares."

An Liang responded with a smile,"Which is the lesser of two evils!"

"The members of our club are all crazy. I revealed that I hope they will reduce their investment amount. They must have guessed that the future potential of Dark Core Technology Company is very high, so they will definitely not reduce their shareholdings."An Liang added

"When choosing between reducing their holdings and the AB share model, they will definitely choose the AB share model."Zhao Wanxi answered.

Zhao Wanxi just spoke in the confidential group of Tianshang Baiyujing Club to remind other members to choose the AB share model.

"Is it enough to only charge 5% of the funds?"Zhao Wanxi asked with concern

"Even if it is 5% of the funds, it is 84.225 billion Xia Guoyuan, which is completely sufficient at the current stage."An Liang explained.

"I first contacted the guys from Sansang Company and asked them to prepare a DUV lithography machine."An Liang added

"Well, I won't speak."Zhao Wanxi snuggled up to An Liang's side tenderly.

An Liang put on the wireless earphones, and once again contacted Li Zhengyi from Sansang Company through the anonymous communication network and voice-changing software.

Ten seconds later, the communication was connected.

Li Zhengyi Be the first to say,"Hello?" An Liang introduced himself,"

Hello, Mr. Li, I am Greedy.""

"Hello, Mr. Greedy, what is the situation now?"Li Zhengyi asked straightforwardly.

It was an informal cooperation in the first place, and there was no need for too much nonsense at all!

"We have reached an agreement with the buyer, and the buyer accepts your offer and chooses to hand over it on the high seas of Neon. How many DUV lithography machines can you mobilize?"An Liang asked using his identity as a greedy person.

"The lithography machine is a high-precision and cutting-edge equipment. Whether it is dismantling or transporting, it requires very meticulous operation. I believe that you, the greedy one, also know this."Li Zhengyi explained

"How much time do you need?"An Liang asked directly

"We can mobilize 28 DUV lithography machines within seven days, of which 12 are TWINSCANNXT:2000i and the remaining 16 are TWINSCANNXT:1980Di."Li Zhengyi explained

"According to our agreement, there will be a 25% premium for the delivery on the high seas of Neon. Among them, 12 units of TWINSCANNXT:2000i will cost 1.35 billion US dollars after the premium, and 16 units of TWINSCANNXT:1980Di will cost 1.44 billion US dollars after the premium, for a total of 2.79 billion US dollars."Li Zhengyi said calculatedly.

"Is this price acceptable to the buyer?" Li Zhengyi asked

"Buyer accepts price. An Liang responded,"As a special reminder, the transaction amount exceeds 2 billion US dollars. Mr. Li, our intermediary fee is 3% of the amount. Can you accept it?""

"certainly! Li Zhengyi responded affirmatively,"Your Excellency, Greedy One, does the buyer understand the rules?""

Although the two parties are cooperating informally, informal cooperation also has its own rules.

If you don't understand the rules, it will actually be very troublesome.

But of course An Liang understands the rules!

The main reason is that the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator has already investigated Li Zhengyi's situation. , An Liang naturally also understood the specific situation.


Update time: November 24, 2021 00:03:15, good night.

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