Irregular trading also has its own rules.

Based on the situation investigated on the 4th, Anliang asked directly,"Pay a 5% deposit before shipping?"

"Yes."Li Zhengyi responded affirmatively,"We have to do a lot of things in the early stage, including dismantling and packaging the DUV lithography machine, and contacting transportation services. These will cost money. If the buyer suddenly terminates the transaction, we will suffer huge losses."

"No problem, I will notify the buyer."An Liang responded affirmatively.

"If the buyer doesn't understand the rules, please explain to the buyer, Greedy. We are very reputable in the dark web. Since the buyer has found Greedy, he should trust Greedy. Greedy should know us. credibility."Li Zhengyi added

"I understand the rules, and I will also educate buyers on the rules. What is your account number?"An Liang asked

"Please give us a confidential email address, and we will send the account number to you."Li Zhengyi responded

"no problem."An Liang sent Li Zhengyi the confidential email address prepared by Tianji Divine Calculation No. 4.

Li Zhengyi immediately used the external contact email he used on the dark web to reply to the message and sent the payment account information together.

An Liang deliberately delayed for almost ten minutes , as if he was really educating the buyer about the rules, and then ordered Bao Youzhong of Anxin Bank to transfer money through an anonymous account of Ruishi Bank.

According to Li Zhengyi’s request, the total transaction volume of 2.79 billion US dollars, a 5% advance payment is 139.5 million US dollars, equivalent to 8928 Xia Guoyuan.

The money was quickly transferred to the account designated by Li Zhengyi.

An Liang waited for another two minutes before contacting Li Zhengyi.

After waiting for the connection, Li Zhengyi spoke first,"It's greed Your Excellency?"

"Yes, the buyer stated that the 5% down payment has been remitted to your designated account. Have you received it? An Liang asked.

Li Zhengyi responded affirmatively,"We have received the advance payment, and we will immediately arrange the corresponding delivery process. Please discuss the specific delivery location with the buyer, Greedy One.""

"OK, I will communicate with the buyer and then notify you."An Liang responded

"Okay, after we get the final payment from the buyer, we will pay the three percent agency fee to the greedy sir." Li Zhengyi’s additional explanation

"good."An Liang responded and hung up the phone directly.

"Done!"An Liang patted Zhao Wanxi on the head.

Zhao Wanxi said happily,"This is going so well!"

"The intermediary I used is very well-known and has a record of successful intermediaries on the dark web many times, which is why it went so smoothly."An Liang explained

"That's it..."Zhao Wanxi asked inquiringly,"Can I use my intermediary status for other transactions?"

"What deal do you want to make?"An Liang asked curiously.

"I want to kill some guy!"Zhao Wanxi snorted softly.

"Um?"An Liang looked at Zhao Wanxi doubtfully.

"Are you joking?"An Liang hesitated

"No kidding!"Zhao Wanxi shook her head

"Who do you want to kill? An Liang said jokingly,"I know a friend who is very familiar with this kind of thing. I can use my identity as an intermediary to contact him.""

"Making friends out of nothing? Zhao Wanxi rolled her eyes at An Liang,"Your Renyi Security Company is really good at doing this kind of thing, and it can't be found out!""

Zhao Wanxi continued,"But this time Renyi Security Company cannot take action because the other party's identity is very special."

"People from our imperial capital circle?"An Liang asked back.

If it's someone from the Imperial Capital Circle, it's really a bit tricky.

Even if An Liang has a very high status in the Imperial Capital Circle, if An Liang targets members of the Imperial Capital Circle without any reason, it's actually not appropriate, because the people in the Imperial Capital Circle Others will be afraid. Will they worry that Anliang will target them?

"no."Zhao Wanxi shook her head,"We are not from Xia. An

Liang secretly breathed a sigh of relief,"Since we are not from Xia country, isn't it possible to arrange it casually?""

"The other party is a Neon man. According to the information I investigated, he should be a member of the royal family branch."Zhao Wanxi responded.

An Liang smiled and replied,"Sir, times have changed, this era has changed, so what about the Neon Royal Family, let alone a side branch, ha!"

Zhao Wanxi shook her head,"That's not the reason."

"What's the reason?"An Liang was confused.

"well!"Zhao Wanxi sighed,"You deal with the purchase of DUV lithography machines first. The matter I mentioned involves Sister Zijin, and I need to ask her opinion."

Involving Zhang Zijin?

The Zhang Zijin who was married, but was 100% pure in nature?

So Zhao Wanxi was talking about the other party's nominal ex-husband?


According to the situation An Liang obtained, that Zhang Zijin was widowed, right?

Is it the Internet concept of widowhood?

The so-called Internet concept of widowhood means that the ex dies after a breakup or divorce. This person does not exist at all.

"OK"An Liang responded.

Since Zhang Zijin was involved, An Liang didn't press the question, but he had some guesses in his mind.

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