Corea, the capital.

Jin Chengxian was using Kakao to send messages to his girlfriend He Mingna, but after sending three messages in a row, he was prompted to send failed and check the network link.

Jin Chengxian looked at his Sansang mobile phone. The mobile phone signal icon was full, but he could not send messages.

Jin Chengxian tried to call his girlfriend again, but in addition to a blind tone, the phone receiver said that the call could not be connected.

Faced with this situation, Jin Chengxian could only smile helplessly, then took a deep breath and proactively asked pedestrians on the road,"Sorry to excuse you, does your mobile phone have a signal?" The young man asked by Jin Chengxian directly denied it. He shook his head,"There is a signal icon, but there is no signal. I also asked several people. Everyone is in the same situation. It should be that the network has crashed, right?"

"Thanks."Jin Chengxian responded politely. He breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that it is not his problem alone. He can at least have a reason to explain to his girlfriend.

The collapse of the mobile communication network caused a certain degree of trouble, but it has not yet caused panic, because There is no problem with the Internet yet, it's just that the mobile Internet has collapsed.

However, after the No. 4 Tianji Shensuan led people to solve Corea's mobile Internet, it has already established its flag in the neon hacker world, and the neon shogunate black samurai organization, And the Izumo Koei organization recognized the identity of the Dead Soul Clan organization.

The Shogunate Black Samurai and Izumo Koei began to join the action, and the two quickly attacked the Internet. The

No. 4 Tianji Shensuan led people to attack Corea's power grid system.

As long as the power grid system collapses, it can further affect Corea, causing widespread chaos in the capital of Corea. The population of Corea's capital exceeds 15 million people. If there is no support from the mobile communication network, then Maybe it's still a small thing.

But if there is no power supply?


There must be a big problem!

When the Shogunate Black Samurai Organization and the Izumo Koei Organization were causing trouble in the Internet, they attracted a considerable part of the Corea court. Cyber ​​Security Power.

The cyber security department of the Corea court immediately determined the identities of the Shogunate Black Samurai and Izumo Koei, and automatically attributed the hacking of the mobile communication network to the two organizations.

Because these two organizations had been involved in the Corea's Internet has caused trouble, and they have the power to cause trouble, so it is natural to think that it is them.

The pressure on the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation is very small, and with the preparation work in advance, the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation invades the Corea power grid The operation was also very smooth.

In the internal communication channel of the network security department of Renyi Security Company, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan used voice to ask,"Have you not taken over the core authority of the control interface?"

"It still takes one minute. The opponent has a physical fuse setting. We must kill it with one strike!"A technical expert responded to the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator.

A minute passed quickly, and the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator asked the situation again,"Are the core permissions of the control interface ready?"

"Already ready, overload mode is about to be set."Technical experts responded.

The next moment, the hacker team led by No. 4 Tianji Shensuan worked together to siege the power grid system of the capital of Corea.

A large-scale power outage suddenly occurred in the capital of Corea.

The impact of the power outage far exceeded the mobile phone The impact of the collapse of the communication network.

The collapse of the mobile communication network only means that you cannot make calls and access the Internet through your mobile phone. Although it sounds uncomfortable, the actual impact is not too great, and it is more of a mental impact.

However, electricity Supply interruptions are different!

Especially in cities, if a very large city with a population of more than 15 million loses power supply, it will definitely be a bad thing.

Just a large area of ​​traffic lights going out will cause traffic to appear. Chaos.

Secondly, there is the chaos caused by power outages in various commercial places. There is also the dependence of various high-rise buildings on electricity. It is not just a problem with elevators. Elevators are only the smallest problem, and the ventilation system is the big problem.

Various high-rise buildings The reliance on the ventilation system is quite serious!

Without the support of the ventilation system, the air temperature and quality of high-rise buildings will be very worrying.

Fortunately, it is the afternoon in Corea. If there is no power supply at night, the situation will definitely be worse.

An Liangzhi Therefore, we did not choose to attack at night, but in the afternoon. There were actually three considerations.

First, if we attacked Corea's power system in the afternoon, Corea would definitely arrange forces to try to repair the power system, thereby greatly restraining it. The power of Corea's court.

Second, An Liang also has a bottom line, and he does not want to cause too much collateral damage.

The most important point is the third point, time waits for no one!

Huang Guoxiang has said that Corea may have discovered the problem, so We must act quickly.

After No. 4 Tianji Shenshu led his people to solve Corea's power system, he ordered the bad guys to target Corea's aviation system, and he led his people to target Sansang Company's internal network.

After attacking Sansang Company Before the net launched the attack, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan sent a special message to the leaders of the Shogunate Black Samurai and the Izumo Koei Organization.

‘Dead Soul King: Your Excellencies, are you interested in trying to invade the internal network of Sansang Company?’


Update time: November 25, 2021 00:03:53, good night.

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