The ID of the leader of the Shogunate Black Samurai Organization is [Onen], which is taken from the name of the samurai during the Shogunate era.

The ID of the leader of the Izumo Koei Organization is [Susa]. This ID name is naturally a standard neon name.

‘Yuen: Very interested!’

‘Susana: Sansan Company is not simple.’

‘Susana: Their internal network defense level even exceeds the level of Corea's cybersecurity department.’

‘Susan: We tried, but we ultimately failed’

‘Dead Soul King: What if we have a backdoor to Sansang’s internal network?’

‘Yuen: Nani?’

‘Susana: Your Majesty the Death Soul King, are you not joking?’

‘Dead Soul King: Of course not! '

The No. 4 Tianji Shensuan does have a backdoor to the internal network of Sansang Company, which is also one of the preparations.

The strongest defenses often crumble from within.

The network security firewall of Sansang Company is indeed very powerful, but the network security firewall is usually not open to the outside world.

Renyi Security Company has a very deep layout in Corea. Sansang Company naturally has an insider of Renyi Security Company. This insider provided the backdoor program of Sansang Company's internal network for No. 4 Tianji Shensuan.

‘Dead Soul King: I can contribute the backdoor of Sansang Company’s internal network. We can invade Sansang Company together and then act separately. No matter what information we obtain, it belongs to us.’

‘Yuen: Let’s participate!’

‘Susana: We will participate too!’

‘Dead Soul King: [Sansang Company Internal Network Backdoor Interface】’

‘Dead Soul King: Start taking action! '

Neither the leader of the Shogunate Black Samurai nor the Izumo Koei Organization responded to the message, but they had already started taking action. The two data streams carefully entered the interface channel provided by the backdoor program, and then smoothly entered the Sansan Company's internal network.

After entering the Sansan Company's internal network, the Shogunate Black Samurai Organization and the Izumo Koei Organization immediately began to create their own backdoor programs to allow their own members to enter more quickly.

The No. 4 Tianji Shensuan discovered such a small move, but didn't care at all. The No. 4 Tianji Shensuan directly invaded Sansang Company's internal network with all its strength, and then quickly triggered a counterattack from the Sansang Company's network security department.

When three hacker groups invaded the internal network of Sansang Company, a bad hacker group invaded the aviation system, coupled with the collapse of the mobile communication network and the widespread collapse of the power system, the Corea court was distracted by a lot of attention.

The field forces deployed by Renyi Security Company in Corea have been operating quietly.

This time the target is Neicangshan.

When the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation was making preparations, the field personnel deployed by Renyi Security Company in Corea had secretly arrived at Neicang Mountain in advance.

Now that Corea was hacked and attacked, large-scale chaos was caused, and field personnel from Renyi Security Company easily sneaked into Neicang Mountain.

In order to avoid being discovered by the Earth Observation Optical Satellite of Bald Eagle Country, the field personnel of Renyi Security Company did not use flying motorcycles and even used anti-infrared thermal radiation detection individual combat uniforms.

Corea's land area is too small!

Who knows where in Coria the Bald Eagle Nation's Earth Observation Optical Satellite will observe?

In order to avoid trouble, the field staff of Renyi Security Company chose to act cautiously.

Two field staff from Renyi Security Company were moving quickly in Neicang Mountain, and No. 4 Tianji Shensuan and two Neon hacker groups were also moving quickly in Sansang Company's internal network.

In order to attract the greatest possible attention, the No. 4 Tianji Shensuan used the name of the Dead Soul Clan organization to publicly declare on the Neon Internet that this time the Dead Soul Clan will steal semiconductor chip-related technology from the internal network of Sansang Company to fill the gap. Neon shortcomings.

This statement was naturally discovered by Corea, and the cybersecurity department of Sansang Company also discovered this statement.

As a result, the confrontation between the two sides became more intense!

The Black Samurai Organization and the Izumo Koei Organization were also affected. The cyber security department of the Corea court listed them as targets, and cooperated with the cyber security department of Sansan Company to encircle and suppress them.

In the real world, due to the widespread collapse of the power system, the Corea court arranged a large number of human resources to maintain order in Seoul City.

When the Internet and reality work together to contain the energy of the Corea court, it is impossible for the Corea court to pay attention to the situation in Neicang Mountain.

After all, the biggest crisis now is facing the attack of the Neon hacker organization.

What's worse is that Corea's hacker organization has begun to fight back. They did not directly attack Neon's hacker organization in Corea's Internet, but went to Neon's Internet to cause trouble.

This situation further exacerbates the chaos on the Internet!

But such chaos is very beneficial to Renyi Security Company.

Renyi Security Company has no plans to obtain technical information on semiconductor chips from Sansang's internal network.

Because that is impossible!

How can important technical information be placed in computer equipment linked to the Internet?

Internet storage must be physically isolated, right?

The No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator is very aware of such things. He just hopes that the situation will be more chaotic so that it can be convenient for field personnel to steal the thousand-year-old Astragalus.

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