Corea, Naecangsan, Jeolbuk-do.

This place is far away from Seoul City and has not been affected by hacker intrusions. Neither the power supply nor the network communications have been affected.

Two field personnel from Renyi Security Company quickly went to the location provided by Huang Guoxiang. They both wore high-definition cameras and broadcast live online.

This is to avoid unexpected situations.

For example, Huang Guoxiang's information is wrong and the thousand-year-old Astragalus does not exist.

If this really happened, would Huang Guoxiang suspect that Anliang had swallowed the millennium of Astragalus?

Although the Life Winner System has confirmed the answer, Huang Guoxiang didn't know it, so An Liangcai ordered the live broadcast to completely reassure Huang Guoxiang.

The live broadcast was playing on An Liang's mobile phone. He and Zhao Wanxi were having lunch.

Huang Guoxiang is also following the live broadcast. He and An Liang also established voice communication through the National Security Investigation Bureau’s confidential communication software

"Your operation this time caused quite a stir in Corea! Huang Guoxiang's voice came from the speaker of the mobile phone.

An Liang took a sip of chicken soup before responding,"What's going on?""

"Asking knowingly? Huang Guoxiang asked back

"I really do not know!"An Liang responded

"The situation in Coria's capital! Huang Guoxiang reminded,"The power grid in Seoul City collapsed, the mobile communication network collapsed, the aviation system was attacked by hackers, and the internal network of Sansang Company was attacked by hackers. Your methods are quite powerful!""

"Ouch! An Liang complained,"Old Huang, we are familiar with each other, but I also want to sue you for defamation!" An

Liang continued,"I don't know what you are talking about. I am a law-abiding and upright person.""

Zhao Wanxi couldn't help but laugh out loud!

"why are you laughing?"An Liang looked at Zhao Wanxi speechlessly.

"A joke suddenly occurred to me."Zhao Wanxi changed the subject.

An Liang didn't follow the routine,"What's the joke? Zhao Wanxi rolled her eyes at An Liang,"

I suddenly forgot again!""

Huang Guoxiang naturally heard the exchange between An Liang and Zhao Wanxi. He said in a low voice,"Even Xiao Zhao couldn't help but laugh out loud. How dare you say that you are a law-abiding and upright person?"

"Is not it? An Liang asked back.

An Liang continued to add,"What you just said, do you have any evidence that I did it?""

"you win!"Huang Guoxiang was defeated.

Almost half an hour later, two security personnel from Renyi Security Company who were performing field duties reported

"Target found!"A field worker pointed a high-definition camera at a target suspected of being a thousand-year-old astragalus.

"Lao Sun, look at the situation!" An Liang ordered Sun Shizhong.

Sun Shizhong was an expert on Millennium Astragalus. He prompted the operators to take close-up photos of Millennium Astragalus and some details. It took nearly two minutes before Sun Shizhong responded affirmatively,"Mr. An, this is It is indeed a thousand-year-old astragalus, and this thousand-year-old astragalus should be older and its size should be larger."

Sun Shizhong added,"Be careful when digging."

"receive!"The two field staff responded together.

As Sun Shizhong determined the identity of the Millennium Astragalus, the two field staff immediately took action. They used engineering shovels to dig the surrounding soil to avoid harming the Millennium Astragalus.

Nearly ten minutes later, two The field staff of Renyi Security Company dug out this thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus and quickly carried out data measurement work.

"BOSS, this thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus has a total length of 71.3 cm and a weight of 501 grams."The field staff of Renyi Security Company reported accurate data.

This data is to reassure Huang Guoxiang!

"Send it back immediately!"An Liang ordered

"receive."The field staff of Renyi Security Company replied, and then directly cut off the live broadcast.

Huang Guoxiang's voice came from the loudspeaker of the mobile phone,"When can you send it back?"

"Don’t worry, Corea is very close to us and very fast!"An Liang responded.

"Do you want to say hello to the other side of the border? Huang Guoxiang asked thoughtfully.

An Liang said negatively,"No need!" We have already solved the problem through our relationship with Dream Future Graphene Technology Group."

The relationship between Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and the military is very good. 'Little things' like this are simply not worth mentioning for Dream Future Graphene Technology Group."

"Aren't you worried about them taking the opportunity to ask for benefits? Huang Guoxiang said a little nervously.

"I took the initiative to give it! An Liang responded,"I gave you a slice as toll. Do you think I'm as tough as you?""

Huang Guoxiang couldn't complain!

Is he an iron rooster?

It was An Liang who took 50% of the share from him, but he still became an iron rooster?

Sure enough, whoever accuses first will be more reasonable?

An Liang and After Huang Guoxiang ended the call, Zhao Wanxi spoke at the side

"This operation feels really smooth!" Zhao Wanxi sighed.

An Liang shook his head,"On the surface it looks smooth, but in fact there are many hidden conditions behind the scenes."

"oh?"Zhao Wanxi looked at An Liang doubtfully.

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