As Zhao Wanxi said, from the outside, this operation went very smoothly!

However, this is not the case!

As the saying goes: One minute on stage, ten years off stage.

This seemingly smooth operation was actually due to adequate preparations.

For example, Renyi Security Company’s advance layout in Corea.

An Liang was a little interested in Corea before, because Corea is a country that is highly tolerant of capital.

This country has even been kidnapped by capital, and the fate of the entire country is linked to capital.

It is precisely because of this that An Liang is interested in Corea, and he hopes to participate through capital.

But after An Liang got involved, he discovered that this country had long been completely controlled by the Concern organization, and it was impossible to accommodate new capital, let alone allow foreign Concern organizations to enter the top ranks.

Even though Renyi Security Company promoted the campaign, it did not achieve very good results in the end.

After all, the entire country is controlled by the Concern organization, and it is impossible for Renyi Security Company to have any loopholes.

However, although Anliang's layout in Corea failed, Renyi Security Company still took root in Corea and had great potential.

This time, the field personnel of Renyi Security Company went to Neicang Mountain without anyone noticing, which was attributed to their previous lurking.

Second is the cover for hacking operations.

Huang Guoxiang previously said that Corea may have guessed about the thousand-year-old Astragalus and is investigating it secretly.

If there is no hacking operation involving the Corea court, I am afraid that the Corea court will investigate further and really find out the clues.

An Liang never underestimates any opponent.

What's more, it's a court-level opponent?

As long as the Corea court investigates carefully, they will definitely be able to discover the thousand-year-old astragalus in Neicang Mountain. There is no doubt about this.

In addition, there are two key factors.

Renyi Security Company made preparations in advance to target Corea's mobile communication network and penetrated Sansang Company to obtain the backdoor program of Sansang Company's internal network.

These are also two favorable factors.

What's more important is that Huang Guoxiang learned An Liang's routine - calculating mentally but not intentionally!

This time, Huang Guoxiang quietly searched for the Millennium Astragalus in Corea. Corea didn't know about this. With such calculation, how could the Corea court be on guard?

This is the power of calculating mentally but not intentionally!

Like a sniper lurking in the dark.

An Liang explained these things to Zhao Wanxi one by one.

Zhao Wanxi stared at An Liang,"Did you want to secretly control Corea before?"

"There were ideas, plans, and actions, but the actual situation was far more complicated than expected."An Liang didn't hide anything.

"Corea's situation is indeed very complicated."Zhao Wanxi affirmed

"On the surface, Corea is a free country. However, in essence, it is secretly controlled by capital groups including Sansang Group and Handai Group." Zhao Wanxi added

"What's more critical is that there are more black hands hidden behind the scenes of these capital groups. Take Sansang Group, this group also adopts the AB share model, and most of the equity is controlled by the consortium of the Bald Eagle Country."Zhao Wanxi added

"Although the Li family of Sansang Group still controls Sansang Group through complex cross-holding agreements, the wealth created by Sansang Group has been captured by the Bald Eagle Nation on a large scale."Zhao Wanxi sighed.

An Liang nodded slightly,"I also discovered such a thing."

"So Corea is not an ideal target. An Liang commented.

Zhao Wanxi responded with a smile,"So you changed your target to the Lion City, right?""

Before An Liang answered, Zhao Wanxi continued,"The Lion City is a very good choice. It has a very high level of development, a very high degree of acceptance of capital, and it is also very suitable in terms of culture. We Xia Guoyu Even the official language of the Lion City"

"Based on the resources you currently control, I guess you plan to start from the energy aspect, first control the power supply of the Lion City, and then gradually develop, right?"Zhao Wanxi asked.

Zhao Wanxi added,"You currently have mastered the fourth-generation nuclear power technology. In the previous gold mine fraud incident in Africa, you obtained a huge uranium mine, which is equivalent to you have already Gained the basis for cheap energy"

"Combining these advantages, the existing power supply system in the Lion City will definitely not be able to compete with you!"Zhao Wanxi said with certainty.

An Liang responded helplessly,"I have told you many times before, smart women..."

Zhao Wanxi interrupted An Liang directly,"But you like it, don't you?"

Now Zhao Wanxi is An Liang's girlfriend!

An Liang looked at Zhao Wanxi helplessly,"Did you analyze these things yourself, or was it already investigated by Lao Huang?"

"I analyzed it myself, but Uncle Huang must also know it."Zhao Wanxi responded.

An Liang nodded slightly. He didn't feel any surprise.

It would be a surprise if Huang Guoxiang didn't know!


Update time: November 26, 2021 00:01:45, good night.

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