While An Liang and Zhao Wanxi were discussing, the screen of his mobile phone lit up. An Liang picked it up and checked it.

"The field operators sent news that Millennium Astragalus had been sent to Corea. An Liang said to Zhao Wanxi while checking the information.

Zhao Wanxi was curious,"How did you send it out?""

"Can I talk about this?" Zhao Wanxi added

"Drones."Anliang responded,"We take advantage of the energy density of graphene batteries and arrange three ships as relay stations on the way, so we can easily transport the thousand-year-old Astragalus from Coria via drones.

An Liang added,"We have a very good relationship with the Donghai Navy. You know this, right?""

"Um! Zhao Wanxi nodded,"So there is also a share of Donghai Navy?""

"certainly. An Liang nodded slightly,"Our drone is loaded with the Donghai Navy's identification code. Once it enters our country's waters, it can fly back openly.""

In fact, whether it is the military or the Donghai Navy, as long as it is through Huang Guoxiang's relationship, it can be easily handled. After all, it is just a very small matter.

But An Liang has his own considerations.

An Liang is not an iron rooster, he likes to share benefits , thus forming an interest group.

In addition, An Liang had a very good relationship with the Donghai Navy, so it was naturally impossible for him to give up everything.

After An Liang just explained to Zhao Wanxi the method of transferring thousand-year-old Astragalus, he received a call from Huang Guoxiang. He directly Swipe the screen and click on the speaker

"What's up?"An Liang spoke first.

"Was the operation successful?"Huang Guoxiang asked a little anxiously

"So urgent?"An Liang teased

"The distance between Corea and us is less than 400 kilometers. According to the high efficiency of your Renyi Security Company, I believe you have almost sent out all the targets, right? Huang Guoxiang guessed.

Zhao Wanxi, who was sitting opposite An Liang, smiled and gave Huang Guoxiang a thumbs up.

Because Huang Guoxiang's guess was really accurate!

"If I said there was an accident, would you believe it?"An Liang asked jokingly

"I do not believe!"Huang Guoxiang denied it without hesitation.

"An Liang, we are not kidding, many people here are asking about the situation! Huang Guoxiang said seriously

"According to the data reported by your operators, the target length is 71.3 centimeters and the weight is 501 grams. We conservatively estimate that we can cut more than 200 pieces. We should be able to get more than 100 pieces here, so there are many people paying attention.

An Liang was curious,"Have you already assigned it?" Huang Guoxiang complained,"

Nonsense!" Otherwise, you think I’m the one who keeps it all to myself?"

"How much can Wanxi's family get? An Liang asked curiously.

Zhao Wanxi also showed a curious look.

Huang Guoxiang did not hide it,"There are four of them, each with 4 slices; similar to the ones in Hu Xiaoyu's house below the first floor and above the second floor, Each family is allocated 2 pieces; similar to the situation on the second floor of Li Cunyuan's home, each family is allocated 1 piece, and the others are not."

To put it simply, Li Cunyuan has it, but Qian Xiaogang and Yun Haiyang don't.

Li Cunyuan's home is on the second floor of the old imperial capital circle, while Qian Xiaogang and Yun Haiyang's home is on the third floor. Although because of the Bai Yujing Club in the sky, plus the With Anliang's influence, the status of the Qian family and the Yun family has also risen a bit, but they have not yet completely entered the second level.

"You have grabbed so much this time, how are you going to deal with it?" Huang Guoxiang asked

"Store it first."An Liang responded

"I have a proposal."Huang Guoxiang took the initiative to test

"you say."An Liang did not refuse directly.

"Do you know Ye Zhiyi and Lin Yunsi? Huang Guoxiang asked, and then continued,"They are quite beautiful. I believe you will also like them.""

"Uncle Huang!"Zhao Wanxi spoke directly, thus showing that she was right next to her.

"..."Huang Guoxiang was speechless. He instantly guessed that An Liang's loudspeaker was on. How could he have imagined that An Liang would turn on the loudspeaker?

After all, their communications often involve confidential information, and it is generally impossible to turn on the loudspeaker.

‘This bitch harmed me! 'Huang Guoxiang secretly felt helpless

"Ahem! Huang Guoxiang coughed twice to hide his embarrassment,"Wanxi is here too!" Zhao

Wanxi snorted softly,"Uncle Huang, my grandpa said he misses you!""

Huang Guoxiang is a student of Zhao Zhuangkang, and he has a very close relationship with the old Zhao family.

Huang Guoxiang understood what Zhao Wanxi meant. She was complaining that Huang Guoxiang was cheating on the mandarin duck book.

An Liang came to Huang Guoxiang's rescue and said,"Old Huang, I have seen Lin Yunsi. With Ye Zhiyi, we are just ordinary friends. Huang Guoxiang immediately understood what An Liang meant,"

I understand!""

"Seriously, where did the goods go? Huang Guoxiang asked again.

This time An Liang was not joking,"The goods have been delivered and are expected to enter our territorial waters within an hour!""

"So fast?"Huang Guoxiang was surprised

"We have cooperation with Donghai Navy."An Liang replied with a smile.

"I see!"Huang Guoxiang was not surprised, because he also knew that An Liang and Donghai Navy had cooperated before, so it would be no problem to continue the cooperation this time.

"When can it be delivered to the Imperial Capital?"Huang Guoxiang asked.

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