Faced with Huang Guoxiang's urgent inquiry, An Liang responded seriously,"I have arranged a private plane to fly over in advance. When the things are delivered, I will fly them directly back to the Imperial Capital. I will definitely see the things this afternoon.""

"Is Expert Sun in the Imperial Capital?" Huang Guoxiang asked

"Here I am. An Liang responded,"He still needs to judge the specific situation.""

"Then I can arrange the cutting site?"Huang Guoxiang probed

"No problem, you make the arrangements, but be careful."An Liang responded

"We might as well rearrange the large conference room at the headquarters of our National Security Investigation Agency. Huang Guoxiang suggested.

An Liang responded casually,"I have no objection!" I will arrange for Lao Sun to contact you and you can discuss the matter."

"OK! See you later."Huang Guoxiang responded and hung up the phone. He still needed to contact the people in the imperial capital who were qualified to distribute millennium astragalus, and ordered the layout of the large conference room, and cooperated with Sun Shizhong to arrange the cutting work.

After the call ended, Zhao Wanxi spoke first ,"You arranged for the Gulfstream G650ER to come over. Aren't you worried about being associated with it by interested people?"

"So what if there is an association? An Liang asked teasingly.

An Liang continued,"We snatched the thousand-year-old Astragalus from Neon before, but the end result was nothing.""

Before, Anliang teamed up with the North Bear Country to snatch the thousand-year-old Astragalus from Neon. Although Neon jumped up and down in protest, and even appealed to the International Court of Justice against the North Bear Country and Anxin Investment Company, neither the North Bear Country nor Anxin The investment company did not respond at all.

In the end, Neon died down and left the matter unresolved.

The situation was the same this time!

Don't say that Corea and the bald eagle did not discover the thousand-year-old astragalus, even if they did discover the thousand-year-old astragalus, but What can they do if they are snatched away by An Liang?

If they are in Corea, Corea and Bald Eagle can even take extreme actions, including using all means to stop the field personnel of Renyi Security Company.

But after the Millennium Astragalus entered the Xia Kingdom, Whether it is Corea or Bald Eagle, there is almost no way for either of them to continue to pursue the responsibility.

Unless the secret lurking force is used!

However, the secret lurking force is not omnipotent, especially when Renyi Security Company is deliberately prepared, it is almost impossible Play a role.

After all, the previous actions in Corea were calculated without intention, but now they are on the same starting line. Renyi Security Company has already been prepared, so how can it be calculated without intention? Therefore, the secret latent power cannot be exerted. Effect.

It was close to five o'clock in the afternoon.

An Liang received a message from Qin Tianxiang

‘Suzaku Six: BOSS, we have received the goods’

‘Number Zero: Get ready, let’s go to Lao Huang’s place together’

‘Suzaku Six: The convoy is ready. '

Because he had to transport thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus, Qin Tianxiang chose more reliable ground transportation and specially prepared five bulletproof Audi A8L cars.

‘No. 0: Received. After An Liang and Qin Tianxiang finished communicating , he pushed Zhao Wanxi who was leaning on his shoulder,"The things have been delivered. I'm going to Lao Huang's place. Do you want to go?""

"Um!"Zhao Wanxi responded affirmatively. After she took the initiative to confess her love to An Liang, she now likes to stay with An Liang.

"Then pack up and we'll set off immediately."An Liang said remindingly.

"Give me ten minutes."Zhao Wanxi responded.

Zhao Wanxi got up and went to the bathroom. She washed briefly and then came directly to An Liang without makeup.

Zhao Wanxi's skin quality is very high, even without makeup, she is very delicate.

Her appearance The most basic requirement for beauties who have a top-notch rating is to be flawless without make-up.

"let's go?"Zhao Wanxi took the initiative to hold An Liang's arm.

"good."An Liang responded.

The two of them walked out of the courtyard together. Five black bulletproof Audi A8Ls were parked outside. An Liang took Zhao Wanxi and got into the Audi A8L in the middle.

The group set off from the small courtyard. Go to the headquarters of the National Security Investigation Bureau.

It is not the rush hour yet, and the traffic has not started to be congested yet. Taking advantage of this period, An Liang takes Zhao Wanxi to the headquarters of the National Security Investigation Bureau.

In the underground garage of the headquarters of the National Security Investigation Bureau, Huang Guoxiang unexpectedly Already waiting in person.

Qin Tianxiang wisely parked the car next to Huang Guoxiang.

Huang Guoxiang opened the door for An Liang himself.

An Liang said teasingly,"Old Huang, what are you doing?

Huang Guoxiang responded nonchalantly,"Where are the things?""

"Inside the trunk."An Liang replied.

Huang Guoxiang immediately walked to the trunk, and Qin Tianxiang opened the trunk.

In the trunk, a silver-white 28-inch boarding case lay quietly. Huang Guoxiang couldn't wait to lift it up.

However, Huang Guoxiang After trying it, he didn't pick it up immediately!

Is it so heavy?

Huang Guoxiang secretly wondered.

Qin Tianxiang came over with two security personnel from Renyi Security Company. He reminded him,"Mr. Huang, let us do it. It There is special treatment"

"What special treatment?"Huang Guoxiang was curious.

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