In the large conference room of the National Security Investigation Bureau, facing Mu Yu's joke, An Liang responded,"If it's a one-on-one challenge, then it's us one-on-one."

Mu Yu said negatively,"Drinking should be more lively.!"

"I heard that Uncle Mu works in the military? An Liang asked back.

Mu Yu nodded affirmatively,"That's right!""

"Then things will be simple. Uncle Mu picks three people, and I pick three people. We pick four pairs of four in groups, how about it?"An Liang suggested

"I choose among my men, and you choose among the clubs?"Mu Yu suggested in turn

"no problem."An Liang agreed.

"Then let’s make an appointment!"The way Mu Yu and An Liang get closer is very simple, that is to have a drink together.

Men, drinking together is easy to get closer.

"When Uncle Mu has time, when I am in the imperial capital, Uncle Mu will decide the time. An Liang added jokingly,"I'm worried that Uncle Mu won't admit his defeat." Zhao

Wanxi kindly reminded her on the side,"Uncle Mu, he is a really good drinker. Before, my father, my brother, and my grandfather combined were all killed by him!" Mu

Yu looked at An Liang in surprise,"It seems to be really powerful, but I am also very powerful!" It’s better to choose a day than to hit it. How about today?"

"OK! An Liang agreed.

Zhu Zhiming answered from the side,"Can I participate in one?""

"Lao Zhu, are you not very good?"Mu Yu glanced at Zhu Zhiming

"In a four-on-four situation, can I ask for three foreign aids?"Zhu Zhiming asked

"sure."An Liang responded

"Our household department also has a large number of them."Zhu Zhiming responded

"I have no problem, what do you think of Uncle Mu? An Liang looked at Mu Yu.

Mu Yu naturally couldn't refuse,"Okay!""

When the three of them had discussed the matter of drinking together, Sun Shizhong came over to greet An Liang.

"Mr. An, we have great news!"Sun Shizhong said unable to suppress his smile.

"Talk about it."An Liang responded casually.

"The quality of the thousand-year-old astragalus obtained this time is very high. After preliminary research, the medicinal effect should be increased by at least one-third." Sun Shizhong explained


‘Congratulations to the host for completing the special mission [Three Kingdoms]】!’

‘In view of the fact that the host was fully prepared and achieved a comprehensive crushing victory, and the comprehensive evaluation reached the perfect level, the host will receive the following rewards’

‘Reward 1: The efficacy of thousand-year-old astragalus increases by 35%’

‘Reward 2: A [lucky gift]】’

‘Special note: The host please be patient and wait for the [lucky gift], it will appear in a surprise way. An

Liang calmly checked the information fed back by the Life Winner System. It seemed that Sun Shizhong made no mistake in his judgment. The efficacy of the thousand-year-old astragalus had indeed increased by more than one-third.

However, An Liang still pretends to be confused while still understanding.

"Are you sure the efficacy of the medicine has improved so much? An Liang asked back.

Sun Shizhong nodded,"I'm sure!""

"If you want more detailed proof, we can arrange an experimental subject test. Sun Shizhong added,"I am willing to be the subject of this experiment." An

Liang laughed and scolded,"In that case, I believe it. You old ghost wants to fool me again!""

Sun Shizhong pretended to sigh,"After all, it is a thousand-year-old astragalus, and its effect is so good."

"Since the efficacy of the drug has increased by more than one-third, if calculated based on the original efficacy, does that mean that the total amount that can be cut has increased by more than one-third?"Huang Guoxiang interjected and asked.

This question is also a question that everyone at the scene is concerned about!

Sun Shizhong responded,"Ms. Huang's guess is correct. While ensuring that the effect of the medicine is the same as before, more can be cut. Thousand-year-old Astragalus slices"

"In addition, the leftovers this time will have better medicinal effects. Both the head and the roots have high medicinal value. The medicinal effect is about 20% of that of ordinary thousand-year-old astragalus. Sun Shizhong added.

Huang Guoxiang immediately looked at An Liang,"How to distribute these scraps?""

"First look at how much scrap material there is, and then determine the distribution plan. An Liang did not discuss the distribution plan directly,"Old Sun, have you finished the cutting plan?" Sun

Shizhong handed a tablet to An Liang,"It's done. We made a cutting plan after laser scanning 3D modeling. The total cutting volume reached 312 pieces.""

"So many? Huang Guoxiang was surprised at first, and then smiled bitterly.

An Liang laughed,"Old Huang, do you regret it?" Huang

Guoxiang had a bitter expression on his face,"Yes, I regret it. If I had known this was the case, I would have snatched it back at all costs. How could I have contacted you to participate?""

"You will not!"An Liang replied with a smile.

Huang Guoxiang did not speak, and the discussion was meaningless now, because Huang Guoxiang could not know in advance.

Nearly two hours later, a total of 312 pieces of thousand-year-old Astragalus were segmented. Although there was a laser scanned 3D model to pre-set the cutting method, but 6 grams of mass were still lost in the end.

The powder formed by the lost 6 grams of mass was carefully collected, mixed with water and distributed to everyone on site. In the end, everyone was assigned a cup of thousand-year-old astragalus powder water.

Even Qian Xiaogang and Yun Haiyang who were watching the excitement also had it, as did other guests who did not have the right to distribute.

An Liang felt refreshed after drinking the thousand-year-old astragalus powder water, but other effects were almost negligible.

Huang Guoxiang asked about old things again,"Anliang, what do you think about the remaining scraps?"

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