Both Huang Guoxiang and An Liang saw through Zhu Zhiming's little plan!

Whether it is the Ministry of Household Affairs, the National Security Investigation Bureau, or Mu Yudai's team, they all far exceed the Tiantian Baiyujing Club in terms of number of people, so they have more choices.

Bai Yujing Club in the Sky?

Even if we count the four families on the first level of the God City Circle, plus Shengqing's Du Miaomiao, and Anliang himself, there are only forty-eight members in total, how can we choose?

However, Zhu Zhiming’s calculation was really wrong!

An Liang answered,"I agree with Uncle Zhu's suggestion, lest everyone ask for foreign aid, then it would be meaningless, right?"

Although Zhu Zhiming was full of doubts, he still responded in agreement,"There is really no point in asking for foreign aid."

"It's getting late, let's call someone quickly and try to solve the problem tonight."Mu Yu suggested

"No problem, everyone organize the personnel. If transportation is needed, I will instruct Dream Group to arrange flying motorcycles."An Liang provided convenience.

Zhu Zhiming and Mu Yu immediately began to contact their subordinates.

Huang Guoxiang had no motivation at all. He gave casual instructions on the National Security Investigation Bureau's confidential communication software and stopped paying attention to this matter, because Huang Guoxiang Knowing that they would definitely lose.

An Liang sent a message in the confidential group of Tianshang Baiyujing Club

‘An Liang: @Everyone: Does everyone know about the wine fight?’

‘Li Cunyuan: I have just informed everyone in advance’

‘Qian Xiaogang: @胡小鱼: Xiaoyu, please take me to fly!’

‘Yun Haiyang: Zhu Shilang’s suggestion is so good!’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Brother Liang, I want to participate, right?’

‘An Liang: Of course!’

‘An Liang: I want to participate too’

‘An Liang: There are two places left, everyone can nominate themselves or make recommendations’

‘An Liang: This time, there are a total of 5 pieces of leftovers equivalent to one thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus, and there are 8.2 grams more leftovers, which is equivalent to more than half of a piece.’

‘An Liang: If we win in the end, I propose that Xiaoyu get a share of the scraps’

‘An Liang: How about we bid internally for the remaining scraps and then divide the funds equally?’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Bidding?’

‘Anliang: Yes. This time, the bidding mode is adopted, but anonymous bidding is used.’

‘An Liang: Otherwise, we can also bid externally and we can split the money.’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: No, no, no, no, our internal bidding is very good!’

‘Lin Yili: Support internal bidding!’

‘Ye Xiangyu: Internal bidding is very good’

‘Yun Haiyang: I support it too. '

The members of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club expressed their support for the internal bidding, and finally decided that the scraps would be auctioned within the club.

These guys have clearly acquiesced that the club wins the drink fight!

After all, they had been hit by Hu Xiaoyu's luck countless times.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, Tiantian Baiyujing Club reserved the Luqiao Furious Roast Mutton Restaurant, and the four wine-fighting teams had already assembled.

The team of Tiantian Baiyujing Club includes An Liang, Hu Xiaoyu, Li Cunyuan, and Liu Neng.

Liu Neng has a very good drinking capacity, which is unanimously recommended by everyone.

The National Security Investigation Bureau team was led by psychology expert Yan Kai, and was composed of Wei Hongzhi, chief of the second section of the Operations Department, Li Fei, chief of the third section, and Lu Wenxian, an intelligence officer under the Intelligence Department.

There is no Zhu Zhiming in the Hubu team. He is self-aware because his drinking capacity is average.

Mu Yu personally led the team and also brought three young people with him. It seemed to be the most powerful team.

Zhu Zhiming saw Hu Xiaoyu in the drinking team of Bai Yujing Club outside the court. He knew Hu Xiaoyu. After all, Hu Xiaoyu's home was now close to the first floor and he would definitely appear on the first floor in the next few years.

"Xiao Zhao, do you know Hu Xiaoyu?"Zhu Zhiming asked Zhao Wanxi.

Zhao Wanxi sighed softly,"Uncle Zhu, your previous proposal was really bad. If you look at the team of the National Security Investigation Bureau, you will understand that they have basically given up."

"What's the meaning? Zhu Zhiming wondered,"Could it be that Hu Xiaoyu has a good drinking capacity?""

"I suggest Uncle Zhu join the club’s chat group. There is some intelligence information in our club, which is very useful."Zhao Wanxi suggested

"For example, Xiaoyu has very good luck. After adding a luck mechanism to the wine fight this time, the final result is almost determined in advance. There is more than 90% probability that Xiaoyu will win!" Zhao Wanxi added

"So evil?"Zhu Zhiming raised his eyebrows

"The last time our family auctioned thousand-year-old astragalus, Uncle Zhu and Uncle Mu did not participate, so they don’t know how lucky Xiaoyu is. You will know today!"Zhao Wanxi said with a bit of gloating.

In the courtyard of Luqiao Furious Roast Mutton Restaurant, eight square tables were arranged in pairs in the southeast, northwest and four directions to form a 'mouth' shape, with four teams arranged in four directions.

The leader of the household team was Yuanwai Lang Liu Dayong, who suggested,"My lords, I boldly suggest that we fight for wine faster to avoid wasting too much time.

Mu Yu asked,"How can we go faster?""

"In each round, each team has eight bottles of wine. Except for the winner, the other three teams have eight bottles of wine, which means that each team member has two bottles of wine, but members of the team can help drink."Liu Dayong suggested

"I have no opinion!"Mu Yu agreed.

Yan Kai didn't object, because the National Security Investigation Bureau has basically given up.

Of course An Liang agrees. Isn't this condition asking for death?


Update time: November 28, 2021 00:08:40, good night.

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