In the large courtyard of Angry Lamb Restaurant, in the wine-fighting area surrounded by eight square tables, four wine-fighting teams are about to start a melee.

Liu Dayong, the leader of the household department, proposed to start the shopping mode, and the other three people did not refuse.

Liu Neng held a large glass box and placed it in the middle of the 'mouth' shape surrounded by eight square tables, while Hu Xiaoyu brought over a large bag of dice.

"These are ordinary dice, and everyone can choose by themselves. Each team rolls three dice each time, and compares them according to the final points. If the points are the same, they will be re-rolled to determine the outcome. How about that?"Hu Xiaoyu suggested.

Because there are four teams participating, the number of dice thrown is increased from one to three, thereby increasing the results from 6 to 16, trying to avoid the probability of the same result.

Hu Xiaoyu continued to add,"If you have any objection to the throwing result, you can check the dice on site, or even smash the dice directly to see if there are any internal problems."

Now that Hu Xiaoyu has said this, what other opinions can others have?

"We believe Miss Hu, we are the first to throw! Liu Dayong responded. He picked up three dice and threw them into the glass box.

After a bounce and collision sound, the final result was 15 points!

This was a high score, and Liu Dayong couldn't help but smile. , he believed that his winning rate in the first round was very high.

The subsequent results seemed to be the same.

Because Mu Yu voted a low score of 7 points, and Yan Kai of the National Security Investigation Bureau only voted 11 points. Only 11 points were left. The Bai Yujing Club in the sky hadn't thrown yet.

Hu Xiaoyu picked up the three dice casually, and without even looking at them, she threw them into the glass box.

The three dice rolled rapidly inside the glass box, and when they finally stopped At that time, it turned out to be two five-points, plus one six-point, and the final result was 16 points. He had just beaten the 15-point score of the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Liu Dayong was a little speechless. Isn't this result too tragic?

"yeah! Hu Xiaoyu cheered and made a scissor hand gesture,"First game, win!"

An Liang reminded him,"Dear friends, please drink!""

This time I chose the deadly witchcraft wine. Each bottle has a capacity of 600 ml. In addition, there is a three-minute drinking time. After two bottles in a row, even a guy with a good drinker will actually feel a little uncomfortable..After all, being able to drink well and being drunk in a hurry are two different things.

"Come again!"Liu Dayong took a deep breath. He picked three dice again and threw the three dice into the glass box.

This time, Liu Dayong's luck was overwhelming!

Because the three dice were all six!

Six six six!

Directly. The maximum number of points was 18.

Liu Dayong smiled. How could he lose this result?

Mu Yu and Yan Kai both scored less than ten points, and they were classified as cannon fodder.

Hu Xiaoyu took a deep breath, and she put threeThe dice were thrown into the glass box. When the dice stopped, there were actually three sixes, and the result was also 18.

"..."Liu Dayong looked at Hu Xiaoyu speechlessly.

Zhu Zhiming outside the court raised his eyebrows. He couldn't help but ask,"Is it so skewed?"

Zhao Wanxi answered,"There are even more skewed ones!"

Since Liu Dayong and Hu Xiaoyu had the same points, the two threw again. Dice competition for the final winner.

Liu Dayong directly threw a 5-point combination.

Hu Xiaoyu threw it away casually. Although he also only had 7 points, he at least defeated Liu Dayong.

"..."Liu Dayong looked at Hu Xiaoyu's 7-point result. He only felt miserable. What kind of suffering in the world is this?

Looking at the result, Zhao Wanxi said with a smile,"This is the beginning of the slanted door! In our club, when it comes to luck, Xiaoyu wins directly by default."

"..."Zhu Zhiming began to understand Huang Guoxiang’s previous complaints!

After the second round of deadly witchcraft is drunk, the third round of dice rolling begins.

This time Liu Dayong learned a lesson and was not the first to throw the dice.

Yan Kai from the National Security Investigation Bureau casually threw out the result of 11 o'clock, and Mu Yu threw out the result of 14 o'clock.

Liu Dayong looked at Hu Xiaoyu and took the initiative to say,"Miss Hu, do you want to throw it away first?"

Hu Xiaoyu did not refuse,"No problem!"

After saying that, Hu Xiaoyu casually threw the three dice into the glass box. Then the result of 666 appeared again

"..."Liu Dayong is numb!

What kind of luck is this?

When he throws the dice first, others always press his points. When others throw the dice first, it will be the maximum 18 points. this...

Still playing Gou Ba?

Liu Dayong took a deep breath, held the dice in both hands and made a blowing motion, and then threw the three dice into the glass box.

However, these fancy operations have no effect!

Because the final result is only 9 points

"I win again!"Hu Xiaoyu cheered happily.

The other three teams were all speechless. They had lost three rounds in a row, and now two bottles of deadly witchcraft wine were waiting for them, and they were required to drink it within three minutes.

Such pressure also It’s too big!

Who can withstand it?

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