In the Forest Café opposite Teito International University.

Faced with Anliang's language switch, Aflorala also switched to the northern bear language,"We hope to cooperate!"

"The actions of your dark core technology are actually not a secret."Aphrolla added.

"In the field of binary and silicon-based chips, both you and us are stuck by the bald eagle and have no chance at all."Aphroela sighed

"But now our opportunity has come. Silicon-based chips have reached their extreme development, and their physical properties are close to their limits. The quantum tunneling effect is unavoidable. Only by developing new semiconductor materials and opening up new fields can such limitations be broken."Aphroela is obviously very knowledgeable.

"According to my guess, your Dark Core Technology Company should be preparing to develop carbon-based chips, right?"Aflora looked at Anliang's guess.

Anliang looked at Aflorola in slight surprise.

Aflorala responded calmly,"I am studying in the Imperial Capital after all, and I also have friends in the Imperial Capital circle. What is going on in your club? I have also heard that, coupled with Xia Guo’s world-leading research on carbon-based chips and Dream Future Graphene Technology Group’s leadership in graphene technology, dark core technology will definitely enter the field of carbon-based chips."

An Liang did not deny it.

"Since you already want to change the track, I suggest that you change the track completely, not only in terms of semiconductor materials, but also in terms of computer infrastructure, completely subverting silicon-based chips and binary systems!"Aphrola has great ambitions.

If the binary system is subverted and the binary system is replaced by the ternary system, it means completely subverting the current tradition!

Because the essence of the ternary system and the binary system are different.

It is just that the difficulty is very high.

Because binary computer systems have been integrated into every aspect of life, whether it is mobile phones, computers, or other industrial systems, everything that uses logic circuits is currently a binary system.

If you want to subvert this binary dominance How can it be easy?

It should be said that it is almost impossible!

"Your ambition is too great!"An Liang said with a sigh.

"I don't believe you don't have such ambition!"Aflora responded,"Since you want to develop technology in the field of carbon-based chips, and since you want to subvert the field of silicon-based chips, I don't believe you don't want to completely subvert the current dominance of binary!"

An Liang was silent.

If it was just that Aphra provided An Liang with the information on the ternary computer, then An Liang would definitely consider it carefully.

But now it is a [surprise] reward provided by the Life Winner System, which means this one thing It is possible to succeed.

However, it is really difficult to do this!

In this era of big data, the entire world is ruled by binary, how can we challenge the dominance of binary?

"Very difficult!"Anliang responded with a sigh.

Avrola said affirmatively,"It is indeed very difficult, but if you succeed, the benefits in the future will be limitless."

"I know you have computer experts. You can refer to their opinions. If you are interested in cooperation, we can further communicate."Aphrola explained

"good!"An Liang nodded.

"One more thing, the nuclear pollution wastewater treatment plant has basically been determined. Do you want to go and see it in person?"Aphrola asked.

An Liang shook his head in the negative,"I won't go. We will wait until we are completely sure."

"OK Aurora nodded,"Would you like to visit our school and then have lunch together?""

An Liang glanced at Apflorola. This guy was a full 1.8 meters tall. Although she was a Bei Xiong girl, her skin was quite delicate. In addition, her appearance and figure were rated as high as 95 points. An Liang quite liked being in contact with her. Yes.

But there’s no time now!

"Let’s talk about it next time! An Liang said politely,"I'll have something to do later.""

"Spend time with your girlfriend?"Aphrola asked back.

An Liang responded generously,"Yes."

An Liang made an appointment with the young actor Liang Xue today.

The young actor happened to be in the imperial capital, and An Liang made an appointment for lunch.

"Okay, let’s make an appointment next time."Aflora didn't force it.

After the two parties said goodbye, An Liang sent a message to Liang Xue

‘An Liang: I'm done. Where are you?’

‘Liang Xue: [Location information: Wenhuahuakai Community, Dongsidao, Imperial Capital]’

‘Liang Xue: I'm at home, will you come over now?’

‘An Liang: Well, I’ll be right over’

‘Liang Xue: See you later. '

Nuanhuahuakai Community, Room 1702, Building 3.

This is the house Liang Xue rents in the imperial capital. Because An Liang has time today, she specially takes leave to wait for An Liang at home.

Before An Liang came over, Liang Xue was busy in the kitchen. She actually had no cooking skills, she could only cook instant noodles and boiled eggs, but she learned cooking especially for An Liang.

At about 10:30 in the morning, An Liang arrived at Nuanhuahuakai Community. He had been here before, so he naturally came to the door and unlocked the door through fingerprints.

"Anliang?"Liang Xue in the kitchen heard the door opening, and she asked

"Um!"An Liang responded, and then walked to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Liang Xue was learning fish-flavored shredded pork with a tablet computer. The tablet computer was playing the process while she was preparing seasonings.

Seeing this scene, An Liang felt a little touched..

No matter what the little actor’s mentality is when he cooks for him, such behavior is enough, isn’t it?

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