Warm and blooming community.

In the kitchen of Liang Xue's home, she is learning how to make fish-flavored shredded pork.

When An Liang walked into the kitchen, Liang Xue took the initiative and said,"Let's eat at home today, okay?"

"OK An Liang agreed first, and then asked jokingly,"But your cooking skills are okay, right?""

Before Liang Xue responded, An Liang continued to tease,"We can't go to the hospital together after lunch."

Liang Xuejiao responded angrily,"I have learned to cook!"

"Then watch your performance?"An Liang responded

"Um! Liang Xue responded.

Liang Xue cooks slowly, which is a common problem for novices. After almost an hour, Liang Xue finally finished cooking, only one fish-flavored shredded pork, one braised tofu, and one stir-fried lettuce. Heart, and a tomato and egg soup.

Generally speaking, it is very simple, but they are all Shengqing style cuisine.

Liang Xue brought the three dishes and one soup to the table, and gave An Liang a bowl of rice. She looked at An Liang’s expectant He said,"Taste it."

An Liang took a look at all the dishes first. There was nothing amazing about the color, but they were just average.

He picked up a chopstick and tasted the fish-flavored shredded pork. Just like the average color, the final taste was also very ordinary, just the simplest home-cooked food. The taste is not delicious, but it is not unpalatable.

At least it is far better than Liu Ling’s cooking!

The same is true for braised tofu and stir-fried lettuce and cabbage heart.

Although Liang Xue’s cooking skills are very ordinary, An Liang knows it very well In the past, Liang Xue could hardly cook at all. Except for boiling instant noodles, she could boil eggs. Now she can make home-cooked dishes of this level, which means that she really studied cooking seriously.

This is worthy of praise.

"not bad!"An Liang said with praise.

Liang Xue looked happy,"That's good. I've made it several times before, but I always thought it wasn't very delicious."

"It’s already very good!"An Liang responded with a smile.

Liang Xue also tasted it herself. After An Liang praised her, her heart was filled with happiness.

Nearly half an hour later, An Liang ate two bowls of rice, and Liang Xue spoke hesitantly.

"I have one thing, I don't know how to say it."Liang Xue looked at An Liang anxiously.

An Liang secretly guessed, could it be that this young actor wants more resources?

If she wants more resources, it is not impossible. An Liang can definitely invest in her as a heroine. script, even if it is a large-scale production worth over 100 million yuan, there will be no problem

"There is no need for us to be so estranged from each other. An Liang comforted him first, and then added,"If anything happens, just tell me directly.""

Liang Xue still looked at An Liang anxiously,"I..."

An Liang looked at Liang Xue, waiting for her to continue.

Liang Xue took a deep breath,"I...In fact, I support sister Wanxi. I'm sorry, I don't know how to handle this matter, but I can't refuse sister Wanxi."


What the hell?

An Liang originally guessed that the young actor wanted more resources, but then she said that she supported Zhao Wanxi?

"What's the meaning?"An Liang raised his eyebrows.

Liang Xue looked at An Liang carefully,"I think sister Wanxi is very good. An

Liang nodded,"She is pretty good. She is indeed my girlfriend. I also know that she has a good relationship with you. Are you worried that I will blame you?""

"Don’t you blame me for having a private alliance with sister Wanxi? Liang Xue was filled with worries. She was worried that An Liang would blame them for secretly forming an alliance.

An Liang sighed,"Why should I blame you?""

"You should know that I also have a girlfriend in Shanghai, right?"An Liang said casually.

Liang Xue nodded.

"Zhao Wanxi's target is her, so she formed an alliance with you in advance."An Liang explained.

Zhao Wanxi's opponent is Li Xiyan!

How could Zhao Wanxi not know that Li Xiyan was favored by An Liang?

That's why Zhao Wanxi continued to disintegrate An Liang's backyard alliance, so as to gain the maximum support.

Zhao Wanxi has compromised and accepted that An Liang has other girlfriends, but she has to compete for the position of the main palace.

Now Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang in the imperial capital, as well as Song Qian, and Liang Xue who work here, All of them were won over by Zhao Wanxi.

Since Zhang Zijin and Bai Yue had a relationship, Zhao Wanxi contacted Bai Yue again.

An Liang felt that Zhao Wanxi could win over the two Xia sisters through Bai Yue's relationship.

Li Xiyan How could that little fool be Zhao Wanxi's opponent?

Anyway, Anliang felt that Li Xiyan could not win!

Even if Anliang hoped that Li Xiyan would win, Anliang could not interfere too much in this matter and could only let them decide internally.

Otherwise, how can we convince the public?

An Liang once said that a bowl of water should be balanced as much as possible. Although emotions cannot be quantified, naturally a bowl of water cannot be completely balanced, but at least you cannot blatantly favoritism.

Once you are biased, there will definitely be a fire in the backyard..

An Liang didn’t want that kind of thing to happen!

So An Liang couldn’t stop what Zhao Wanxi wanted to do, and could only watch them decide internally.

Hearing that An Liang didn’t blame her, Liang Xue breathed a sigh of relief.

"Actually, Sister Wanxi is really good. Liang Xue said again.

An Liang nodded,"We won't talk about her. Do you want to be the heroine yourself?""

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