Facing An Liang's inquiry, Chen Siyu shook his head,"I probably didn't fail."

Song Qian affirmatively agreed,"I've already looked at the results, and Siyu did not fail, I did!"

"How to deal with it?"Anliang is curious.

"I just have to take his class again."Chen Siyu explained on behalf of Song Qian.

Song Qian complained,"Alas! I have to listen to him talk about how important theoretical knowledge is!"

While they were complaining, Ning Ruoshuang also came to the Ganguo fish shop. She sat next to Song Qian, picked up the Cheerilee Grand Slam fruit tea, and then joined the conversation between Chen Siyu and Song Qian.

Ganguo The proprietress of the fish shop personally brought the dried fish to the table. She was still joking with An Liang,"Classmate, you haven't been here for a while!

An Liang responded,"So do you want a discount?""

"No problem at all!"The landlady responded generously,"I'll give you a 120% discount later."

"Then thank you!"An Liang replied with a smile.

An Liang has a very correct understanding of money. Although based on An Liang's assets, such discounts are a drop in the bucket, An Liang is still very happy. An Liang did not get lost in the ocean of money because of his large assets. In.

The Ganguo Fish and Grocery Store used to be An Liang’s source of happiness, because he could earn rewards at the Ganguo Fish and Grocery Store, especially the Billions of Descendants No Return Reward Card. If done well, it would be half a small target’s bonus.

It's a pity that it can't be refreshed now.

The taste of Anliang has not changed, but the dry pot fish offal can no longer stimulate his taste buds, so the winner system of life naturally does not reward food.

No matter how delicious the food is, if you eat too much Naturally, it felt sparse and ordinary.

This is: living in the orchid room for a long time without smelling its fragrance.

Almost an hour later, Anliang and the other four finished eating the dried fish offal.

They first sent Song Qian back to school, and the little bitter melon was still worried. Review the theoretical knowledge and strive to pass Professor Liang's next assessment, otherwise you will not be able to get the corresponding credits.


It's almost nine o'clock in the evening.

An Liang, Chen Siyu, and Ning Ruoshuang returned to Room 8806 of Yunjing International Apartment. Chen Siyu naturally continued to practice piano, while Ning Ruoshuang took her mobile phone to learn dance knowledge.

An Liang sat on the sofa and contacted the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator.

He has already taken a photo of [Discussion and Analysis on the Development of Cernary Computers] and sent it to No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator, so that professionals can analyze it and listen to their suggestions.

‘Zero: What suggestions do you have for ternary computers?’

‘No. 4: Overall, there are pros and cons.’

‘No. 4: The current computer system is based on binary. Whether it is hardware, software, or related supporting industry chains, binary is the rule.’

‘Number 4: If we want to follow the path of the ternary system, it means that we will not be able to get support from the outside world at all, and we will even be suppressed by vested interest groups.’

‘No. 4: BOSS, this road is very difficult, and all kinds of investments will be very huge. Are you sure you want to enter it?’

‘Zero: I'm sure!’

‘Zero: Although I am still a layman when it comes to computers, I know that by controlling the ternary system, we will subvert the current rules, and we will have the ability to make rules!’

‘Zero: Do ​​you have an estimated investment scale?’

‘No. 4: We don’t have detailed estimates, but at least trillions of investments are needed to achieve success.’

‘No. 4: There is currently no room for the ternary system in the world. If we really want to take the ternary system, we need to invest a huge amount of money and create the ternary system from scratch.’

‘Number Zero: If you were asked to join the ternary project, would you be sure?’

‘Number 4: Not sure!’

‘Number 4: But we will definitely work hard’

‘No. 4: The ternary system does have more advantages than the current binary system.’

‘Zero: For example?’

‘No. 4: For example, the issue of efficiency’

‘No. 4: Based on the derivation of Euler's constant, ternary computers far exceed binary computers in terms of efficiency. '

The No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation did not explain the derivation process in detail because the derivation process was complicated and boring. He only needed to report the final result to An Liang

‘No. 4: In addition to efficiency, it is also a matter of reliability.’

‘No. 4: We have investigated the relevant information of the Sulla League. The ternary computers produced by the Sulla League were indeed very good in terms of reliability.’

‘Number 4: There is another very important factor. '

An Liang patiently looked at the message sent by No. 4. He believed in leaving professional matters to professionals to avoid the embarrassment of a layman guiding an expert.

‘No. 4: In the field of binary computers, logical judgments only have two states: [true] and [false], which correspond to two states: [power on] and [power off].’

‘Number 4: However, the result of a thing cannot only be in two states: [true] and [false].’

‘No. 4: This problem is solved very well in the ternary system. The result is divided into three states, namely [true] and [false], and [uncertain].】’

‘Number 4: Because of the [uncertain] state, our team feels that the ternary system is the ultimate solution for developing artificial intelligence.’

‘Number 4: After all, a binary computer with only two outcomes, [true] and [false], does not conform to the way neural networks think at all. Including [uncertain] is more consistent with the real situation.’

‘Number 4: If BOSS wants to enter the ternary field, we will also redevelop the artificial intelligence system in the ternary field’

‘Number 4: I have a hunch that we will break through the shackles of the artificial intelligence system in the ternary system! '

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